
Letzter Kommentar: vor 4 Jahren von SylverCrowe in Abschnitt Legeleistung im Jahr (yearly egg yield)


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Warum heißt der Artikel nicht Altsteirer Huhn - das wäre doch der korrekte Titel. --K@rl 13:53, 8. Jun. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten

Die Rasse heißt "Altsteirer". Beim EE, beim RÖK, beim BDRG auch bei der GEH. --PigeonIP (Diskussion) 16:41, 8. Jun. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten

Legeleistung im Jahr (yearly egg yield)


(Apologies for writing in English, my German is very bad.)

The yearly egg yield for this breed should probably be corrected, as two different numbers are cited on the same page: 180 in the info box, 160 in the text. Of course, yearly egg yields are always an approximation, but to avoid confusing readers one of these should probably be edited to match the other. Personally I opted for changing it to 160, as that's the number listed on the Dutch version of the page (the only other version that lists a number, I believe). However, I'm no expert on the subject, and since my attempt to change the number in the info box to 160 was reverted I'm looking for advice on how better to correct this discrepancy.

SylverCrowe (Diskussion) 22:13, 25. Mai 2020 (CEST)Beantworten