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English: Dismembering the meat is most important that butchers should do to prepare for the market. Work is being conducted locally by hands instead of technological machines at slaughterhouse s, all works has to be done at night,and every landlords have to send their slaughters or butchers at the house with their equipment, it's really hard job to complete each and everything that they must have a teamwork so as to share hints and duties,such as at abdomen and lung cleaning and washings, or at dismembering and gathering, in some days the work become very hard because of weather and infrastructures, unmodified lanes lead to the point that may cause to low numbers of workers who are inefficient to get the job done. On other hands to the market also it happen to seasonal disturbance example the break of typhoid "Salmonella enterica serovars Typhi and Paratyphi and cholera. The business lead to stop and officially banned, when transporting to the market also can face restrictions when it raining, cause cargo transfer is not at the level and conditions, like an open boards cabins,or long trucks that eventually meat dip in water and decayed but having special cargo transfer may help settle the problem out,but the expenses equipment and tools is quite big that they can't afford to buy them, unlike to the run down traders had enough money to import big herd nearly 200 to300 to each person,but now government has manipulate all means of income by added different tariff and taxes, while now one can only have forty to thirty that half of these aren't him.
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Urheber Sarumakame


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aktuell14:30, 27. Nov. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 14:30, 27. Nov. 20175.312 × 2.988 (4,88 MB)SarumakameUser created page with UploadWizard

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