Diskussion:Edmund Stinnes

Letzter Kommentar: vor 1 Jahr von in Abschnitt Kontakt zu Werner Best

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Im Support erreichte uns folgender Hinweis:

Quite a lot of what is published on Wikipedia about Edmund H. Stinnes is inaccurate. The Wikipedia entry does not mention Edmund H. Stinnes's wife, Margianna von Schulze-Gaevernitz, was Jewish down her mother's side of the family. Her maternal grandmother was Bertha Hirsch. This is a crucial fact.
 “Berta Eberstadt came from the well-known Worms Jewish family of Falck Ferdinand Eberstadt (* Worms 1808, † Mannheim 1888). “ [1]
It also does not mention that Edmund Stinnes broke away from his family after the death of his father in 1924. This is documented on P14 of A Genius in Chaotic Times, Edmund H. Stinnes on his father, Hugo Stinnes (1870-1924) and is information in the public domain.
Wikipedia also does not mention anywhere that Edmund Stinnes made his home in Switzerland available for the secret negotiations that led to the end of the Second World War:
“For the duration of the war, Gaevernitz had the use of two unique pieces of property which belonged to his brother-in-law Edmund H. Stinnes, who because of his opposition to Hitler had emigrated to the United States together with his family.” [2]
I would appreciate it if this could be corrected on the Wikipedia site. I have purchased both the literary sources Wikipedia cites which are Henry Ashby Turner and Wolfgang Schumann and Ludwig Nestler’s books.  I will be in contact again once I have received and read the books and sources that are cited on your site.
[1] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertha_Hirsch
[2] P112, The Secret Surrender by Allen Dulles, Harper & Row, Publishers

Gruß --Reinhard Kraasch (Diskussion) 17:14, 18. Mär. 2018 (CET)Beantworten

Kontakt zu Werner Best


Der Artikel klingt aktuell so, als wäre Sinner zunächst von Hitler beeindruckt und später Kritiker des Nationalsozialismuses gewesen.

Hierzu passt aber gar nicht der Kontakt zu Werner Best (NSDAP,GESTAPO) der als Anwalt in seinem Unternehmen gearbeitet hat und große Ressourcen der Firma dazu benutzen durfte Rehabilitationverfahren von Nazis zu unterstützen.

Eine kurze Google Suche wird das bestätigen. -- 22:57, 27. Apr. 2023 (CEST)Beantworten