Diskussion:Waggonway Tranent–Cockenzie
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Bearbeiten- https://www.academia.edu/6099339/Battle_of_Prestonpans_Project_Final_Report (mit historischer Skizze) --NearEMPTiness (Diskussion) 11:38, 15. Feb. 2019 (CET)
- A waggon-way for the conveyance of coal worked in the vicinity of Tranent, for the use of the salt-works at Cockenzie, did indeed cross the morass, but it would have been ruinous to have engaged troops in such a narrow road, which was exposed to be swept in every direction both by artillery and musketry." in: Walter Scott: Tales of a Grandfather. --NearEMPTiness (Diskussion) 11:42, 15. Feb. 2019 (CET)
- "The coal and falt- pans are pofleffed on tacit relocation, under a lcafe, by which the leffee was taken bound to work the coal in a regular man- ner, fo that there ( hould be no fits therein, and to drive the level of the main coal 200 fathoms each year of his leafe, and to leave the whole, together with the falt- pans, waggon- way, and machinery of eve- ry kind in good order; the machinery, waggons, tools, colliers and falters houfes, agreeable to a valuation and inventory taken at his en- try. The waggons, tools, and other moveable machinery, are to be conveyed to the purchafer of the fecond lot of Tranent; and the other obligations on the tackfman of the coal, fo far as regards the colliers- houfes, fixed machinery, and the working of the coal in the lots, will be made over to the purchafer of the refpeflive lots in which the fame is locally fituated. The waggon- way is to be communicated to the pur- chafers of lots II. and III. of Tranent, and a liberty referved, on paying damages, to carry the waggon way through the Links of Seatoh to the harbour of Port- Scaton, in the diredtion it formerly went, when the coal was wrought for the Company's account. The fchemes of the lots, printed particulars of the rental of each lot, a general plan of the eftate, dillinguifliing the boundaries and marches of the different lots, plans of each barony, and feparate plans of the eleven lots, pointing out every pofteflion, ( hot or field, and its quality, may be feen in the han- ls of Alexander Mackenzie writer to the fignet. ALSO to be SOLD at the fame time and place," --NearEMPTiness (Diskussion) 11:54, 15. Feb. 2019 (CET)
- https://www.scran.ac.uk/database/record.php?usi=000-000-189-474-C --NearEMPTiness (Diskussion) 12:19, 15. Feb. 2019 (CET)