English: Biography: Etta Moten Barnett is an internationally known actress, concert artist, and radio personality who has had a varied, lively, and highly productive career in the performing arts. She studied voice in college, and later at the graduate level, speech and psychology. Known for her portrayal of Bess in Gershwin's Porgy and Bess she has appeared in Broadway productions, in film, and as the host of her own radio program. With her husband, Claude Barnett, founder-director of the Associated Negro Press, she has traveled as an official United States delegate to many African countries. In 1958 she was a special guest of the All-African People's Conference, and in 1960 of the All-African Women's Conference. In 1975 she headed the United States non-governmental delegation to the International Women's Conference in Mexico City. A sought-after lecturer and public service volunteer in Chicago, Ill., Mrs Barnett has served a number of organizations and chaired the International Women's Decade for The Links, Inc.
Description: The Black Women Oral History Project interviewed 72 African American women between 1976 and 1981. With support from the Schlesinger Library, the project recorded a cross section of women who had made significant contributions to American society during the first half of the 20th century. Photograph taken by Judith Sedwick Repository: Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America. Collection: Black Women Oral History Project Research Guide:http://guides.library.harvard.edu/schlesinger_bwohp
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Black Women Oral History Project Interviews, 1976–1981
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Black Women Oral History Project
Judith Sedwick
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