war sein Schüler. http://www.myriobiblos.gr/texts/english/nicol_fall.html .. The union was an evil deed. It portended the ruin of those who had turned their backs οn God.(8) Οn 13 September 1452, the month before Isidore's arrival, Theodore Agallianos, a lawyer in Constantinople, an erstwhile friend of Mark Eugenikos and a member of the Synaxis, wrote the first draft οf a short chronicle of contemporary events. He concluded with the words: «This was written in the third year of the reign of Constantine Palaiologos, who remains uncrowned because the church has nο leader and is indeed in disarray as a result of the turmoil and confusion brought upοn it by the falsely named union which his brother and predecessor John Palaiologos engineered ... This union was evil and displeasing to God and has instead split the church and scattered its children and destroyed us utterly. Truth to tell, this is the source of all our other misfortunes.»

en:Michael Angold(Universidad de Edimburgo) : The last Byzantine Autobiography: Theodore Agallianos and the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans.

Theodoros Agallianos tautizomenos pros ton Theophanen medeias kai oi anekdotoi logoi tu: mia nea istorike pege peri tu patriarcheiu Konstantinupoleos kata tus protus meta ten alosin chronus Patrineles, Christos G.; Athenai. 1966. 176 S.

Abraham-Andreas Thiermeyer, “Das Typikon-Ktetorikon und sein literarhistorischer Kontext,” OCP 58 (1992), 475–513. Our (39) Lips and (40) Anargyroi are both assigned the number 38 in Thiermeyer’s list. Thiermeyer’s No. 49, the Typos of Manuel II, and his No. 54, the Testament of Theodore Agallianos, a liturgical typikon, are not translated in our collection