Diskussion:Dafydd Llywelyn
An die IP...
Bearbeiten... die hier ständig Änderungen vornimmt, die teilweise nahe am Vandalismus stehen (zumindest vermute ich mal, dass es sich immer um die gleiche Person handelt): Der Artikel ist derzeit besser bequellt als man anderer. Wenn du berechtigte Zweifel an den Aussagen hast, dann bringe diese bitte zunächst hier vor , anstatt ständig jedes einzelne Wort im Artikel anzuzweifeln. Ich kannte Llywelyn nicht und habe auch keine Aktien auf diesen Artikel, doch scheinst du ja einen Kreuzzug gegen ihn zu führen. Das Herausstreichen der Orchesterwerke habe ich erstmal gesichtet, weil ich dafür (derzeit) wirklich keinen Beleg finden konnte, aber die letzte "Änderung" von dir ist nahe an der Grenze zur Lächerlichkeit: Sollen wir eine Immatrikulationsurkunde besorgen, damit der Satz drin bleibt? Beste Grüße --Dr. Slow Decay (The Doctor is in, Rate the Doctor) 18:52, 30. Mai 2013 (CEST)
Dear Jennifer, I am not the first person who protested this entry, but the second (musicdatasearch). I knew DL over a period of 25 years in the UK and in Munich. I am his vintage. You did not know him, and you have clearly quoted other sources. He fed those sources with false information. I sought out the correct data in London and confornted him and Hedy with it. She was appalled, as he had hid the truth from her, but stood by him.
I have given you his original name and his place of birth (Birmingham), also the date of his mother's death. I have also scored out what cannot be substantiated. Briefly, he never passed any exams at school and never studied music till he went to Tom Bromley. The schools were all lay schools - the line about priests and plainchant is invented, like most other things. His involvement with Supertramp is not what you describe. The musicians you mention - Boulez etc - were simply teachers at a summer school in Darmstadt (according to Me Boulez) - and so on. There is no Verzeichnis, so far as I know, and he is unpublished.
I have a copy of his birth certificate etc and can substantiate what I have written above, with e-mail references that you can check out. He was no pianist (though he could play). He failed as a conductor - he was sacked by Mme Al Bustan at her festival in Beirut in 2003, because he had his head in the score (a piano arrangement of Brahms 4). He was no teacher, because he had not been taught at conservatoire level.
I am thinking of writing an article called: DL - a mixture of Walter Mitty and Hauptmann von Köpenick. The question I raise is: Can a con artist ever write genuine music? I hope this might be his epitaph. You may wish to delete this entry and avoid problems. (nicht signierter Beitrag von Welshdetect (Diskussion | Beiträge) 18:25, 22. Jan. 2014 (CET))