Diskussion:Bi Sheng
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Bearbeiten- http://www.deadmedia.org/notes/22/225.html -- dort notiert Bruce Sterling:
ANCIENT CHINA'S TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, Compiled by the Institute of the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. First Edition 1983. Published by the Foreign Languages Press, 24 Baiwanzhuang Road, Beijing, China. ISBN 0-8351-1001-X.
[...] "In the reign of the Emperor Dao Guang (1821-1850) of the Qing Dynasty there lived in Jingxian County, Anhuin Province a schoolmaster named Zhai Jinsheng who made over 100,000 clay types after reading *Dream Stream Essays* (*Meng Xi Bi Tan*). The work took him many years. With these clay types he printed *Ni Ban Shi Yin Chu Bian* (*Initial Notes on Printing with Clay Types*) and other books. Additional books printed later by the same method have been located in Beijing Library in recent years, demonstrating the accuracy of the records in *Dream Stream Essays* concerning Bi Sheng's clay-type printing." - http://www.chinaculture.org/gb/en_madeinchina/2005-06/28/content_70176.htm Nujaa, China-Selbstdarstellung.
- http://german.cri.cn/other/chinageschichte/1123.htm Die wollen auch irgendwann was dazu schreiben.
- http://big5.cgan.net/english/english/cpg/engcp20.htm Exhibition presented in 1998 jointly by the Printing Museum of China and the Preparatory Committee of "The Glory of Chinese Printing Exhibition".
- http://www.mainz.de/gutenberg/erfindu2.htm Das klingt zwar "irgendwie" weniger tendenziös, doch hat der Erstautor des Bi Sheng-Artikels imo von dort (2000) garzusehr "abgemalt" -- ist hoffentlich jetzt als bereinigt zu betrachten. 21:29, 24. Feb. 2007 (CET)
Belege zu Wáng Zhēn? 王振
gibt es Belege zur Holzdruck Geschichte von Wáng Zhēn 王振 ? (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 13:51, 19. Sep. 2013 (CEST))
https://www.welt.de/iphone_app/newsapp/article9341822/Buchdruck-80-Jahre-vor-Gutenberg.html --Supremerino (Diskussion) 16:41, 3. Nov. 2022 (CET)