Diskussion:Pulled Pork
BearbeitenIn der derzeitigen Version ist die Rede davon, dass es ein Gericht nach nordamerikanischem Vorbild ist. Diese Region ist zu groß gefasst, denn eigentlich ist es ein Traditionsgericht der Südstaaten. Dazu suche ich allerdings noch verlässliche Quellen. --Frank Helbig (Diskussion) 17:12, 8. Jan. 2017 (CET)
- Im Artikel steht "Barbecue nach nordamerikanischem Vorbild" nicht Pulled Pork nach nordamerikanischem Vorbild. Es ist auch kein typisches Südstaatengericht, denn dort wird vermehrt Brisket gegessen. VG Thogru (Diskussion) 08:19, 9. Jan. 2017 (CET)
- Incorrect. Pulled Pork is indeed a typical Southern US dish, as a part of their barbecue tradition, which also includes smoked brisket, as well as other types of meat. "Pulled Pork" is a unique term that originated in the Southern US to describe a meal made primarily of smoked pork shoulder (not the neck as improperly indicated in the article) which is shredded after cooking, mixed with a sauce unique to various locations in the Southern US and served with bread or roll for a sandwich. This meal, as just described, is properly called Pulled Pork, a term that originated in the Southern US. The term is not synonymous with, nor is it to be confused with "shredded pork", which is simply an ingredient to many different meals found throughout the world. 17:54, 26. Okt. 2018 (CEST)
- There is no mention of a "neck" in the article. Or did you confuse "Nacken" with "neck"? Pigs are cut up differently in most countries, so it's difficult do translate the names of the pieces. The german article mentions the "Schweinenacken" and "Schweineschulter", both pieces together are roughly equivalant of the american "shoulder cut" or "Boston butt".--Hinnerk11 (Diskussion) 01:31, 27. Okt. 2018 (CEST)
- Incorrect. Pulled Pork is indeed a typical Southern US dish, as a part of their barbecue tradition, which also includes smoked brisket, as well as other types of meat. "Pulled Pork" is a unique term that originated in the Southern US to describe a meal made primarily of smoked pork shoulder (not the neck as improperly indicated in the article) which is shredded after cooking, mixed with a sauce unique to various locations in the Southern US and served with bread or roll for a sandwich. This meal, as just described, is properly called Pulled Pork, a term that originated in the Southern US. The term is not synonymous with, nor is it to be confused with "shredded pork", which is simply an ingredient to many different meals found throughout the world. 17:54, 26. Okt. 2018 (CEST)
Pulled Pork is to the continent of North America as Nürnberger Bratwürste is to the continent of Europe. The insistence upon sourcing Pulled Pork (a unique culinary dish in the tradition of the southern US states) to the continent of North America is an error in reasoning as it falls short of specifying origin of term. 13:57, 27. Okt. 2018 (CEST)
- You're obviously under the misapprehension that "nordamerikanisch" refers to pulled pork in the first sentence. Don't be mislead by Google translate. --Hinnerk11 (Diskussion) 15:34, 27. Okt. 2018 (CEST)
- Incorrect. Don't be mislead by your own prejudices and assumptions. 10:36, 28. Okt. 2018 (CET)
- Eine weitere Unterhaltung über deutsche Grammatik mit einem englischsprachigen Nichtantwortendem erscheint mir wenig sinnvoll. Daher ist für mich hier ende Gelände.--Hinnerk11 (Diskussion) 10:47, 28. Okt. 2018 (CET)
- As you wish, but, any mutual misunderstanding of our respective languages isn't at the heart of the disagreement here. The problem is the incorrect cultural reference based upon one term that exists within the original article. What seems to be missed by some editors here is that *any* mention of the North American continent within a description limited to Pulled Pork as a unique culinary dish would be completely misplaced because that exact geographic designation would refer, instead, to the history or development of the subject. Please note that the original article does not detail the history of this subject, but only to the entity as it exists currently. At least one other German editor seems to understand that fact, but, others here, perhaps including yourself, seem to struggle with this concept. 12:10, 28. Okt. 2018 (CET)
- Imho the IP is correct: even if you refer "nordamerikanisch" to the word "barbecue" and not to pulled pork, the reader is being mislead, as we nowhere state its "Südstaaten" origin, but mention "nordamerikanisch" in the article's first (and important) sentence. We should find a reliable source (@71.112 can you help here?) and change it. --AnnaS. (DISK) 21:38, 29. Okt. 2018 (CET)
