BearbeitenErmittlungen in Deutschland
BearbeitenInnerhalb von drei Stunden kam die Wiesbadener Polizei zu dem Schluss, Duggans Tod sei auf einen Suizid zurückzuführen. Der Unfallexperte Jürgen Burg machte 79 Fotos von der Leiche, dem Umfeld und den Autos, die jedoch vor seiner Ankunft bereits bewegt worden waren. [1] Den Fahrern war vor Eintreffen des Experten erlaubt worden, den Unfallort zu verlassen.[2] Es fand keine Obduktion statt, Zeugenaussagen unter Eid wurden nicht aufgenommen und die Polizei vernichtete Duggans Kleidung. Der Polizeibericht kam zu dem Schluss, Duggan sei in Selbsttötungsabsicht auf die Straße gerannt, andere Personen seien nicht beteiligt gewesen. Offizielle der LaRouche-bewegung hätten der Polizei gegenüber ausgesagt, Duggan habe Selbstmordgedanken gehabt und sei Psychiatriepatient der Travistock Clinic gewesen.
Duggans Familie versuchte, den Entschluss die Akten zu schließen, zu verhindern, scheiterte jedoch 2006 vor dem Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt mit diesem Anliegen. Am 4. Februar 2010 lehnte auch das Bundesverfassungsgericht ihren Antrag auf Wiederaufnahme des Verfahrens ab.
Ermittlungen in Großbritannien
BearbeitenAm 31. März 2003 wurde Duggans Körper nach England überführt, wo eine Obduktion durch den Pathologen Dr. David Shove, durchgeführt wurde. In den Blutproben wurden keine Spuren von Alkohol oder Drogen gefunden. Shove fand aber schwere Kopfverletzungen und Prellungen an Armen und Händen, die, wie ein weiterer Pathologe bestätigte, bei der Selbstverteidigung entstanden sein müssten. Außerdem wurde Blut in Duggans Lunge und Magen gefunden.Referenzfehler: Es fehlt ein schließendes </ref>
. Four of the reports were reviews of 79 photographs taken in Germany by Jurgen Burg, the German accident examiner, and one was a review by a forensic pathologist of the original pathologist's examination. The family also had brown spots analysed that were found on Duggan's passport—the passport was not with him when he died—and it was found to have his blood on it, and that of one other unidentified person, according to the Berliner Zeitung. (Seite nicht mehr abrufbar, festgestellt im Mai 2013.)[3] Paul Canning, a forensic photographer formerly with the Metropolitan police, produced two reports based on the photographs from the scene. He wrote that he did not believe the damage to either of the vehicles was caused by an impact with body. He wrote: "There are no traces of skin, hair, blood or clothing on either vehicle, nor is there any blood, tissue or clothing debris on the road, except for blood in the immediate vicinity of the body, nor are there any tyre marks or signs on either Jerry or on the cars to indicate that either vehicle came into contact with the body." According to The Observer, Canning suggested Duggan may have died elsewhere and been "placed" at the scene of the accident.[4]
Second inquest
BearbeitenIn light of the forensic reviews, Erica Duggan asked the attorney general in March 2007 for permission to apply to the High Court to order a second inquest,[5] and in May 96 British MPs signed an early day motion requesting the same.[6] The High Court ordered the new inquest in May 2010 and quashed the findings of the first. Lord Justice Elias said evidence not available during the first inquest pointed to the possibility that the crash was "stage managed" to look like an accident, and that foul play may have occurred. The court heard a claim that the movement may have believed Duggan was a spy.[7]
The new inquest was opened and adjourned by coroner Andrew Walker at Barnet Coroners Court on 22 June 2010. The coroner ruled that the LaRouche organization be recognized as an interested party, and that the family's evidence would have to be disclosed to them. The Duggans' barrister, Neil Sheldon, said there were one or two documents the Duggans would argue could not be shared with the LaRouche movement to protect the identity of their source. The coroner said he would pass the evidence to the Metropolitan's Police serious crime directorate with a view to them conducting an investigation.[8]
BearbeitenLaRouche movement
BearbeitenLaRouche's director of security, Jeffrey Steinberg, wrote in June 2004 that Duggan had told the other recruits he had recently been diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder, and on the Sunday before his death had tried to find a pharmacy where he could obtain prescription drugs. He said that, after Duggan's death, his mother met with representatives of the Schiller Institute in what Steinberg called a sympathetic meeting, and that her attitude changed only after British minister Elizabeth Symons intervened on behalf of the British Foreign Office.[9]
