Diskussion:David Schnell
A first glance at press releases and public relations materials for two recent overlapping exhibitions at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MoCA) and the Cleveland Museum of Art revealed them to be remarkably synchronous and also a bit suspect. Both featured representational paintings by the same group of Leipzig painters who studied at the city's Hochschule fur Grafik und Buchkunst (Academy of Visual Arts) and remained in Leipzig after graduating, as opposed to moving to a more renowned art center like Berlin. Along with a few friends and colleagues, they have become known as the New Leipzig School, and have already received substantial critical attention and commercial success. Six of them--Tilo Baumgartel, Martin Kobe, Tim Eitel, Christoph Ruckhaberle, David Schnell and Matthias Weischer--were born in the early 1970s; they were teenagers in 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down, and they have come of age in a reunified Germany. Baumgartel and Kobe grew up in the former East Germany, the other four in West Germany. Art in America 93.6 (June-July 2005): 154 Wieviele deutsche Künstler gibt es, die in den USA Aufmerksamkeit finden?? Weitere Erwähnungen in gleicher Quelle, u.a. Dez. 2004: Younger artists include Aernout Mik, Eberhard Havekost, Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba, Sven Pahlsson, Neo Rauch and David Schnell. (Rubell Familiy Collection-Ausstellung)
Erwähnung in einem Atemzug mit Tim Eitel http://www.berlinonline.de/berliner-zeitung/archiv/.bin/dump.fcgi/2004/1201/feuilleton/0004/index.html
Mehrere Erwähnungen in der WELT http://www.rollyo.com/search.html?q=%22david+schnell%22&site=welt.de&sid=5520
2 Artikel im "Freitag" http://www.rollyo.com/search.html?q=%22david+schnell%22&site=freitag.de&sid=5520 --Historiograf 04:12, 20. Nov 2005 (CET)
NB: Saurs AKL und das Galle'sche Biography Resource Center haben keinen Eintrag zu Schnell. Das spricht nicht gegen die Relevanz, sondern gegen deren Aktualität. WIR könnten hier besser sein, aber nein da kommt ne Liesel daher und stellt einen LA ...
S.a. http://www.mdr.de/artour/archiv/1900089.html ISBN 3-936711-50-X --Historiograf 04:27, 20. Nov 2005 (CET)
I do understand german, but I'm not so good at writing in it. In this video they talk about how the exhibition will move to the Netherlands (the exhibition at the GEM part of the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag) and then to Switserland. Can't yet find anything on the exhibition in Switserland. --IIVeaa 19:34, 12. Feb. 2012 (CET)
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- http://cgi.eigen-art.com/user-cgi-bin/index.php?article_id=142&clang=1
- Im Jahr 2012 bereits defekt gewesen.
- http://www.villamassimo.de/de/stipendiaten/villa-massimo-2013/david-schnell
- Vielleicht ist eine archivierte Version geeignet: archive.org