- As you wish, but, any mutual misunderstanding of our respective languages isn't at the heart of the disagreement here. The problem is the incorrect cultural reference based upon one term that exists within the original article. What seems to be missed by some editors here is that *any* mention of the North American continent within a description limited to Pulled Pork as a unique culinary dish would be completely misplaced because that exact geographic designation would refer, instead, to the history or development of the subject. Please note that the original article does not detail the history of this subject, but only to the entity as it exists currently. At least one other German editor seems to understand that fact, but, others here, perhaps including yourself, seem to struggle with this concept. 12:10, 28. Okt. 2018 (CET)
- Eine weitere Unterhaltung über deutsche Grammatik mit einem englischsprachigen Nichtantwortendem erscheint mir wenig sinnvoll. Daher ist für mich hier ende Gelände.--Hinnerk11 (Diskussion) 10:47, 28. Okt. 2018 (CET)
- Incorrect. Don't be mislead by your own prejudices and assumptions. 10:36, 28. Okt. 2018 (CET)
Pulled Turkey
BearbeitenEin deutscher Inverkehrbringer behauptet, dass neben Pulled Pork auch Pulled Turkey (Truthahn) ein typisches Südstaatengericht ist. Dazu suche ich verlässliche Quellen. Wer kann dazu etwas sagen? --Frank Helbig (Diskussion) 17:14, 8. Jan. 2017 (CET)
- Ohne es jetzt direkt belegen zu können: Pulled Turkey ist mMn eher aus einem Thanksgiving leftover entstanden. Meine auch, das irgendwo bei M. Mixon mal so gelesen zu haben. Aber selbstverständlich kann man es, wie Pulled Beef auch, als Erweiterung in den Artikel aufnehmen. VG Thogru (Diskussion) 08:22, 9. Jan. 2017 (CET)
- Not sure what you require as a "reliable" source, as old food traditions are not often documented in the same way as legislation or important literature. If you require a sterile academic source, I would wish you good luck in your search. However, if one lives in the US, one understands and often takes the culinary traditions there for granted because they are a part of the very fabric of life. People from other parts of the world may not realize this fact from the perspective of the US, but, might certainly understand that similar documentation of culinary tradition also exist in their own country. These traditions would likely not receive the same level of scrutiny seen for this subject.
- In reality, there are plenty of internet-based sources for the unique style of barbecue in the US known as Pulled Pork which uses shredded pork as an ingredient. Please find a few listed below:
- https://www.ibiblio.org/lineback/bbq/origins.htm
- https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/the-evolution-of-american-barbecue-13770775/
- http://time.com/3957444/barbecue/
- http://bbqconnectionllc.com/pigsontherunbbq/2010/05/brief-history-of-north-carolina-pulled.html
- http://tailgate365.com/2012/02/know-your-bbq-north-carolina/
- https://www.southernliving.com/meat/southern-history-of-barbecue-video
- https://www.alimentarium.org/en/magazine/trends/pulled-pork
- https://www.thedailymeal.com/what-is-pulled-pork 17:54, 26. Okt. 2018 (CEST)
Kategorie "Grillgericht"
BearbeitenDer Artikel hier ist als "Grillgericht" kategorisiert. Ich habe diese ganz offensichtlich falsche Kategorie zweimal entfernt und diese wurde wieder zweimal eingefügt. Ich hätte gerne eine Begründung dafür. Ein Grillgericht ist ein Gericht, das durch Grillen zubereitet wird. Von Grillen spricht man, wenn man Lebensmittel durch Wärmestrahlung bei hohen Temperaturen gart. Wie dem Artikel hier entnommen werden kann, wird Pulled Pork jedoch durch Konvektion (Wärmeübertragung) bei niedrigen Temperaturen gegart. --2A00:1830:A001:F002:80:0:0:A001 15:15, 16. Feb. 2022 (CET)
- Barbecue-Smoker ist in Kategorie:Grillgerät einsortiert, ergo Kat "Grillgericht". Nichts zu verlassen, erst recht kein Editwar zu führen. --Roger (Diskussion) 16:24, 17. Feb. 2022 (CET)
- Volle Zustimmung +1 --AlgoritX3 (Diskussion) 16:25, 17. Feb. 2022 (CET)
- Barbecue und Grillen wird oft gleichgesetzt. Ob das korrekt ist oder nicht, darüber mag es geteilte Ansichten geben. Das es so ist, ist aber Fakt und auch in den entsprechenden Artikeln so beschrieben: Barbecue#Barbecue_und_Grillen, en:Barbecue, Einleitung. Von daher hat die Einsortierung eines Barbecue-Gerichts in die Kategorie Grillgericht durchaus ihre Berechtigung. --Skopien (Diskussion) 16:26, 17. Feb. 2022 (CET)