Liste der Bischöfe von San Marco Argentano-Scalea


Die folgenden Männer waren oder sind Bischöfe des Bistums San Marco Argentano-Scalea.

Bistum San Marco Argentano

  • Ruben (1171–1183)[1]
  • Hunfredus (1195–1199)[2]
  • Nicolaus (1205), Bischofselekt[3]
  • Andreas (1220–1236)[4]
  • Fabianus (1256–?)[5]
  • Francesco da Taverna, OMin (?)[6]
  • Marbellus (1272–1274)[7]
  • Pietro de Morano, OMinConv (1275?–?)[8]
  • Marcus (1283–1286)[9]
  • Manfredus (1287–?)[10]
  • Thomas, OCist (1323–1348)[11]
  • Bertucio de Citrano, OMin (1348–1349)
  • Giovanni (1349–1374?)[12]
  • Nicolaus (1374–?)[13]
  • Petrus Roncella (1379–?) (Avignonesische Obedienz)
  • Philippus de Legonio (?) (Römische Obedienz)
  • Tommaso Mari (ca. 1397–ca. 1399)
  • Dominicus de Sora, OMin. (1399–1400)[14]
  • Ma(i)nerius, OSB (1400–1404) (Römische Obedienz)[15]
  • Ludovicus Imbriacus, O.S.B.Casin. (1404–1435)[16]
  • Antonio Calà (1435–1446)[17]
  • Goffridus de Castro de Cola (1446–1483?)[18]
  • Rutilius Zenonis (1484–1514)[19]
  • Luigi de Amato (1515–1530)[20]
  • Coriolanus de Martyranis (1530–1551)
  • Giovanni Antonio della Tolfa (1557–1562)
  • Pietro della Tolfa (1562)
  • Fabrizio Landrian (1562–1566)
  • Guglielmo Sirleto (1566–1568, danach Bischof von Squillace)
  • Organtino Scarola (Scazola) (1569–1572)[21]
  • Ippolito Bosco (1572–1576, danach Bischof von Foligno)
  • Matteo Andrea Guerra (1576–1578)[22]
  • Giovanni Antonio Grignetta (1578–1585)
  • Marco Antonio del Tufo (1585, danach Bischof von Mileto)
  • Francesco Antonio D'Affitto (1585–1586)[23]
  • Antonio Migliori (1586–1591)
  • Ludovico Alferio (1591–1594)
  • Giovanni Girolamo Pisano (1594–1602)[24]
  • Aurelio Novarini, OMinConv (1602–1606)[24][25]
  • Giovanni Vincenzo Cansachi (Consacco) (1607–1613)[24]
  • Gabriele Naro (Nari), OP (1613–1623)[24]
  • Giovanni Battista Indelli (1624–1629)[26]
  • Consalvo Caputo (1630–1633, danach Bischof von Catanzaro)[24][27]
  • Defendente Brusati (1633–1647)[28]
  • Giacinto Cevoli, OP (1648–1651)[24]
  • Teodoro Fantoni, CRL (1652–1684)[29]
  • Antonio Papa (1685–1687)[30]
  • Pietro Antonio d'Alessandro (1688–1693)[31]
  • Francesco Maria Federico Carafa OTheat (1694 – 1704)[32]
  • Matteo Gennaro Sibilia (1704–1709)[33]
  • Bernardo Cavalieri OTheat (1718–1728)[34]
  • Alessandro Magno, OCist (1728–1745)[35]
  • Matteo (Marcello) Sacchi (1745–1746)[36]
  • Nicola Brescia (1747–1768)[37]
  • Baldassare Barone de Moncada (1768–1789)[38]
  • Reginaldo Coppola, OP (1797–1810)[39]

Bistum San Marco e Bisignano

  • Pasquale Mazzei (1819–1823)[40]
  • Felice Greco (1824–1840)[41]
  • Nicola Majerà Mariano Marsico (1842–1846)
  • Livio Parlandore (Parladore; Parlatore) (1849–1888)
  • Stanislao Maria de Luca (1888–1894, danach Bischof von San Severo)
  • Luigi Pugliese (1895–1896, danach Bischof von Ugento)
  • Carlo Vincenzo Ricotta (1896–1909)
  • Salvatore Scanu (1909–1932)
  • Demetrio Moscato (1932–1945, danach Erzbischof von Salerno)
  • Michele Rateni (1945–1953)
  • Agostino Ernesto Castrillo OFM (1953–1955)[42]
  • Luigi Rinaldi (1956–1977)