In November 2006, LaRouche himself issued a statement saying the allegations were a hoax stemming from a campaign orchestrated by Dick Cheney, then the Vice-President of the United States, and Cheney's wife.[10] In September 2007, the LaRouche Political Action Committee published a letter from the London Metropolitan Police, dated 14 July 2003, that it said was obtained under the British Freedom of Information Act, in which an officer wrote that he had been assured the case had been fully investigated in Germany.[11] A statement on the website of the Schiller Institute reads: "The Schiller Institute has always maintained that it had no involvement whatsoever in Jeremiah's death, and has expressed its sympathy to the Duggan family."[12]
German public prosecutor
BearbeitenIn February 2004, Dieter Arlett, the Wiesbaden public prosecutor, told the BBC that under German law he could investigate further only if there existed concrete evidence of third-party involvement, and that there was no evidence of that. Arlett said that, so far as he knew, the Schiller Institute had only been mentioned in connection with the death because Duggan had attended an event of theirs. He said the prosecutor's office was 100 percent certain it was suicide, in the sense that Duggan's death was a consequence of his own behaviour, with no one else involved.[13] In April 2007, Hartmut Ferse of the public prosecutor's office told the Wiesbadener Kurier that the investigation had been very thorough, and showed the reporter ten thick folders of documents related to the case, telling him no other apparent suicide had ever caused so much work for his office. He suggested the murder theory had developed because Duggan's mother cannot accept that her son committed suicide; the newspaper referred to the theories as "myths" ("Legende"), adding that they keep gaining adherents but no evidence.[14] In an interview in March 2009, Ferse's deputy, Klaus Schulte, stressed again that there was no evidence linking the Schiller Institute to Duggan's death.[15]
==References== ;Notes {{Reflist|2}} ;Citations {{refbegin|2}} *Bayles, Phil. [ "Jeremiah Duggan"], ITN, 22 January 2010. *BBC News. [ "Student beaten to death"], 27 March 2007. *BBC News. [ "New inquest call into London student's death in Germany"], 21 January 2010. *BBC Newsnight. See under Samuels, Tim. *Blum, Howard. [ "U.S. Labor Party: Cult Surrounded by Controversy"], ''The New York Times'', 7 October 1979. *Degen, Wolfgang. [ "Nur die Legende hat ein langes Leben"], ''Wiesbadener Kurier'', 19 April 2007 (German), accessed 5 March 2010; [ Google translation]. *Ellman, Louise. [ "Early day motion, Jeremiah Duggan"], House of Commons, EDM 1498, 16 May 2007, accessed 7 January 2011. *Hirsch, Afua. [ "Family of student killed in Germany to challenge refusal for new inquest"], ''The Guardian'', 6 November 2008. *Hirsch, Afua. [ "Challenge to attorney's powers by family of student killed in Germany"], ''The Guardian'', 10 November 2008. *Horowitz, Irving Louis. [ "Left-wing fascism: An infantile disorder"], ''Society'', Vol 18, Number 4, Springer New York, May 1981. *Kirby, Terry. [ "The Lost Boy"], ''The Independent'', 28 August 2003. *Kirby, Terry. [ "The cult and the candidate"], ''The Independent'', 21 July 2004. *Lerman, Antony. [ "Le Pen and LaRouche: Political Extremism in Democratic Societies"] in Frankel, William (ed.). ''Survey of Jewish Affairs 1987''. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1988. *Midgley, Carol. [ "Student died in terror of cult"], ''The Times'', 7 November 2003. *Montgomery, Paul L. [ "How a Radical-Left Group Moved Toward Savagery; Progression to Violence"], ''The New York Times'', 20 January 1974. *Muir, Hugh. [ "MPs want inquiry on Jewish man's death in Germany to be reopened"], ''The Guardian'', 24 May 2007. *Nordhausen, Frank. [ "Ermittlungen einer Mutter"], ''Berliner Zeitung'', 4 April 2007 (German), accessed 5 March 2010; [ Google translation]. *Nugent, Helen. [ "Call for new inquest on Jewish student linked to far-right 'cult'"], ''The Times'', March 28, 2007. *O'Donovan, Diedre. [ "Why did our happy, smiling son take his own life 5 days after joining"], ''Sunday Mirror'', 8 August 2004. *Paul, Jonny. [ UK Parliament discusses death of Jewish student in Germany], ''The Jerusalem Post'', 26 March 2007, accessed 7 January 2011. *Rosenfeld, Stephen. [ "NCLC: A Domestic Political Menace"], ''The Washington Post'', 24 September 1976. *Rutty, Guy N. [ Who audits the autopsy?], ''Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology'', Volume 