
Letzter Kommentar: vor 17 Jahren von Tobias Tilemann in Abschnitt Höhe



Laut englischer Wikipedia ist die Höhe von 7719 m falsch, wenn auch oft angegeben. Zitiert wird http://www.viewfinderpanoramas.org/elevmisquotes.html Kongur Shan, West China

  • Likely elevation: 7649m
  • Elevation given by most authorities: 7719m

The Guide to Mountaineering in China gives 7649m. Confusingly, the authoritive Chinese Snow Map gives both 7719m and 7649m on different sections of the map. Both sources give the elevation of the northeast dome as 7625m. In "Kongur: China's elusive Summit" Chris Bonington writes that seen from the NE dome "(the main summit) is undoubtedly the highest point on Kongur, though probably by not more than thirty metres or so". Despite clear weather and lack of time, Bonington's party climbed both summits because, on reaching the main summit, they found that they could not be sure that the NE summit was lower. The two summits are ±700m apart; had there been a 94m height difference they would surely have seen clearly that the NE summit was lower. Therefore I concluded that the 7649m elevation is more accurate. I have subsequenly been informed of GPS readings of 7669m by Russian and Italian mountaineers, but reliable details of this are lacking. Tobias Tilemann 22:09, 6. Jun. 2007 (CEST)Beantworten