Diskussion:Wang Feng
BearbeitenIm Artikel Zhang Ziyi wird hierher verlinkt: Ein Wang Feng sei der Mann von Zhang Ziyi und "Rockmusiker". Ist der mit dem "Filmkomponisten" (ohne Geburtsdatum) hier gemeint?
"Wang is often criticized for his promiscuous nature and cheating behaviour.
His first wife was Qi Dan, a TV hostess. In 2004, he began a relationship with model Ge Huijie when she was aged 17; they have one daughter, Wang Manxi (born 2005). In 2007, he married his second wife, Kang Zuoru. They have one daughter, Wang Jingyi (born 2012).[12] They divorced when their daughter was only 8 months old, due to Wang's cheating. He married for a third time in 2015 to Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi.[13] They have a daughter, Wang Xingxing (born 2015) and a son (born 2020). Both children were born in the United States." (WP Englisch, s. oben)