
Letzter Kommentar: vor 4 Jahren von Kpisimon in Abschnitt Translation



Hello @Kingbjelica:, nothing of what you're saying is a reason for deleting the translation. "it's langue was a ottoman turkish"? - Ok, but Ayine is not ottoman turkish. "it's originaly farsian"?- Maybe, but nevertheless it's an arabic word and so it needs a translation. Greetings --Kpisimon (Diskussion) 12:52, 14. Jan. 2021 (CET)Beantworten

Hi @Kpisimon:, sorry my poor Engish. The language of this journal is Ottoman Turkish. Typing his Arabic name is ridiculous because it doesn't have an Arabic name. The word "Ayine" is originally Persian; I write this info because you said "'Ayine' is a Arabic". That's not the point. I think @Translatio.Uni-Bonn: mistakenly wrote Arabic name instead of Ottoman Turkish. You can see Other Ottoman journals created by him: Sevimli Ay, Envâr-ı Zekâ, Yarım ay, Hayat (osmanisch-türkische Zeitschrift). Best regards.--Kingbjelica (Diskussion) 13:06, 14. Jan. 2021 (CET)Beantworten
Thanks for the answer, I think it's ok now, but as I don't speak Arabic neither Ottoman Turkish, I ask @Koenraad: who studied Arabic language. --Kpisimon (Diskussion) 14:02, 14. Jan. 2021 (CET)Beantworten

It's ottoman Turkish and originally persian I suppose. Koenraad 15:04, 14. Jan. 2021 (CET)Beantworten

Tamam --Kpisimon (Diskussion) 15:37, 14. Jan. 2021 (CET)Beantworten