Datei:Manet, Édouard, Young Woman in a Round Hat.jpg

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Édouard Manet: Young Woman in a Round Hat  wikidata:Q68118618 reasonator:Q68118618
Édouard Manet (1832–1883)  wikidata:Q40599 s:en:Author:Édouard Manet q:en:Édouard Manet
Édouard Manet
Alternative Namen
Edouard Manet; Èdouard Manet
Beschreibung französischer Maler, Illustrator, Lithograf, Bauzeichner, Zeichner und bildender Künstler
Geburts-/Todesdatum 23. Januar 1832 Auf Wikidata bearbeiten 30. April 1883 Auf Wikidata bearbeiten
Geburts-/Todesort ehemaliges 10. Arrondissement von Paris Auf Wikidata bearbeiten 8. Arrondissement von Paris Auf Wikidata bearbeiten
Wirkungsdaten 1859 Auf Wikidata bearbeiten–1882 Auf Wikidata bearbeiten
artist QS:P170,Q40599
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
Français : Jeune Femme au Chapeau Rond
English: Young Woman in a Round Hat
Objektart Gemälde
object_type QS:P31,Q3305213
English: Widely hailed as a pivotal figure in modern art, Édouard Manet (1832–1883) presented a new vision of modern Parisian life in his paintings, paving the way for many of the developments of Impressionism. Manet’s paintings focused on life in the city that was undergoing dramatic physical and social transformations during the eras of the Second Empire and the Third Republic. At the same time, he offered a radical new formal approach to painting, eliminating traditional notions of academic modeling and bringing attention to the materiality of paint itself.

Manet came from an upper-class family; his wealth freed him from the necessity of earning a living and allowed him to pursue an artistic career. He studied with Thomas Couture from 1850 to 1856, but he would soon abandon many of the academic precepts he learned in Couture’s studio. Manet’s paintings, although mostly contemporary in subject, integrate references, in terms of technique and composition, to the Old Masters whom he closely studied at museums across Europe, including Flemish, Dutch, Spanish, and Italian schools of painting. The collision of the modern with Old Master references was highlighted in controversial paintings such as Déjeuner sur l’herbe (1863), which placed bourgeois libertines in the role of river gods, derived from a composition by Raphael, and Olympia (1863), which cast a modern courtesan in the role of Titian’s Venus of Urbino.

Although he never exhibited with the group, Manet was a friend to many of the Impressionists, including Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, and Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Those artists were in no small part influenced by Manet’s focus on depicting modern life, and he was in turn encouraged by his association with them to experiment with a brighter palette and looser handling of paint. Portraits were among his central subjects, and he deftly captured the social cues apparent through the fashion and deportment of each individual, as in Young Woman in a Round Hat. In his astute attention to the particular character of his time, Manet has been seen as an exemplar of Baudelaire’s idea of the “heroism of modern life.

-from The Henry and Rose Pearlman Collection
Datum 1877 bis 1879
date QS:P571,+1877-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P580,+1877-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P582,+1879-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
Technik Öl auf Leinwand
medium QS:P186,Q296955;P186,Q12321255,P518,Q861259
Maße Höhe: 55,1 cm; Breite: 54,6 cm
dimensions QS:P2048,55.1U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,54.6U174728

frame: Höhe: 73 cm; Breite: 82,2 cm; Tiefe: 7 cm
dimensions QS:P2048,73.0U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,82.2U174728
dimensions QS:P5524,7U174728
institution QS:P195,Q2603905
Herstellungsort Frankreich Auf Wikidata bearbeiten
Exhibition history

Impressionism, Fashion and Modernity: Réunion des musées nationaux, Musée d'Orsay (25 Sep 2012 – 20 Jan 2013); The Metropolitan Museum of Art (19 Feb 2013 – 27 May 2013); The Art Institute of Chicago (26 Jun 2013 – 22 Sep 2013)

Manet: Complesso del Vittoriano (7 Oct 2005 – 5 Feb 2006)

Faces of Impressionism: Portraits from American Collections: Baltimore Museum of Art (10 Oct 1999 – 30 Jan 2000); Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (25 Mar 2000 – 7 May 2000); The Cleveland Museum of Art (28 May 2000 – 30 Jul 2000)

Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, and Early Modern Art from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearlman: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (13 May 1986 – 31 Jan 1987)

Manet 1832-1883: Réunion des musées nationaux, Galeries nationales du Grand Palais (22 Apr 1983 – 8 Aug 1983); The Metropolitan Museum of Art (10 Sep 1983 – 27 Nov 1983)

An Exhibition of Paintings, Watercolors, Sculpture and Drawings from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearlman and the Henry and Rose Pearlman Foundation: Brooklyn Museum (22 May 1974 – 29 Sep 1974); Princeton University Art Museum (8 Dec 1974 – 14 Ma

Summer Loan 1971: Paintings from New York Collections: Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearlman and the Henry and Rose Pearlman Foundation: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (13 Jul 1971 – 7 Sep 1971)

Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Expressionism: The Mr. & Mrs. Henry Pearlman Collection of Works by Cézanne, Van Gogh, Degas, Tolouse-Lautrec, Manet, Modigliani, Soutine, and Others: Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art (10 Jun 1970 – ?)

New York Collects, 1968: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (3 Jul 1968 – 2 Sep 1968)

Cézanne and His Contemporaries: The Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearlman Collection: Detroit Institute of Arts (14 Jun 1967 – 1 Oct 1967)

Edouard Manet: Philadelphia Museum of Art (3 Nov 1966 – 11 Dec 1966); The Art Institute of Chicago (13 Jan 1967 – 19 Feb 1967)

Summer Loan Exhibition, 1966: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (8 Jul 1966 – 6 Sep 1966)

Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearlman: Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute (1972 – 1972)

The Henry Pearlman Collection: Brooklyn Museum (22 May 1964 – 15 Oct 1964)

Paintings, Drawings and Graphic Works by Manet, Degas, Berthe Morisot and Mary Cassatt: Baltimore Museum of Art (18 Apr 1962 – 3 Jun 1962)

Paintings from Private Collections: Summer Loan Exhibition 1961: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (1961 – 1961)

An Exhibition of 19th & 20th Century Painting and Sculpture from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearlman: Brooklyn Museum (29 Jun 1960 – 5 Sep 1960)

Drawings, Watercolors, and Oils by Paul Cézanne Lent by an Anonymous Collector: Harvard Art Museums (1 Jul 1959 – 1 Sep 1959)

A Loan Exhibition of Paintings, Watercolors and Sculpture from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearlman for the Benefit of Greenwich House: M. Knoedler & Company (27 Jan 1959 – 21 Feb 1959)

Collectors: Their Faces, Their Favorites: Fine Arts Associates (4 Nov 1958 – 22 Nov 1958)

Anonymous Collection: Baltimore Museum of Art (1 Jul 1958 – 1 Sep 1958)

An Exhibition of Paintings for the Benefit of the Research Fund of Art and Archaeology, The Spanish Institute, Inc.: E. and A. Silberman Galleries (12 Oct 1955 – 1 Nov 1955)

Paintings and Sculpture–Gothic to Surrealism: High Museum of Art (8 Jan 1950 – 5 Feb 1950)

Exhibition of Portraits: Worcester Art Museum (Mar 1949 – Mar 1949)

Isms in Art Since 1800: Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art (3 Feb 1949 – 9 Mar 949)

A Loan Exhibition of Manet for the Benefit of the New York Infirmary: Wildenstein and Co., Inc. (26 Feb 1948 – 3 Apr 1948)

A Century of Progress: Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture: The Art Institute of Chicago (1 Jun 1934 – 1 Nov 1934)

Loan Exhibition: Paintings by Edouard Manet: Durand-Ruel Galleries, New York (29 Nov 1913 – 13 Dec 1913)

Manet and the Post-Impressionists: Grafton Galleries, London (8 Nov 1910 – 5 Jan 1911)

Manet: trente-cinq tableaux de la collection Pellerin: Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Jun 1910 – Jun 1910)

Edouard Manet (aus der Sammlung Pellerin): Moderne Galerie (1910 – 1910)

Anerkennung The Henry and Rose Pearlman Foundation, on long-term loan to the Princeton University Art Museum
Bemerkungen Rouart and Wildenstein (1975) 305 Jamot and Wildenstein (1932) 340
Herkunft/Fotograf Henry and Rose Pearlman Collection
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