Liste der Lieder von Joan Baez


Die Liste der Lieder von Joan Baez ist eine Übersicht der Songs der US-amerikanischen Folk-Sängerin und -Gitarristin, Bürgerrechtlerin und Pazifistin Joan Baez, die ab Ende der 1950er Jahre vor allem durch ihre klare Gesangsstimme und ihr politisches Engagement gegen den Vietnamkrieg und die Rassentrennung bekannt geworden ist.

Joan Baez (1963)
Joan Baez (2012)



Joan Baez hatte 1959 ihre ersten Auftritte als Sängerin und Gitarristin im Club 47, einem Folk-Club in Cambridge, der Hochburg des US-amerikanischen Folk-Revivals. Ebenfalls 1959 erreichte sie auf dem renommierten Newport Folk Festival zum ersten Mal ein größeres Publikum. Ihre ersten Schallplattenaufnahmen konnte sie 1960 zusammen mit Bill Wood und Ted Alevizos beim Bostoner Musiklabel Veritas Records auf der Langspielplatte LP Folksingers ’Round Harvard Square veröffentlichen.[1] Ihre erste Solo-LP erschien ebenfalls 1960 unter dem Titel Joan Baez bei Vanguard Records.[2] Seit diesen Anfängen hat Joan Baez in ihrer inzwischen sechzigjährigen Musikerkarriere insgesamt 29 Studioalben, 14 Livealben, 43 Kompilationsalben, 48 Singles/EPs und 6 Videoalben veröffentlicht.

Joan Baez, die in der ersten Hälfte der 1960er-Jahre mit an der Spitze der Folkbewegung stand und zahlreiche Künstlerinnen – wie Joni Mitchell, Bonnie Raitt und Judy Collins – mit ihrem Musikstil beeinflusst hat, ist vor allem durch die Interpretation folgender selbst geschriebenen Lieder und Coversongs bekannt geworden:

  • Diamonds and Rust: Die Eigenkomposition behandelt die missglückte Liebesbeziehung von Baez zu Bob Dylan. Der Song hielt sich elf Wochen in den US-Charts, erreichte Platz 35 und war sowohl bei Kritik als auch kommerziell ein großer Erfolg. Er zählt neben Speaking of Dreams zu den bekanntesten Eigenkompositionen der Musikerin. Veröffentlicht wurde das Lied auf dem gleichnamigen Album aus dem Jahr 1975.
  • Donna Donna: Bereits auf ihrem ersten Solo-Album Joan Baez veröffentlichte sie 1960 das jiddische Lied Donna Donna. Sie hat damit dazu beigetragen es weltweit bekannt zu machen. Das Lied, das als Dana Dana in jiddischer Sprache für das Musical Esterke (1940–1941) von den jüdischen Künstlern Aaron Zeitlin (Text) und Sholom Secunda (Melodie) geschrieben wurde, reflektiert die Situation der Juden in der Zeit des Dritten Reiches.
  • Here’s to You: Anfang der 1970er Jahre wirkte Joan Baez an den Soundtracks von zwei international erfolgreichen Kinoproduktionen mit. So sang sie 1971 zur Musik Ennio Morricones die Lieder zum italienisch-französischen Justizdrama Sacco e Vanzetti (vgl. Sacco und Vanzetti) von Regisseur Giuliano Montaldo.[3] Aus diesem Film wurde insbesondere das als eine Art Hymne für die Opfer politischer Justiz verbreitete Lied Here’s to You weltbekannt und vielfach adaptiert. Der Song, dessen Liedtext von Joan Baez stammt, wurde 1984 auf ihrem Album Live – Europe ’83 veröffentlicht.
  • Joe Hill: Am ersten Abend des Woodstock-Festivals am 15. August 1969 nutzte die schwangere Sängerin die Gelegenheit, um dem Publikum von ihrem inhaftierten Ehemann David Harris zu erzählen und den Song Joe Hill über den US-amerikanischen Wanderarbeiter (Hobo), Arbeiterführer, Gewerkschaftsaktivisten, Sänger und Liedermacher zu präsentieren. Das 1925 von Alfred Hayes gedichtete und 1936 von Earl Robinson vertonte Lied, erschien 1970 auf ihrem Album One Day at a Time.
  • The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down: 1971 coverte sie das von Robbie Robertson geschriebene Lied und hatte damit ihren einzigen Top-10-Hit in den USA. Das Lied erschien auf ihrem Album Blessed Are....
  • We Shall Overcome: Am 28. August 1963 sang sie dieses Lied auf dem Civil Rights March der US-amerikanischen Bürgerrechtsbewegung. Der Protestsong, der auf einen Gospel von Pfarrer Charles Albert Tindley aus dem Jahre 1901 zurückgeht, wurde in den folgenden Jahren quasi zu ihrem sängerischen Markenzeichen. Erstmals veröffentlicht hat sie das Lied auf ihrem Album In Concert Part 2.

