Diskussion:Luciobarbus graellsii

Letzter Kommentar: vor 12 Jahren von Graf zu Pappenheim in Abschnitt Description



It is here placed in Luciobarbus following the IUCN, but that genus is very closely related to the other typical barbels and perhaps better considered a mere subgenus of Barbus. The Andalusian Barbel was formerly included in L. bocagei as subspecies.[1] In addition, L. graellsii has – like its close relative the "Albanian Barbel" (L. albanicus) and the slightly more distantly related Red-tailed Barbel (Barbus haasi) – also been placed in Messinobarbus. But even if that genus is valid, it is probably incorrect to do so. Wie kann man das besser übersetzen? Gruss, --Graf zu Pappenheim (Diskussion) 05:49, 29. Nov. 2012 (CET)Beantworten



Diagnosed from other species of Barbus and Luciobarbus in Iberian Peninsula by having the following characters: lateral line with 43-48 + 2-3 scales; last simple dorsal ray slender, not serrated posteriorly in adults, occasionally with a few small, widely set serrae in individuals smaller than about 15 cm SL; posterior barbel reaching beyond posterior margin of eye; lower lip thick, without median lobe; and lower jaw tip covered by lower lip. Auch mit dieser Beschreibung aus Fishbase tut man sich schwer. Gruss, --Graf zu Pappenheim (Diskussion) 05:49, 29. Nov. 2012 (CET)Beantworten