Diskussion:Gustavo Petro

Letzter Kommentar: vor 11 Tagen von in Abschnitt Völkermord?



hier Generator 14:54, 3. Nov. 2011 (CET)Beantworten

Translation from english needed.


Hallo, could someone please translate the following excerpt to Deutsch bitte? (except for information within the reference symbols). Thanks in advance.

While Petro was an active militant of the M-19 guerrilla, the following human rights' violations were among the most memorable committed by this armed group: the siege of the Palace of Justice at Bolivar Plaza in Bogota on November 6, 1985. At least 53 civilian casualties were registred, including several members of Colombia's Supreme Court of Justice. The siege has been catalogued as a holocaust and massacre by the Interamerican Human Rights' Court <ref>Comision de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos: Caso 10738: Holocausto del Palacio de Justicia</ref>. Other crimes include the siege of the Dominican Republic Embassy, the kidnapping and murder of the newsreporter José Raquel Mercado<ref>Vorlage:Cita web</ref>, of businessman Hugo Ferreira Neira<ref>RESTREPO, Laura y GONZÁLEZ, Camilo. Colombia, Historia de una Traición. 1986, p. 124.</ref>, of the CEO of a petroleum company Nicolás Escobar Soto, who was buried alive in a "people's prison", a cave where his skin got completely covered with fungi before being assasinated.<ref>Vorlage:Cita web</ref> Perhaps the best remembered kidnapping was that of Álvaro Gómez Hurtado: leader of the colombian conservative party, presidential candidate and director of the newspaper El Siglo (The Century).<ref>CARDONA, Jorge. Dias de Memoria, Editorial Aguilar, 2009. p. 199</ref> 09:05, 23. Jan. 2012 (CET)Beantworten



Auf der angezeigten Seite steht immer noch der umstrittene Begriff Völkermord, obwohl es schon vor zwei Tagen geändert wurde. Bitte etwas mehr Achtsamkeit. -- 09:17, 28. Jan. 2025 (CET)Beantworten