Bekannt ist Joan Baez auch für ihre Interpretation der Lieder von Bob Dylan. Sie hatte Dylan 1961 auf einer USA-Tournee kennengelernt. Baez begann, seine Songs zu singen, und stellte den damals noch kaum bekannten Folkmusiker in ihren Konzerten als Überraschungsgast einem breiten Publikum vor.[4] Aus der anfänglich beruflichen wurde bald auch eine private Beziehung, die jedoch 1966 in die Brüche ging. 1968 nahm sie mit Any Day Now ein Album ausschließlich mit Liedern von Bob Dylan auf. Baez, die 2009 in dem Dokumentarfilm Joan Baez von Mary Wharton die Begegnung mit Dylan als ihren künstlerischen Durchbruch bezeichnete, ist vor allem für die Interpretation folgender Dylan-Songs bekannt:

Neben den bisher genannten Songs gehören klassische US-Traditionals und ‑Folksongs, zeitgenössische Folk-Songs, Lieder von Pete Seeger und Woody Guthrie, aber auch zahlreiche Lieder auf Spanisch und vereinzelt in anderen Sprachen wie Italienisch, Französisch, Russisch und Deutsch zum Repertoire von Joan Baez.

Joan Baez, die – bezogen vor allem auf die 1960er Jahre – rückblickend als „Stimme und Gewissen ihrer Generation“ bezeichnet wurde[5], hat insgesamt neun Grammy-Nominierungen und 2007 den Grammy für ihr Lebenswerk erhalten und wurde 2017 in die Rock and Roll Hall of Fame aufgenommen. 2018 hat sie ihre Karriere mit einer weltweiten „Fare Thee Well“–Abschiedstournee beendet.[6]

Struktur der Übersicht


Die Übersicht listet

  • alle selbst geschriebenen Lieder von Joan Baez (siehe Kategorie: eigener Song)
  • alle Coversongs, die Joan Baez aufgenommen hat (siehe Kategorie: Coversong) und
  • alle Instrumentals, die Joan Baez aufgenommen hat (siehe Kategorie: Instrumental)

Gelistet wird die Erstveröffentlichung eines Liedes.[7][8]


Liedtitel  Liedanfang  Songwriter Album / EP / Single Veröffent-lichungsjahr Label Kategorie  Weitere Informationen
’Nu Bello Cardillo „Sto’ criscenno no bello cardillo …“[9] Traditional In Concert Part 2 1963 Vanguard Records Coversong
A City Called Heaven „I am a poor pilgrim of sorrow …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez in Italy 1969 Vanguard Records Coversong
A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall „Oh, where have you been, my blue eyed son? …“[9] Bob Dylan Farewell, Angelina 1965 Vanguard Records Coversong
A Heartfelt Line or Two „Though the songwriters of the industry …“[9] Joan Baez Blowin’ Away 1977 Portrait/CBS eigener Song
A Little Love Inside „So the word is goodbye …“[10] Barry Gibb For The Children of The Eighties 1983 Ariola Coversong
A Mi Manera (My Way) „Yo sé que no vendrás, por eso y tanto la olvido …“[9] Paul Anka, Gilles Thibaut, Claude Francois und Jacques Revaux Speaking of Dreams 1989 GoldCastle/Virgin Records

