Diskussion:Haakon VII.
BearbeitenDer Mann hieß mit vollem Namen Christian Frederik Carl Georg Valdemar Axel. Sollte man das nicht ändern? -- ~~~~
Soweit ich weiß wird die Rolle Haakons während der deutschen Besetzung in Norwegen kontrovers diskutiert, sein Image als aufrechter Widerstandskämpfer gegen die deutschen Besatzer hat schon etwas gelitten....falls jemand den aktuellen Stand der Dinge hierzu kennt wär's nett, das zu ergänzen. --birdie68Birdie68 11:02, 7. Jun. 2010 (CEST)
Seinem älteren Bruder Christian X. war könig 1912 bis 1947
Bearbeiten(nicht 1906 bis 1947)
BearbeitenIst hier statt dem 1. Oktober der 1. Dezember gemeint? Wäre logischer. 17:27, 3. Nov. 2016 (CET)
Photo: in German uniform ...
BearbeitenOne of the largest newspapers in Norway, Dagbladet, printed an article that told about and showed a photo [1] of him wearing a German naval uniform.
He was a Danish naval officer.
Most of the above reference, is behind a paywall.
Are there any other references that say why he wore a German uniform (at some point)? Regards! 15:37, 21. Feb. 2018 (CET)
Answer to 15:37, 21. Feb. 2018 (CET)
BearbeitenI hope you will check your question from two years ago. Because of the corona restrictions, I was only able to do research on the internet.
The photo of Emperor Wilhelm II. and King Haakon VII. was not taken in the Neues Palais at Potsdam, but on board the imperial yacht S.M.Y. Hohenzollern in July, 1906. The Emperor had started his yearly sea voyage („Nordlandreise“) on 3rd of July and on 10th of July there had been a meeting of emperor, king and queen Maud at Fjellseter near Trondhjem/Norway. See Norwegian postcard at https://www.google.de/search?q=foto+fjellseter&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjP-Juxre7tAhVOxoUKHb_BCTQQ_AUoAXoECBIQAw&biw=1600&bih=1030#imgrc=veehygV65U39GM (27.12.2020) = 5th row from the bottom, photo right outside. It is obvious, that in these days emperor and king met again and on board of the yacht (in the harbour of Tr.?). Hence the naval uniforms of Wilhelm (in the rank of Admiral) and Haakon (German naval uniform in the rank of Captain to Sea). Uniforms could probably be worn according to protocol on board of the extraterritorial yacht, also by Haakon. Possibly he received the rank from the emperor on an honorary basis. This was common among European monarchs. On the photo in Dagbladet the local environment is limited by a wall on the left and by a railing on the right, above free air. Haakon's right, cut into the side of the picture, is a slightly raised step plate in the railing. After comparison with the picture = woodcut/photo 4 (Teeabend), right row, at http://www.klauskramer.de/Schiff/Staatsyacht/Deutschland/Hohenzollern_II/Hohenzollern_II_Deutschland_top.html (27.12.2020) showing a railing with step plate for a staircase downstairs, the photo in Dagbladet shows the situation of conservation on one of the decks of the Hohenzollern, outside the cabin on the railing. Note also the deck planks. Such a space is difficult to imagine in the Neues Palais. In addition, my review of the annalistic information on the Internet for 1906 did not reveal any evidence of Haakon's stay in Berlin, not even before Christmas 1906. The author Tor Bomann-Larsen may have understood the German archive specification Juli for Norwegian jul. Greetings. --Buzzoni 3 (Diskussion) 21:47, 28. Dez. 2020 (CET)