Rohrpost -> U-Bahn: Falsche Darstellung von Beachs Absichten


Im Artikel steht "Während der Bauarbeiten entschied er sich kurzerhand, anstelle einer Rohrpostleitung eine Vorführstrecke für den Personentransport einzurichten."

Dies erweckt den Eindruck, Beach hätte sich eher zufällig umentschieden, statt einer Standard-Rohrpost, eine "U-Bahn-Teststrecke" zu bauen. Dies erscheint mir nach meinen Recherchen falsch. Auf ist zu lesen: "With no initial political support for his project, he started the project claiming he was building postal tubes."

Auch hier heißt es: "In 1866, Beach petitioned the City for something called a postal dispatch charter. That was actually a smokescreen -- a way to get authorization to build a subway system without letting the city of New York know what he was doing."

Hier ist ebenfalls der Sachverhalt anders dargestellt? "Beach realized that, legally, he would require a franchise to build and operate a subway under Broadway. He also knew that Tweed would take as much money from him as could be extracted. During one three-month period following his appointment to the board of the Erie Railroad, Tweed pocketed Erie profits amounting to $650,000. Bribes to Tweed were written off as legal expenses. With this in mind, Beach decided to bypass the Boss. "I won't pay political blackmail," he told his brother. "I say, let's build the subway furtively.""

Kann ich den Artikel einfach entsprechend anpassen? (Mein erster Beitrag zu Wikipedia. :) )

--Hoody 02:31, 23. Dez. 2011 (CET)Beantworten

Nur zu, hier musst du niemanden um Erlaubnis fragen. --Voyager 09:27, 23. Dez. 2011 (CET)Beantworten