Diskussion:Paul Boucherot

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1894 interessierte er sich für mehrphasige Ströme, um den Asynchronmotor, den Michail Ossipowitsch Doliwo-Dobrowolski 1893 erfunden hatte, zu betreiben. Er entwickelte eine Doppelkäfigläufer.

1912 und 1919 fand unter seinem Vorsitz in Paris die Sitzung der International Electrotechnical Commission statt. [1]

Boucherot, Paul (1869-1943) French engineer who studied the phenomena of electric conduction, introducing the concept of reactive power and inventing the synchronous electric motor in 1898. He also studied the thermal energy of the seas. The Claude-Boucherot Process described a scheme to power a turbo-alternator using warm seawater from tropical oceans to produce steam in a vacuum chamber. Theorem of Boucherot: In an AC electrical network, the total active power is the sum of the individual active powers, the total reactive power is the sum of the individual reactive powers, but the total apparent power is NOT equal to the sum of the individual apparent powers.


GiftBot (Diskussion) 23:12, 12. Jan. 2016 (CET)Beantworten