
Letzter Kommentar: vor 12 Jahren von Altaileopard in Abschnitt Kritik
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Der Stier im Artikel ist wirklich sehr schön und erinnert stark an einen Auerochsen. Allerdings wird im Artikel kaum erwähnt, dass einige Vertreter der Rasse nicht ganz so elegant sind (siehe etwa hier) und viele doch sehr "unnatürlich" geschwungene Hörner zeigen . Ich würde mir wünschen, dass dieser Rasse im Artikel ebenso viel Kritik entgegen gebracht wird wie dem Heckrind. Gruß, --Altaileopard (Diskussion) 00:49, 20. Jun. 2012 (CEST)Beantworten

Actually the article mentions that some Maronesa lineages are closer to aurochs than others. So what´s wrong about it? And what you know about that bull picture that you posted? How old is him? How he´s kept? Regarding the overall article I get the clear conclusion that to find such aurochs alike individuals in domestic cattle breeds nowadays, whatever is the frequency is almost like finding a treasure, so just get glad to be able to see them still alive and don´t get fusy with it. Of course that from an over 5.000 cattle heads universe, you wouldn´t expect that all will look exactly like the same.

And there still plenty of Maronesa with pretty natural curved horns. Not only natural curved horns, but also thick at the base and faced forwards ( and many times inwards and upwards in the end). If some don´t show this trait, that´s no problem and it´s expected. The´most important is that the primitive examples still exist, are relatively abundant and should be preserved. They are not aimed to look like natural or lool like aurochs afterall, they are what they are, even if kept under not natural conditions ( in many cases) and without selective breeding, like the failed artificial attempt of Heck cattle, that even human ( wrongly) assisted show several wrong examples ( upward horns, too light bulls, low shoulder hump, fatty body shape,big udders, white cropping out in the fur, wrong sexual dimorphism, short legs, wrong body proportions, etc, etc...) and worse than that, tell to the public ( themselves, of course), that we are looking at recreated aurochs! Now this is the complete fail! And a very wrong lie to the world and to the future generations. Fortunately everyone is starting to open their eyes. Certain European Governments and Environmental associations, are already aware of the fail that Heck cattle is and are trying to protect the last truly naturally ( not artificially)primitive cattle European breeds. I know one or 2 reserves that were thinking in Heck but already changed the ideas.

Worth Heck is a bit better example of Heck ( selective breeding within the breed, with better comparison parameters), but even on this case, it shows many wrong examples. Too many. The problem is also on all the breeds that were used to form this breed... Many animals were too different from each other and many animals were already too domestic. So, while Heck could be better ( and should be genetically analyzed), the truly natural primitive breeds have already surprisingly good examples even if kept without selective breeding aiming them to look like an aurochs.

And nowadays it would be nearly impossible to find a 100% aurochs alike example in these breeds. All what should be done is to place the pieces on the puzzle and the final result would be more likely close to that. And what a privilege to have the possibility to see that good Maronesa bull ( on the article), or a good Pajuna, for example. Just says thanks and wish them to get protected.


G. (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 17:30, 7. Jul 2012 (CEST))