Datei:2022-03-15 Joaquim Baptista dos Santos, CdA Tapo-Memo.jpg

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Tetun: 15 marsu 2022: Ministra Saúde dr. Odete Maria Freitas Belo ho ekipa vizita Klínika Madre Cecilia dos Santos, Memo-Maliana, no hala'o mós Kampaña vasinasaun Covid-19.

Iha vizita ne'e Ministra hato'o agradese ba madre sira ne'ebé disponibiliza fatin atu sai hanesan postu ba atividade kampaña vasinasaun. Ministra "Ha'u mós hakarak husu deskulpa tanba karik ha'u hetan konvite ruma atu mai vizita Klinika ida-ne'e maibé ami laiha oportunidade atu mai, aproveita oportunidade ida-ne'e hala'o atividade kampaña vasinasaun nian, halo mós vizita bá Klinika ba ema komunidade Memo nian iha ita-boot sira-nia Klinika." Ministra Saúde husu ba autoridade lokál no Lider komunitária Maliana nian atu identifika númeru populasaun ne'ebé iha atu bele estabelese sentru saúde iha Memo. "Ha'u ohin konfirma ona ho Xefi Serbísu Saúde Munisípiu nian nomós Diretór Jéral na'in 2 ne'ebé mak mai hamutuk, ami nota katak iha Memo ho nia númeru abitante 5 mil liu, ida-ne'e ita sura ba Memo de'it, maibé ita sura ho Aldeia balun ne'ebé mak hela besik husi Memo ne'e, sekarik bele mós iha númeru ne'ebé mak boot liu 5 mil. Nafatin ha'u husu ba Administradór Postu, Xefi Suku no Xefi Aldeia sira, atu identifika took, ita-nia abitantes lolos ne'e hira? Se 5 mil liu, tanba ami iha kriteria ida, populasaun mais de 5 mil, fatin ne'e Iha direitu atu halo sentru saúde la'os postu saúde." "Mais se husi 5 mil, ne'e ita estabelese ita-nia postu saúde entaun ita hakarak atu haree ita-nia estratéjia ne'e halo nu'usá? Se Memo de'it 5 mil oinsá ho Aldeia sira balbalun besik iha ne'e ne'ebé mak bele asesu mós bá Memo, se liuhusi 5 mil proposta ne'ebé mak klaru, ita hamutuk ho na'i liurai sira, administradór postu para atu bele haree rekursu ne'ebé mak sufisiente atu bele hatan ba komunidade ida-ne'e." "Tanba ohin madre hatete dehan loron ida nia halo konsulta ba ema nain 25, 25 ne'e tanba nia mesak de'it, se iha enfermeiru, se iha médiku, se iha parteira, dalaruma ita-nia komunidade sei hakbesik mai iha fatin ida-ne'e barak liu." Remata vizita Ministra Saúde ho ekipa kontinua hala'o Kampaña vasinasaun Covid-19 AstraZeneca doze dahuluk, doze daruak no Booster/Pfizer. Atividade ne'e suporta másimu husi NGO-HAMNASA no fundus husi USAID | Timor-Leste Local Health System Sustainability Project -LHSS

Marka mós prezensa iha kampaña vasina mak Reprezentante OMS, Unicef no seluk tan
Quelle Palácio das Cinzas
Urheber Palácio das Cinzas


Public domain
This file is in the public domain in East Timor, because it is published and distributed by the Government of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, according to Article 13 of the Indonesia Copyright Law No 6, 1982, which was still valid in East Timor from independence on 20 May 2002 until 27 May 2023.[1]

There shall be no infringement of Copyright for:

  1. publication and reproduction of the symbol of the State and the national anthem in accordance with their original nature;
  2. publication and reproduction of anything which is published by or on behalf of the Government, except if the copyright is declared to be protected by law or regulation or by a statement on the work itself or at the time the work is published;
  3. repetition, either in whole or in part, of news from a news agency, radio or television broadcaster, and newspaper not less than 1 x 24 (one times twenty four) hours counted from the initial publication of such news, and the source there of shall be fully cited.

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  1. The Main Characteristics of the Timorese Legal System – a Practical Guide, p.177


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