Guardian Records

Coversong gemeinsam mit den Gipsy Kings
A Satisfied Mind „How many times have you heard someone say …“[9] Jack Rhodes und Red Hayes Farewell, Angelina 1965 Vanguard Records Coversong
A Song For David „In my heart I will wait …“[9] Joan Baez One Day at a Time 1970 Vanguard Records eigener Song
A Stranger In My Place „I see the town …“[10] Kenny Rogers und Kin Vassy Come From the Shadows 1972 A&M Records Coversong
A tous les enfants „A tous les enfants qui sont partis le sac à dos …“[9] Boris Vian und Claude Vence Live – Europe ’83 1984 Ariola Coversong
A Young Gypsy „A young gypsy fell out in a slumber …“[9] Joan Baez Where Are You Now, My Son? 1973 A&M Records eigener Song
Adeste Fideles (O Come, All Ye Faithful) „Adeste fidelis laeti triumphantes …“[11] Traditional Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn me Around „Ain’t gonna let nobody turn me around …“[12] Traditional From Every Stage 1976 A&M Records Coversong
Aire Israeli „ …“ Traditional En Chile Alerce Coversong
All In Green Went My Love Riding „On a great horse of gold …“[9] E. E. Cummings und Peter Schickele Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
All my Trials „Hush, little baby, don’t you cry …“[12] Traditional Joan Baez 1960 Vanguard Records Coversong
All the Pretty Little Horses „Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry …“[9] Traditional Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
All the Weary Mothers of the Earth (People’s Union #1) „All the weary mothers of the earth will finally rest …“[9] Joan Baez Come From The Shadows 1972 A&M Records eigener Song
Amazing Grace „Amazing grace, how sweet the sound …“[12] Traditional From Every Stage 1976 A&M Records Coversong
Amsterdam „Just the pattern of sunlight on a building …“[9] Janis Ian und Buddy Mondlock Play me Backwards 1992 Virgin Records Coversong
And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda „Now when I was a young lad I carried me pack …“[9] John McDermott, Eric Bogle und Bobby Edwards Ring Them Bells 1995 Guardian Records Coversong
Angeline „Yesterday’s newspapers forecasts no rain for today …“[9] Mickey Newbury Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
Angels we Have Heard on High „Angels we have heard on high “[10] Traditional Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
Annabel Lee „It was many and many a year ago …“[9] Don Dilworth und Edgar Allan Poe Joan 1967 Vanguard Records Coversong
Annie Had a Baby „Annie had a baby, can’t work no more …“[9] Bob Merrill und Terry Shand Joan Baez in San Francisco 1964 Bear Family Records Coversong
Another World „I need another place …“[12] Joan Baez Whistle Down the Wind 2018 Razor & Tie eigener Song
Asimbonanga „Asimbonanga a Si m’bonanga u mandela thina …“[12] Johnny Clegg Recently 1987 Gold Castle Records/Virgin Records Coversong
Ate Amanha „Até amanhã ou depois meu amor …“[12] Traditional In Concert 1962 Vanguard Records Coversong
Autumn Leaves „The falling leaves drift by the window …“[10] Jacques Prévert und Joseph Kosma Joan 2003 Vanguard Records Coversong Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung
Ave Maria „Ave Maria! Jungfrau mild …“[9] Franz Schubert Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
Away in a Manger „Away in a manger …“[9] James Ramsey Murray Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
Away in a Mange (französisch) „L’enfant de la promesse …“[13] James Ramsey Murray Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung
Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You „Babe, I’m gonna leave you …“[9] Anne Bredon In Concert 1962 Vanguard Records Coversong
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5 – Aria „Tarde uma nuvem rósea lenta e transparente …“[9] Heitor Villa-Lobos und