Bistum San Marco Argentano-Scalea



  1. Ughelli, I, p. 877. Kehr, X, p. 88. Kamp, p. 823.
  2. Ughelli, IX, pp. 198–200; 344. Kamp, p. 824.
  3. Nicholas was elected by September 1205. Kamp, p. 824.
  4. Ughelli, pp. 877–878. Kamp, pp. 825–826.
  5. Eubel, I, p. 325.
  6. A document states that Francesco was Marbello's immediate predecessor: Taccone-Gallucci, p. 440.
  7. Marbellus had been a Canon of San Marco. Though elected in 1268 or 1269, he could not obtain bulls of consecration or installation during the long papal Sede Vacante of 1268–1271. Kamp, p. 827. Eubel, I, p. 325.
  8. Pietro had been elected before April 1275, when Pope Gregory X issued a mandate to have the election examined. The examiner was the Archbishop of Capua, Marino Filomarino (1252–1285). The election may have been uncanonical or defective, since there were several candidates (the Archdeacon, the Treasurer and a Canon) and it was unclear how a successful election of a fourth party had been achieved. The Pope mentions that the Provincial of the Franciscans had given his support to the candidacy of Fr. Pietro. The Pope's letter was dated 7 April 1275, and therefore Pietro was only Bishop-elect.
  9. Marcus was transferred to the diocese of Sorrento on 25 February 1286. Eubel, I, p. 325, 469.
  10. Manfred had been a Canon of Cosentino. Eubel states that he had gone into exile. He became Apostolic Administrator of Bisaccia on 2 June 1291. Eubel, I, pp. 136, 326.
  11. Thomas had been the Abbot of the monastery of S. Maria de Matina. His appointment to S. Marco was approved by Pope John XXII. Gams, p. 850. Eubel, I, p. 326. On S. Maria de Matina see: Kehr, X, pp. 89–92.
  12. Giovanni had been a Canon of the Cathedral of Cassano. Eubel, I, p. 326.
  13. Nicolaus was transferred to S. Marco from the diocese of Umbriatico by Pope Gregory XI. Eubel, I, p. 326, 507.
  14. Dominicus: Ughelli, p. 879.
  15. Mainerius had been Abbot of the Monastery of S. Sebastiano (Naples). He was offered the diocese of Nola on 15 February 1400, but he declined the appointment. He accepted S. Marco. Ughelli, p. 879. Eubel, I, p. 326, with note 6.
  16. Ludovico Embriaco-Brancaccio was a Neapolitan aristocrat. Ughelli, p. 879. Eubel, I, p. 326, with note 7.
  17. Antonio had been Canon of Rossano. Antonio was transferred to the diocese of Martorano on 11 February 1446. Ughelli, p. 879. Eubel, II, p. 135, 186.
  18. Goffridus had been Bishop of Martorano (1442–1446). Eubel, II, p. 135, 186.
  19. Rutilius: Eubel, III, p. 234.
  20. "Bishop Luigi de Amato" David M. Cheney. Abgerufen am 25. September 2016. Eubel, III, p. 234.
  21. "Bishop Organtino Scarola (Scazola)" David M. Cheney. Abgerufen am 21. März 2016.
  22. Matteo was a priest of the diocese of Cosentino, and was a doctor of theology. He had previously been Bishop of Fondi (1567–1576). Eubel, III, pp. 200, 234.
  23. D'Affitto had been Canon of Amalfi. He held the degree Doctor in utroque iure (Civil and Canon Law). He was Vicar of Amalfi for seven years. His funeral inscription states that he had been nominated Archbishop of Acerenza and Matera. Ughelli, p. 880–881. Eubel, III, p. 235, with note 10.
  24. a b c d e f Patritius (Patrice) Gauchat: Hierarchia catholica medii et recentioris aevi. Vol. IV, S. 231 ( (Memento des Originals vom 4. Oktober 2018 im Internet Archive) [abgerufen am 16. März 2022]).  Info: Der Archivlink wurde automatisch eingesetzt und noch nicht geprüft. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis.@1@2Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/
  25. "Archbishop Aurelio Novarini, O.F.M. Conv." David M. Cheney. Abgerufen am 21. März 2016.
  26. Bishop Indelli was a native of Monopoli. He was a Doctor in utroque iure (Civil and Canon Law), and held the office of Referendary of the Two Signatures in the Roman Curia. He was consecrated in Rome on 7 July 1624 by Cardinal Cosimo de Torres. Indelli held a diocesan synod in San Marco. Taccone-Gallucci, p. 392. Gauchat, IV, p. 231 with note 6.
  27. "Bishop Consalvo Caputo" David M. Cheney. Abgerufen am 2. Januar 2017.
