Diskussion:Schlacht bei Kulm
Franzosen denkmal in Straden
BearbeitenFirst at all, I apologize to write in English, i am not so good in German labguage. These is not French monument at Strado - oposite of Juchtenkappele. This monument was build by citizens of Priesten - at the place of the heavist fight to the heros of the battle - espetialy - lost Austrian officers and soldiers - I have the photos and articles from the newspapers, when monument was presented. At the battlefield NEVER was French monument. This mistake was done in 80-90. of 20. ctr. The original plate from the monument were stolen, and one man put there from his own new plates - for lost French soldiers,. because he was so sorry , that French have no monument there. This mistake became famous between people, and monument got " nick" name French.
Jiri Bures - bures@kulm1813.cz -- 11:58, 30. Aug. 2022 (CEST)