Ruth Valadares Correa

5 1964 Vanguard Records Coversong
Banks of the Ohio „I asked my love to take a walk …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez – Vol. 2 1961 Vanguard Records Coversong
Barbara Allen „’Twas in the merry month of May …“[12] Traditional Joan Baez – Vol. 2 1961 Vanguard Records Coversong
Battle Hymn of the Republic „Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord …“t[9] Julia Ward Howe In Concert Part 2 1963 Vanguard Records Coversong
Be not too Hard „Be not too hard for life is short …“[9] Donovan Joan 1967 Vanguard Records Coversong
Be of Good Heart „I never had a crystal ball …“[10] Joan Baez Whistle Down the Wind 2018 Razor & Tie eigener Song
Before the Deluge „Some of them were dreamers …“[9] Jackson Browne Honest Lullaby 1979 Portrait/CBS Coversong
Best of Friends „We may not always be the best of lovers …“[9] Mimi Farina Where Are You Now, My Son? 1973 A&M Records Coversong
Biko „September ’77 …“[12] Peter Gabriel Recently 1987 Gold Castle Records Coversong
Birmingham Sunday „Come round by my side and I’ll sing you a song …“[9] Richard Farina 5 1964 Vanguard Records Coversong
Black is the Color „Black, black, black is the color of my true love’s hair …“[9] Traditional Folksingers ’Round Harvard Square 1960 Veritas Records Coversong
Blackbird „Blackbird singing in the dead of night …“[12] Paul McCartney 75th Birthday Celebration 2016 Razor & Tie Coversong
Blessed Are… „Blessed are the one way ticket holders …“[9] Joan Baez Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records eigener Song
Blowin’ in the Wind „How many roads must a man walk down before you call him a man …“[9] Bob Dylan Joan Baez in Italy 1969 A&M Records Coversong
Blue Sky „Walk along the river …“[9] Dickey Betts Diamonds and Rust 1975 A&M Records Coversong
Boots of Spanish Leather „Well I’m sailin away my own true love …“[9] Bob Dylan Any Day Now 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
Boulder to Birmingham „I don’t wanna hear a love song …“[9] Emmylou Harris und Bill Danoff From Every Stage 1976 A&M Records Coversong
Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella „Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabella …“[14] Traditional Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
Brothers in Arms „These mist covered mountains …“[9] Mark Knopfler Recently 1987 Gold Castle Records/Virgin Records Coversong
Burgundian Carol „The winter season of the year …“[9] Traditional Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung
Caleb Meyer „Caleb Meyer he lived alone …“[10] David Rawlings und Gillian Welch Dark Chords on a Big Guitar 2003 Koch Records Coversong
Cambodia „We’ve watched them leaving, seen their ragged flight …“[9] Joan Baez European Tour 1980 Portrait/CBS eigener Song
Canción del Folklore Tunecino „ …“ Traditional En Chile Alerce Coversong
Cantique de Noël (O Holy Night) „Minuit, chrétiens, c’est l’heure solennelle …“[9] Adolphe C. Adam und Placide Cappeau Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
Careless Love „Love, oh love, oh careless love …“[10] W. C. Handy, Martha E. Koenig und Spencer Williams Folksingers ’Round Harvard Square 1960 Veritas Records Coversong mit Bill Wood
Carrickfergus „I wish I was in Carrickfergus …“[9] Van Morrison und Patrick Maloney Speaking of Dreams 1989 GoldCastle/Virgin Guardian Records Coversong
Carry it On „There’s a man by my side walking …“[10] Gil Turner One Day at a Time 1970 Vanguard Records Coversong
Caruso „Infinity gives me chills …“[9] Joan Baez Gulf Winds 1976 A&M Records eigener Song
Casida of the Lament „I have shut my balcony …“[9] Federico García Lorca Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Sonstiges gesprochener Text; übersetzt von J. L. Gili und Stephen Spender
Catch the Wind „In the chilly hours and minutes …“[12] Donovan 75th Birthday Celebration 2016 Razor & Tie Coversong
Childhood III „In the woods there is a bird …“[12] Arthur Rimbaud Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Sonstiges gesprochener Text übersetzt von Louise Varèse
Children and all That Jazz „Little Annie Fannie …“[12] Joan Baez Diamonds and Rust 1975 A&M Records eigener Song
Children of Darkness „Oh, now is the time for your loving, dear …“[9] Richard Farina Joan 1967 Vanguard Records Coversong
Children of the Eighties „We’re the children of the eighties haven’t we grown …“[9] Joan Baez For The Children of the Eighties 1983 Ariola eigener Song Erstmals als Single erschienen
China „In the month of May, in the glory of the day …“[9] Joan Baez Speaking of Dreams 1989 GoldCastle/Virgin

