As a documentation for some friends on WP-EN, here a collection of some of the problems:
- The lemma Frau has to be kept locked for IPs and new users because of vandalism.
- Juliana da Costa José set up a page [1] for discussing Sexuality in the (German) Wikipedia. She writes: "Interessant ist es nachzuforschen, wie schwer es wiegt, wenn eine bekennende Frau wagt, Kritik zu äußern. Die ad-hominem-Angriffe können in bestimmten Fällen leicht ein Niveau erreichen, das ich als ad feminam bezeichnen würde." (It is intersting to investigate how difficult it is for someone who is openly a woman to dare to be critical of anything. The personal attacks (ad hominem) in certian cases quickly reach a level that I would call ad feminam, woman (attacks))
- A fight that is in mediation on the lemma name for female genital circumcision: [2]