Diskussion:Howard Lotsof
Howard Lotsof
BearbeitenHe was only out for a quick dollar. I've been treated by h. Lotsof and his team in june 1993 in Leiden, Netherlands in het Witte Huis. together with my fiancee Nicola we were the first couple who got treated by them. NY Times Magazine even sent a reporter wo interviewed us before at and by me after the treatment, Nicola died in it!! Because they overdosed us, then his wife changed the situation by bringing her stuff into the room were she collapsed. At the police they lied about here, and tried to let it look if she took drugs! After 2 Years Dr.Hearn from Miami Dade county coroner found out we got heavily overdosed! I'm glad he died!!!! M.Millen (nicht signierter Beitrag von Millmannetje (Diskussion | Beiträge) 15:13, 15. Jul 2011 (CEST))