Guardian Records

eigener Song
Christmas in Washington „It’s Christmas time in Washington …“[9] Steve Earle Dark Chords on a Big Guitar 2003 Koch Records Coversong
Civil War „I don’t know you to wear a hat …“[12] Joan Baez Whistle Down the Wind 2018 Razor & Tie eigener Song
Colours „Yellow is the color of my true love’s hair …“[9] Donovan Farewell, Angelina 1965 Vanguard Records Coversong
Colours „ …“ Evgeny Evtushenko Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Sonstiges gesprochener Text übersetzt von Peter Levi und Robin Miller-Gulland
Come All Ye Fair and Tender Maidens „Come all ye fair and tender maidens …“[9] Traditional Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong
Con Tres Heridas Viene „Llegó con tres heridas: …“[10] Miguel Hernández und Joan Manuel Serrat En Chile Alerce Coversong
Copper Kettle „Get you a copper kettle …“[9] Albert Frank Beddoe In Concert 1962 Vanguard Records Coversong
Coventry Carol „Lully lulla, thou little tiny Child …“ Traditional Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
Crack in the Mirror „You say you don’t remember …“[9] Betty Elders Gone From Danger 1997 Guardian Records Coversong
Cry Me a River „Now you say you’re lonely you cried the long night through …“[9] Arthur Hamilton Blowin’ Away 1977 Portrait Coversong
Cucurrucucú paloma „Dicen que por las noches …“[9] Tomas Mendez Gracias a la Vida 1974 A&M Records Coversong
C’era un ragazzo che come me amava i Beatles e i Rolling Stones „Cera un ragazzo che come me …“[9] Franco Migliacci und Mauro Lusini Joan Baez in Italy 1969 Vanguard Records Coversong
Daddy, You Been on my Mind „Perhaps it’s the colour of the sun cut flat …“[9] Bob Dylan Farewell, Angelina 1965 Vanguard Records Coversong
Danger Waters „And I holler why …“[9] Traditional In Concert 1962 Vanguard Records Coversong
Dark as a Dungeon „Come and listen you fellows, so young and so fine …“[9] Merle Travis Joan Baez in San Francisco 1964 Bear Family Records Coversong
Day After Tomorrow „I got your letter today …“[9] Kathleen Brennan und Tom Waits Day After Tomorrow 2008 Razor&Tie/Proper Records Coversong
De Colores „De colores, de colores se visten los campos en la primavera …“[10] Traditional Gracias a la Vida 1974 A&M Records Coversong
Dear Landlord „Dear landlord, please don’t put a price on my soul …“[9] Bob Dylan Any Day Now 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
Deck the Halls „Deck the halls with boughs of holly …“[15] Traditional Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
Deportee (Plane Wreck at Los Gatos) „The crops are all in and the peaches are rotting …“[9] Woody Guthrie und Martin Hoffman Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
Diamonds and Rust „Well I’ll be damned …“[9] Joan Baez Diamonds and Rust 1975 A&M Records eigener Song
Dida „On a wagon bound for market …“[9] Aaron Zeitlin und Sholom Secunda Gracias a la Vida 1974 A&M Records eigener Song
Dink’s Song „If I had wings like Noah’s dove …“[9] John Lomax und Bess Lomax Bowery Songs 2005 Koch Records Coversong
Do Right Woman, Do Right Man „Take me to heart …“[9] Chips Moman und Dan Penn Carry it On - Original Sound Track Album 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
Don’t Cry for Me Argentina „It won’t be easy, you’ll think it strange …“[9] Andrew Lloyd Webber und Tim Rice European Tour 1980 Portrait/CBS Coversong
Don’t Make Promises „It seems the songs we’re singing …“[12] Tim Hardin Ring Them Bells 1995 Guardian Records Coversong
Don’t Think Twice It’s Alright „Well, it ain’t no use to sit and wonder why, babe …“[9] Bob Dylan In Concert Part 2 1963 Vanguard Records Coversong
Don’t Weep After Me „When I’m dead and buried …“[9] Traditional Folksingers ’Round Harvard Square 1960 Veritas Records Coversong mit Bill Wood und Ted Alevizos
Donna Donna „On a wagon bound for market …“[9] Aaron Zeitlin und Sholom Secunda Joan Baez 1960 Vanguard Records Coversong
Down in Yon Forest „Down in yon forest there stands a hall …“[9] Traditional Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
Drifter’s Escape „Oh, help me in my weakness …“[9] Bob Dylan Any Day Now 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
Drug Store Truck Drivin’ Man „He’s a drug store truck drivin’ man …“ Gram Parsons und Roger Mc Guinn Drug Store Truck Drivin’ Man / Joe Hill 1970 Vanguard Records Coversong Erstmals als Single erschienen
Prendre un enfant „Prendre un enfant par la main …“[16] Yves Duteil Live – Europe ’83 1984 Ariola Coversong
East Virginia „I was born in East Virginia …“[12] Traditional Joan Baez 1960 Vanguard Records Coversong
El Preso Numero Nueve „El preso numero nueve ya lo van a confesar …“[9] Hermanos Cantoral Joan Baez 1960 Vanguard Records Coversong
El Rossinyol „Rossinyol, que vas a França, rossinyol …“[12] Traditional Gracias a la Vida 1974 A&M Records Coversong
El Salvador „Now that the city is dreaming, viva the pale moonlight …“[9] Greg Copeland Speaking of Dreams 1989 Guardian Records Coversong gemeinsam mit Jackson Browne
Eleanor Rigby „Ah, look at all the lonely people …“[12] John Lennon und Paul McCartney Joan 1967 Vanguard Records Coversong
