Diskussion:Herbert Dorfmann
Vorwurf der Einflussnahme durch Finanzindustrie
BearbeitenThe London MEP Syed Kamall (European Conservative and Reformist group) has tabled 14 amendments that are identical to those tabled by Swedish MEP Olle Schmidt (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe) or have the same result in the legislation and/or the same explanation text (ten identical and four almost identical ones). Several MEPs from the European People’s Party – Markus Ferber, Burkhard Balz, Alfredo Pallone, Herbert Dorfmann and Corien Wortmann-Kool – and Sarah Bowles MEP (Liberal), who chairs the committee, have also tabled identical amendments either with Schmidt or Kamall and sometimes with both of them. [...] In at least two cases, CEO has obtained text written by financial lobby groups which is identical with the amendments submitted by the MEPs. Corporate Europe Observatory Blog: Will MEPs vote for amendments written by the derivatives lobby? (3. März 2011) -- Kistano 20:25, 8. Mär. 2011 (CET)