Diskussion:Weißrussisches arabisches Alphabet

Letzter Kommentar: vor 4 Jahren von in Abschnitt File:Літары беларускай арабіцы.svg

Bildbeschreibung fehlt bei [[Image:Letter dal with three dots.png]] und [[Image:Letter sad with three dots.png]]


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File:Літары беларускай арабіцы.svg


A fake source: see https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File_talk:Літары_беларускай_арабіцы.svg#FIAS_vs_FIAS/RFEAI_vs_RFIEA Also as I can see there are some copyright issues195.114.148.172 17:05, 22. Nov. 2020 (CET)Beantworten

<<<This file is widely used on other projects and not obviously in bad faith>>> -- It is 100% Seveleu-Dubrovnik's spam.

I am looking at the edit history of this Wikipedia article and am making a constatation that it has been randomly edited many times with no systematic idea behind. Please don't rely on that table, it is a product of chance and irresponsible changes. The logo of the site has been produced in presumtion that the syllabic palatalization will be systematically encoded as a short "i" sound. This approach is relevant because, articulatorily, this type of secondary articulation corresponds to a short "i"-shaped overtone (the exact linguistic term used in Russian literature is "«и»-образный придаточек") while the Arabic protocol has a sign for a short "i" sign and there is no other Belarusian phoneme pretending to that sign. That is, by the way, the same orthographic phoneme ("i") with no phonetic value that the Belarusian Latin script uses to express the palatalization.(c) Seveleu-Dubrovnik