Ellas Danzan Solas (Cueca Sola) „¿Por que estan aquí, danzando solas? …“[9] Roberto Livi und Gordon Sumner Diamonds and Rust in the Bullring 1988 Guardian Records Coversong
Elvis Presley Blues „I was thinking that night about Elvis …“[9] Gillian Welch und David Rawlings Dark Chords on a Big Guitar 2003 Koch Records Coversong
Engine 143 „Along came the F15 the swiftest on the line …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez – Vol. 2 1961 Vanguard Records Coversong
Epitaph for a Poet „I have wrapped my dreams in a silken cloth …“[12] Countee Cullen Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Sonstiges gesprochener Text
Esquinazo del Guerrillero „Las cinco ya van a dar …“[10] Fernando Allegria und Rolando Alarcon Gracias a la Vida 1974 A&M Records Coversong
Every Night „Every night when the sun goes down …“[12] Joan Baez Joan Baez in San Francisco 1964 Bear Family Records eigener Song
Evil „While the red spittle of the grape-shot sings …“[12] Arthur Rimbaud Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Sonstiges gesprochener Text übersetzt von Norman Cameron
Fairfax County „Oh, once I loved an outlaw …“[17] David Massengill Speaking of Dreams 1989 Guardian Records Coversong
Famous Blue Raincoat „It’s four in the morning, the end of December …“[9] Leonard Cohen Diamonds and Rust in the Bullring 1988 Guardian Records Coversong
Fare Thee Well (10.000 Miles) „Oh fare thee well, I must be gone …“[9] Dave Gude Joan Baez 1960 Vanguard Records Coversong
Farewell Angelina „Farewell Angelina, the bells of the crown …“[9] Bob Dylan Farewell, Angelina 1965 Vanguard Records Coversong
Farewell to This Day „ …“ S. Kanedo Farewell to This Day (Live) / Blowing in the Wind (Live) 1967 Vanguard Records Coversong Erstmals als Single erschienen
February „I threw your keys in the water, I looked back …“[9] Dar Williams Gone From Danger 1997 Guardian Records Coversong
Fennario „As we marched down to Fennario …“[12] Traditional In Concert Part 2 1963 Vanguard Records Coversong
Fifteen Months „The cats are sleeping here in the autumn sun …“[9] Joan Baez Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records eigener Song
Finlandia „This is my song, O God of all the nations …“[10] Joan Baez Bowery Songs 2005 Koch Records eigener Song
Fishing „Please have a seat. I’m sorry I’m late …“[9] Richard Shindell Gone From Danger 1997 Guardian Records Coversong
For All we Know „For all we know we may never meet again …“[9] J. Fred Coots und Sam M. Lewis Honest Lullaby 1979 Portrait Coversong
For Sasha „Here by my window in Germany …“[9] Joan Baez Honest Lullaby 1979 Portrait eigener Song
Forever Young „May God bless and keep you always …“[9] Bob Dylan Forever Young 1974 A&M Records Coversong Erstmals als Single erschienen
Fountain of Sorrow „Looking through some photographs I found inside a drawer …“[9] Jackson Browne Diamonds and Rust 1975 A&M Records Coversong
Free at Last „Free at last …“[9] George Henry Jackson und Joan Baez Honest Lullaby 1979 Portrait/CBS eigener Song
Freight Train „Freight train, freight train going so fast …“[9] Elizabeth Cotten Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong
Gabriel and Me „The grey quiet horse wears the reins of dawn …“[9] Joan Baez Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records eigener Song
Gacela of the Dark Death „I want to sleep the dream of the apples …“[9] Federico García Lorca Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Sonstiges gesprochener Text übersetzt von J. L. Gili und Stephen Spender
Geordie „As I walked over the London Bridge …“[9] Traditional In Concert 1962 Vanguard Records Coversong
Ghetto „If you ever lived in a ghetto …“[9] Homer Banks, Bettye Crutcher und Bonnie Bramlett Sweet Sir Galahad / Ghetto 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong Erstmals als Single erschienen
Man of Constant Sorrow „Oh, I’m a man of constant sorrow …“[9] Traditional Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong
Glad Bluebird of Happiness „I was walking down the road, not caring much where I was going …“[10] Darryl Skrabak David’s Album 1969 Vanguard Records Coversong
Go ’Way From My Window „Go away from my window …“[9] John Jacob Niles 5 1964 Vanguard Records Coversong
God is God „I believe in prophecy …“[9] Steve Earle Day After Tomorrow 2008 Razor&Tie/Proper Records Coversong
Good Christian Kings Traditional Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Instrumental Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung
Good King Wenceslas „Good King Wenceslas looked out …“[18] Traditional Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
Gospel Ship „I have the news to bring …“[9] Herbert Buffum In Concert 1962 Vanguard Records Coversong
Gracias a la Vida „Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto …“[12] Violeta Parra Gracias a la Vida 1974 A&M Records Coversong
Green, Green Grass of Home „The old home town looks the same as I step down from the train …“[9] Curly Putman David’s Album 1969 Vanguard Records Coversong
Guantanamera „Guantanamera, guajira Guantanamera …“[9] Hector Angulo,

