English: Militum Xpisti motorcycle insignia as worn by a member. Military of Christ. The Militum Xpisti patch or insignia is representative of and in honour of the Knights Templar. The XIII noted on the skull is symbolic of Friday October 13, 1307 when France's King Phillip IV rounded up a high number of Templar's on various charges. The skull is to honour the death of the Grand Master Jacques de Molay and others who were burned at the stake on March 18, 1314. It symbolizes mortality in all.
The wings have dual representation. The current horse (mc) that allows freedom and swift movement as it compared to the steeds used by the Templar's in their travels. Readiness for all employments for king and country. It also means a man of action, protection or coverture.
The sword is symbolic of justice within with protection, righteousness, justice and purification.
The red cross on white background is emblazoned on a shield. The red cross represents protection and devotion to a cause. The shield offers protection while white background is symbolic of purity of spirit and mind.
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