2, Number 2, June 2006. *Samuels, Tim . [ "Jeremiah Duggan's death and Lyndon LaRouche"], BBC News, 12 February 2004, accessed 7 January 2011. *Samuels, Tim. "Jeremiah Duggan's death and Lyndon LaRouche", BBC Newsnight, 12 February 2004; courtesy of ''YouTube'', [ part 1/3], [ part 2/3], [ part 3/3], accessed 7 January 2011. *Smith, David James. [ Motorway madness], ''The Sunday Times'', 18 July 2004. *Taylor, Jerome. [ "Mystery of dead Briton and the right-wing cult"] ''The Independent '' 27 February 2010. *''The New York Times''. [ "LaRouche Is Released And Plans Campaign"], January 27, 1994. *''Time'' magazine. [,9171,956899,00.html "Debtor's Prison: Lyndon LaRouche"], ''Time'' magazine, 6 February 1989. *Townsend, Mark. [ "The student, the shadowy cult and a mother's fight for justice"], ''The Observer'', 31 October 2004. *Townsend, Mark. [ "Cult riddle of student's death"], ''The Guardian'', 17 September 2006. *Townsend, Mark and Doward, Jamie. [ "New evidence shows 'suicide' student was beaten to death"], ''The Observer'', 25 March 2007. *Witt, April. [ "No Joke"], ''The Washington Post'', 24 October 2004. *Würzberg, Ulrike. [ "Gericht zieht Schlussstrich: Keine neuen Ermittlungen im Fall Jeremiah Duggan"], ''Usinger Anzeiger'', 24 February 2010 (German), accessed 7 January 2011; [ Google translation]. :;Duggan family references *''Erica Duggan v H.M. Attorney General''. "Skeleton argument on behalf of the claimant", High Court of Justice, 2008, CO4197/2008. *Tylden, Elizabeth. [ "Extract from Tylden's report to Duggan's inquest"], Coroner's Court, Hornsey, London, 4 November 2003, accessed 7 January 2011. :;LaRouche movement references *Burdman, Mark. [ "British Magazine Publishes Death Threat vs. LaRouche"], ''Executive Intelligence Review'', 13 August 1999, accessed 7 January 2011. *LaRouche, Lyndon. [ "On The Press Hoax Against the Pope: Britain's Bernard Lewis & His Crimes"], LaRouche Political Action Committee, 17 September 2006, accessed 7 January 2011. *LaRouche, Lyndon. [ "Cheney Behind Press Campaign: Duggan Hoax Rewarmed Again"], 8 November 2006, LaRouche Political Action Committee, accessed 7 January 2011. *LaRouche Political Action Committee. [ "London 'Friends of Dick Cheney and Al Gore' Behind New Slander of LaRouche"], 25 March 2007. *LaRouche Political Action Committee. [ "The Jeremiah Duggan Case, The Facts"], 25 September 2007, accessed 7 January 2011. *Schiller Institute. [ "The Facts in the Jeremiah Duggan Case"], September 2007, accessed 7 January 2011. *Steinberg, Jeffrey. [ "The Bizarre Case of Baroness Symons"], ''Executive Intelligence Review'', 25 June 2004, accessed 5 March 2010. *Steinberg, Jeffrey. [ "Behind the Kelly/Wilson/Duggan Affair: Anatomy of a Defamation Campaign"], ''Executive Intelligence Review'', 18 March 2005, accessed 5 March 2010. {{refend}} ;Further reading {{refbegin|2}} *[ The Justice for Jeremiah campaign], accessed 5 March 2010. *[ "Facts of the Duggan Case"], ''Executive Intelligence Review'', LaRouche movement, accessed 5 March 2010. *[ The Schiller Institute], accessed 5 March 2010. *[ The LaRouche Youth Movement], accessed 5 March 2010. *BBC Radio 4. [ ''Interview with Erica Duggan], 29 November 2004, accessed 5 March 2010. *Beyes-Corleis, Aglaja. ''Verirrt: Mein Leben in einer radikalen Politorganisation''. Herder, 1994. ISBN 3-451-04278-9 *Channel 4. [ "Lost Abroad: The Parents' Story"], April 1, 2010. *Lyndon, LaRouche. [ "A Crucial Slant on the David Kelly Case"], ''Executive Intelligence Review'', 5 February 2010, accessed 5 March 2010. *LaRouche Political Action Committee. [ "INTEL UPDATE: British Press and Officials Caught Lying in Duggan Affair"], 18 September 2007, accessed 7 January 2011. *LaRouche Political Action Committee. [ "Update: German High Court Confirms Duggan Death a Suicide: Ruling Exposes British Lies Against LaRouche"], 2 March 2010, accessed 7 January 2011. *Lorscheid, Helmut and Müller, Leo. ''Deckname Schiller: Die Deutschen Patrioten des Lyndon LaRouche''. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH, 1986. ISBN 3-499-15916-3 {{refend}} <br/> {{LaRouche movement|state=uncollapsed}} {{Persondata | NAME = Duggan, Jeremiah | ALTERNATIVE NAMES = | SHORT DESCRIPTION = | DATE OF BIRTH = 1980 | PLACE OF BIRTH = | DATE OF DEATH = 2003 | PLACE OF DEATH = }} {{DEFAULTSORT:Duggan, Jeremiah}} [[Category:1980 births]] [[Category:2003 deaths]] [[Category:German law|Death of Jeremiah Duggan]] [[Category:LaRouche movement|Death of Jeremiah Duggan]] [[Category:Deaths by person]]
- ↑ Erica Duggan v H.M. Attorney General, 2008, para 12ff.
