



Die Liberica-Bohne ist genetisch an der brasilianischen Maragogype-Bohne (Coffea arabica var. maragogype) beteiligt, vgl. -- 23:55, 20. Okt. 2009 (CEST)Beantworten

Erwähnenwerte wäre da noch... "weltgrößte Kaffeebohne ist die Coffea Liberica"


Die Liberica Bohne ist die größe Kaffeebohne der Welt! - gemeinhin wird immer behauptet, die Maragogype-Bohne wäre die größte vom Volumen her. Aber nein, die Maragogype ist nur das "mittelgroße Kind von der riesigen Mamma-Bohne Liberica und der mormalgroßen klassischen Papa Arabica-Bohne. " ¿?

siehe auch...: "....Cafe Liberica was first discovered in Liberia in 1843... ...This beautiful long-living plant is strong, lush, with fruits and seeds proportion double to those of Arabica and more immune to parasites attacks. This fruit bearing tree requires high humidity and temperature and plentiful water. The coffee tree grows up to 5 – 20 metres ( 16' – 64') in height, producing larger cherries than Arabica and Robusta species. Coffea Liberica leaves are dark, glossy green, 20-30 cm (8" – 12") long. The plant will only flower when days are 13 hours or shorter.... ...Coffea Liberica can be harvested all year long. It's berries' size are approximately 1.5 size larger than Arabica and become the largest size among all coffee species. They turn dull red or light yellow at maturity. Berries skin are harder and thicker compare to Arabica. Thus, it takes more time to process the coffee beans, and this might be the reason why they have strong smell of aroma and flavor. Coffea Liberica grows well in part shade or full sun. It also require abundant water and well-drained soil and generally wide spread in low land area...." -- 20:49, 28. Mai 2011 (CEST)Beantworten