Diskussion:Fred von Lohmann

Letzter Kommentar: vor 13 Jahren von Hephaion in Abschnitt Lizenz



Um Urheberrechtsverletzungen zu vermeiden wird darauf hingewiesen, dass die aktuelle Version dieses Artikels als Teilübersetzung des englischen Artikels zu verstehen ist. Dabei wurde diese Version zur Grundlage genommen. Die Autoren sind der folgenden Liste zu entnehmen:

    (cur | prev) 20:00, 13 February 2012‎ Luckas-bot (talk | contribs)‎ m (2,348 bytes) (r2.7.1) (Robot: Adding de:Fred von Lohmann) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 03:16, 11 January 2012‎ The Blade of the Northern Lights (talk | contribs)‎ (2,323 bytes) (Has a reference, but definitely needs more) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 04:43, 10 January 2012‎ Jeraphine Gryphon (talk | contribs)‎ (2,325 bytes) (Added {{BLP unsourced}} tag to article) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 00:04, 9 January 2012‎ GFHandel (talk | contribs)‎ (2,289 bytes) (→External links: Used {{Google+}}.) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 04:54, 6 September 2011‎ XLinkBot (talk | contribs)‎ (2,319 bytes) (BOT--Reverting link addition(s) by to revision 448001113 (http://googlepublicpolicy.blogspot.com/2011/09/making-copyright-work-better-online.html)) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 04:52, 6 September 2011‎ (talk)‎ (2,863 bytes) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 07:04, 2 September 2011‎ Jgranick (talk | contribs)‎ (2,319 bytes) (updated photo, other fixes to tense, remove old links) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 01:38, 11 January 2011‎ Yobot (talk | contribs)‎ m (2,247 bytes) (WP:CHECKWIKI error fixes + general fixes using AWB (7536)) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 23:59, 24 August 2010‎ Ericgoldman (talk | contribs)‎ (2,007 bytes) (updated to reflect his new Google gig--congrats Fred, but we miss your work at the EFF too!) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 16:20, 22 December 2009‎ SmackBot (talk | contribs)‎ m (1,787 bytes) (→External links: Delink dates (WP:MOSUNLINKDATES) using Project:AWB) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 15:37, 12 August 2009‎ Closedmouth (talk | contribs)‎ m (1,791 bytes) (Added {{nofootnotes}} tag to article. using Friendly) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 02:29, 26 April 2009‎ Postcard Cathy (talk | contribs)‎ (1,758 bytes) (→External links) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 04:40, 4 April 2009‎ Merriam (talk | contribs)‎ m (1,719 bytes) (→External links: a broken address updated; link text case -- EFF biography) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 20:01, 26 January 2009‎ SoWhy (talk | contribs)‎ (1,727 bytes) (decline speedy - not blatant advertising) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 15:29, 26 January 2009‎ (talk)‎ (1,770 bytes) (request speedy deletion for spam and blatant advertising) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 16:19, 21 January 2009‎ RussBot (talk | contribs)‎ m (1,727 bytes) (Robot-assisted fix links to disambiguation page Attorney) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 14:44, 18 August 2008‎ StaticGull (talk | contribs)‎ m (1,720 bytes) (Reverted edits by Hochitup to last version by TakuyaMurata (HG)) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 00:48, 19 April 2008‎ TakuyaMurata (talk | contribs)‎ m (1,720 bytes) (Category:Living people) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 00:48, 19 April 2008‎ TakuyaMurata (talk | contribs)‎ (1,642 bytes) (replace the image) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 23:18, 20 August 2007‎ SmackBot (talk | contribs)‎ (1,518 bytes) (Defaultsort for people stubs (and/or gen fixes)) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 06:02, 25 June 2007‎ Randomfrenchie (talk | contribs)‎ (1,520 bytes) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 19:50, 10 November 2006‎ Lquilter (talk | contribs)‎ m (1,464 bytes) (more specific cat american lawyers) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 18:04, 30 October 2006‎ (talk)‎ (1,455 bytes) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 17:04, 16 October 2006‎ Mushroom (talk | contribs)‎ (1,453 bytes) (→External links: interview) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 16:38, 17 August 2006‎ Lquilter (talk | contribs)‎ m (1,268 bytes) (added category, alphabetized categories) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 21:27, 6 March 2006‎ SteinbDJ (talk | contribs)‎ (1,199 bytes) (move to stub subcategory) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 01:27, 14 August 2005‎ Jaxl (talk | contribs)‎ (1,196 bytes) (Stub-sorting. You can help!) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 05:45, 1 July 2005‎ (talk)‎ (1,192 bytes) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 05:44, 1 July 2005‎ (talk)‎ (1,194 bytes) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 05:42, 1 July 2005‎ (talk)‎ (1,167 bytes) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 15:28, 3 June 2005‎ Skyfaller (talk | contribs)‎ m (1,158 bytes) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 20:24, 29 April 2005‎ Redjar (talk | contribs)‎ (1,070 bytes) (removed people-wikify; added external link to EFF bio page) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 22:09, 19 March 2005‎ Shanedidona (talk | contribs)‎ (981 bytes) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 15:01, 6 March 2005‎ PullUpYourSocks (talk | contribs)‎ m (974 bytes) (Category:Lawyers) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 13:07, 27 February 2005‎ Longhair (talk | contribs)‎ (908 bytes) (wikify tag) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 13:06, 27 February 2005‎ Longhair (talk | contribs)‎ (896 bytes) (added Category) (undo)
    (cur | prev) 19:23, 7 January 2005‎ (talk)‎ (878 bytes)

Übersetzer: -- Hepha! ± ion? 22:01, 13. Feb. 2012 (CET)Beantworten