  28. Brusati: Gauchat, IV, p. 231 with note 8.
  29. Teodoro Fantoni: Il sinodo di Teodoro Fantoni vescovo di San Marco 12-14 aprile 1665: introduzione, textus, traduzione, appendice documentaria. Gangemi, Roma 2006, ISBN 978-88-492-1119-1 (italienisch, Gauchat, IV, p. 231, with note 10. Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 255, note 2.
  30. Papa was born in S. Nicolao vallis longae (diocese of Mileto) in 1627. He obtained the degree Doctor in utorque iure (Civil and Canon Law) from the Sapienza in Rome in 1649. Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 255 with note 3.
  31. D'Alessandro was born in the town of Galatone (diocese of Nardò) in 1628. He was a Doctor of theology from the Sapienza in Rome (1656). Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 255 with note 4.
  32. Carafa was appointed Bishop of Nola. He died on 6 January 1737. Ritzler-Sefrin, V, pp. 255 with note 5; 291 with note 5.
  33. Sibilia: Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 255 with note 6.
  34. Cavalieri: Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 255 with note 7.
  35. Magno: Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 255 with note 8.
  36. Sacchi was born in Motta S. Lucia (diocese of Marturano) in 1863. He obtained the degree of Doctor in utroque iure (Civil and Canon Law) at the Sapienza in Rome in 1710. He was named Vicar General of the diocese of Policastro and Rossano, and then of Albano. He was consecrated in Rome on 30 November 1745 by Cardinal Pierluigi Carafa. Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 275 with note 3.
  37. Brescia: Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 275 with note 4.
  38. Moncada: Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 275 with note 5.
  39. Coppola (Gerard Gaspar) was born in Altomonte (diocese of Cassano) in 1730. He became a Master in theology (1778); he lectured in philosophy and theology in various convents of his Order. He was Prior in several convents, and Prior General of the Dominican Province of Calabria. He was appointed by the King of Naples as Visitor of all the monastic institutions in Calabria. On 31 October 1797 he was nominated by the King to be Bishop of S. Marco, receiving papal approval on 18 December 1797. He was consecrated a bishop in Rome on 21 December 1797 by Cardinal Giuseppe Doria. He died in Altomonte on 7 February 1810. Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 275 with note 6.
  40. Mazzei was a native of Fuscaldo (diocese of Cosenza), and became a priest of the diocese of Cosenza. He was a Doctor in utroque iure (Civil and Canon Law), Protonotary Apostolic, and Vicar General of the diocese of Capua. Luigi Falcone: Minoranze etniche e culturali nella Calabria settentrionale fra XV e XIX secolo: atti del convegno di studi : Bisignano, 19 giugno 2000. Progetto 2000, Cosenza 2003, ISBN 978-88-8276-117-2, S. 74–75 (italienisch,
  41. Greco was born in Catanzaro in 1775. He was a laureate in theology (Naples 1819). He served as Vicar Capitular and Dean of the Cathedral Chapter of Catanzaro. He was then Vicar of the diocese of Oppido. He was elected bishop of San Marco Argentano e Bisignano on 3 May 1824, and consecrated in Rome on 9 May by Cardinal Francesco Bertazzoli. He restored the façade of the cathedral and the episcopal palace of San Marco (1835), as well as that of Bisignano. He died in San Marco on 22 February 1840 and was interred in the Cathedral. His brother Ignacio was Bishop of Oppido (1819–1821). Leonardo Calabretta: Le diocesi di Squillace e Catanzaro. Cardinali, arcivescovi e vescovi nati nelle due diocesi. Pellegrini Editore, Cosenza 2004, ISBN 978-88-8101-229-9, S. 147–148 (italienisch, D'Avino, p. 72.
  42. Diocesi di San Marco Argentano–Scalea, Ernesto Castrillo: La vita, abgerufen am 5. März 2017. A more extensive biography can be viewed by clicking on the PDF file at the bottom of the diocese's page. The biography is part of a campaign to have the Bishop elevated to the rank of sainthood.