Sharing Heritage
Flamenco has been recognized as Cultural Heritage in 2010

As the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018 operates with the motto of “Sharing Heritage”, we want to use this opportunity to create a new and creative way to contribute to the Wikimedia project. We are doing this to promote a better understanding on European culture across borders, and to encourage the free sharing of imagery about European Cultural Heritage.

We want to invite everyone to deal with European Culture in an innovative way and encourage people from all over the world to participate with their submissions.

The guiding question for submissions by participants should be:
“What is the meaning of European Cultural Heritage for you?”

In order to answer this question, the participants can be guided by the themes of the European Cultural Heritage Year as identified by the German Cultural Heritage Committee and show how their contribution relates to one of this themes. Above that, they can also make a free contribution in their own category (“Others”). The themes are meant to give direction to participants, if needed.

Europe – Practised Heritage
Europe – Remembrance and New Starts
Europe – Exchange and Movement
Europe – Border and Encounter Regions
The European City

The submissions do not necessarily have to deal with built cultural or natural heritage, but could also reference Intangible Cultural Heritage or the Documentary Heritage.

The art of making Pizza in Naples – the Neapolitan Pizzaiuolo – has been declared Cultural Heritage in 2017

One of the goals of the project will be to educate a wider audience about the meaning of European Cultural Heritage as well as open data and content and the Wikimedia projects. With this, we furthermore want to ensure that an increasing number of people feel encouraged to engage in the Wikimedia projects. Also, we want to establish an awareness that there are various creative ways to contribute to Wikimedia projects and free knowledge.

We will award the winners of the Contest the following:

1st – Prize in the amount of 1000 €
2nd – Prize in the amount of 700 €
3rd – Prize in the amount of 300 €

In order to participate in the contest and have the submissions considered for judging, the contestants should stick to the following terms:

  • Possible submissions for this contest could be: photo series (e. g., over the course of several years; objects in different season; etc.); photo collages or mash-ups; individual pictures; pictures and graphics with texts on pictures; additional audio or video contributions
  • In case of submissions that are a combination of different works (series, collages, mash-ups): at least one of the pictures will have to be self-made, the rest can be created by other parties, but all pictures will have to be published with a free license
  • Submissions of projects will be possible in September only
  • Each contestant can submit a maximum number of 3 projects (we want to create a setting where the contestants can concentrate on the few submissions that they are making)
  • Submissions as a group will be possible (all the responsible authors will have to be credited)
  • Pictures and files do not have to be created in 2018
  • Submissions from all over the world will be accepted
  • Each submission should include an additional text to further explain the value and perspective of the work on European Cultural Heritage (at least 3–4 sentences)
  • Technical quality (sharpness, use of light, perspective, color hue, megapixels, etc, see Commons:Image guidelines)



As mentioned before, we want to create a setting in this contest that allows the participants to personally and creatively approach the issue of European Cultural Heritage. We hope to help the contestant by providing themes for the Sharing Heritage motto as stated above. If your submission should not be fitting one of the themes, you are very much invited to also make up your own theme or mention more than one of the themes provided. A mandatory statement for each submission (consisting of max. 4 sentences) will have to be included. Here you have the chance to further explain your relationship to the chosen object, site, picture, and the connection to Europe and European Cultural Heritage.


The literary remains of Goethe has been included in the official Documentary Heritage List



Each submission will have to be created using the submission tool. This tool will allow you to just fill in the information needed (e. g., Which Sharing Heritage theme will it refer to? What is the title of the submission?) and guide you through the submission process. Uploads via this tool will only be possible during September. After creating your submission site, the link to this site will automatically be posted to the overview site of submissions.

If you wonder how a submission could possibly look like, there is a test site for your consideration here.

We are happy about everyone who wants to support the project. If you would be interested in acting as part of an international jury for the submissions, please contact Maria Heuschkel (WMDE). Previous experience with judging will not be necessary, but surely helpful. We, the organizers, will try to make the job of judging as easy as possible for those interested. Please be aware, that this contest does differ from traditional picture contests on Wikimedia Commons (e. g., Wiki loves Monuments), so the job of judging will also require a different approach to the submissions.

Spread the word


As this project aims to bring together people from all over the world, we want you to spread the word about the contest wherever possible!