Diskussion:Robert J. Ferrier

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Hier noch ein Blick auf die Persönlichkeit aus den Lebenserinnerungen seines Kollegen an der Universität, Brian Halton (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Halton):

„... Robin Ferrier, a Scotsman from London’s Birkbeck College, who was appointed. He arrived some months later, in mid-spring, and ahead of his family, intent on settling into the university and finding a home. Margaret and I decided that he should not be left alone as I had and we entertained and assisted in whatever way we could. In fact, the day his wife, Carolyn and the two children arrived in December, we were taken to their temporary accommodation in Kelburn to meet them and have a meal.

During the following twelve months we saw Robin and Carolyn socially at both their home and ours. However, a year after arriving, at an end-of-year post-Christmas barbeque at his home, Robin told me that he thought it no longer appropriate for a Professor to socialise with junior staff – and that was the last time that Margaret was invited to his home. He became a difficult colleague to work with, probably because he felt that NZ should treat professors as in the UK, and it led to several strained relationships. For my part, I got along well enough, even to the extent of agreeing to collaborate in some of Robin’s work with unsaturated carbohydrates. I say agreeing as it never actually eventuated. As best I recall, Robin had a sabbatical visitor who was to provide some unsaturated compounds that were to be cyclopropanated. My involvement ended when I was asked not to waste the visitor’s time and only enter discussion when he got to the cyclopropanation part I was to be involved in.“ (aus: B. Halton, „From Coronation Street to Consummate Chemist“, available at https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/scps/about/attachments/from-coronation-street-to-a-consummate-chemist.pdf ) (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 18:05, 17. Jan. 2020 (CET))Beantworten