Widerlegt: "Höchster Turm der Welt"


Mit Blick auf die englische Wp habe ich eben den Artikel überarbeitet, und die von mir schon früher angezweifelte Behauptung, die Kirche habe einen 159m hohen Turm gehabt, entfernt. Zur Aufklärung über die Entstehung dieser Legende trägt vielleicht der Disk-Beitrag aus der engl. WP bei. Zitat: Indeed, the 19th-century German researchers cited the letter from a medieval craftsman found from the St. Olaf claiming the church was rebuilt as 74 fathoms tall in 1625 while it had allegedly been 10 fathoms taller before it. The researchers used Rhineland fathoms to conclude it had been 159 m tall. However, a Revalian craftsman would mean the local fathom which is considerably shorter, making it 134 m as the asserted height. A fortiori, no other data supports this single claim, while reliable images of the contemporary Reval skyline show the tower was no taller or of other proportions than today. Hence, the question is (...): how reliable are the sources using the Rhineland fathom (or the Hamburg or the Russian one, for that matter) to assume a height of 159 m (or 161 or 179 m, respectively), or simply referring to each other without any comment? Jaan Pärn (talk) 11:00, 21 March 2013 (UTC)