- ↑ Cult death student's family in court fight for new inquest, Daily Mail, 2 November 2008.
- ↑ Nordhausen, Frank. Ermittlungen einer Mutter, Berliner Zeitung, 4 April 2007. See Google translation.
- ↑ Townsend, Mark. "Cult riddle of student's death", The Guardian, 17 September 2006.
- For the quote from Canning, see Paul, Jonny. "UK Parliament discusses death of Jewish student in Germany", The Jerusalem Post, 26 March 2007.
- For the primary source, see "Erica Duggan v H.M. Attorney General", 2008, skeleton argument on behalf of the claimant, High Court of Justice, CO4197/2008, para 12ff. According to this document:
- A second review of the photographs was conducted at the family's request by Allan John Bayle, also a former Metropolitan police forensic scene examiner. He concurred with the view of Canning. He also wrote that there appeared to be no tyre marks on Duggan or his clothing. Another review by Terence Merston, a former scenes-of-crime examiner for the Metropolitan police, said the lack of physical evidence of contact between Duggan and the cars made the death suspicious, in his view. A fourth review of the photographs was conducted by Manfred Tuve, a German forensic scientist, and suggested that Duggan's head injuries did not match the damage to the vehicles.
- In a report dated 24 February 2007, Dr Ivaca Milosavljevic, head of forensic medicine at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade, gave his view of the original examination of the body by Dr. Shove. He wrote that Shove had found an abundant quantity of fresh blood in the lungs, and bruises on the surface of the lungs. In Milosavljevic's view, this suggested that Duggan's death was not instantaneous. He also wrote that there were defence wounds on Duggan's forearms and hands that may have been inflicted by fists, or feet with shoes on.
- See paras 16, 17 for Bayle; para 18 for Merston; para 18 for Tuve; para 21 for Milosavljevic; para 48 (ii) for Bayle's teaching experience at Hendon; para 48 (iii) for Merston's background.
- ↑ Nugent, Helen. "Call for new inquest on Jewish student linked to far-right 'cult'", The Times, 28 March 2007.
- ↑ Muir, Hugh. "MPs want inquiry on Jewish man's death in Germany to be reopened", The Guardian, 24 May 2007.
- Ellman, Louise. "Text of the early day motion", House of Commons, 16 May 2007.
- ↑ "Fresh inquest into student death", BBC News, 20 May 2010.
- Wardrop, Murray. "Fascist cult 'may have killed Jewish student'", The Daily Telegraph, 21 May 2010.
- Taylor, Jerome. "Victory for mother as inquest quashed", The Independent, 21 May 2010.
- For the legal background, see Hirsch, Afua. "Family of student killed in Germany to challenge refusal for new inquest", The Guardian, 6 November 2008.
- And Hirsch, Afua. "Challenge to attorney's powers by family of student killed in Germany", The Guardian, 10 November 2008.
- ↑ Proctor, Ian. "British detectives to investigate death of Harrow man in Germany", Harrow Observer, 22 June 2010.
- ↑ Steinberg, Jeffrey. [ "The Bizarre Case of Baroness Symons"], Executive Intelligence Review, 25 June 2004.
- ↑ LaRouche, Lyndon H. "Duggan Hoax Rewarmed Again", Lyndon LaRouche political action committee, November 8, 2006.
- ↑ "The Jeremiah Duggan Case, The Facts", LaRouche Political Action Committee.
- ↑ "The Facts in the Jeremiah Duggan Case", Schiller Institute, September 2007.
- ↑ Samuels Tim. "Investigation into British student death stalled", BBC News, 24 February 2004.
- Also see Samuels, Tim. "Jeremiah Duggan's death and Lyndon LaRouche", BBC News, 12 February 2004, from 1:48 mins.
- The same material is on BBC Newsnight, 12 February 2004, available on YouTube, part 3, 4:16 mins.
- ↑ Degen, Wolfgang, "Nur die Legende hat ein langes Leben", Wiesbadener Kurier, 19 April 2007 (German); Google translation.
- ↑ Cacace, Helen. "Remembering Jeremiah Duggan", Channel 4 News, 27 March 2009, from 4:00 mins.