Pete Seeger und Jose Marti

Gracias a la Vida 1974 A&M Records Coversong
Gulf Winds „It’s only when the high winds blow that I wish my hair was long …“[9] Joan Baez Gulf Winds 1976 A&M Records eigener Song
Hallowed be Thy Name „I’m waiting in my cold cell, when the bell begins to chime …“[12] Traditional Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong
Hand to Mouth „Jimmy got nothing made himself a name …“[9] George Michael Speaking of Dreams 1989 Guardian Records Coversong
Hard Times Come Again no More „Let us pause in life’s pleasures and count its many tears …“[12] Stephen Foster 75th Birthday Celebration 2016 Razor & Tie Coversong
He’s Fine, and we’re Fine, Too „ …“ Live at Woodstock 2019 Craft Recordings Sonstiges gesprochener Text
Heaven Help us All „Heaven help the child who never had a home …“[9] Ron Miller Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
Hello in There „We had an apartment in the city …“[9] John Prine Diamonds and Rust 1975 A&M Records Coversong
Help me Make it Through the Night „Take the ribbon from my hair …“[9] Kris Kristofferson Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
Henry Martin „There were three brothers in merry Scotland …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez 1960 Vanguard Records Coversong
Henry Russell’s Last Words „Still alive but air is getting bad. Oh how I love you, Mary …“[9] Diana Jones Day After Tomorrow 2008 Proper Records Coversong
Here’s to You „Here’s to you, Nicola and Bart …“[9] Joan Baez und Ennio Morricone Sacco e Vanzetti (Colonna Sonora Originale Del Film) 1971 RCA Original Cast eigener Song
Hickory Wind „In South Carolina …“[9] Gram Parsons und Bob Buchanan David’s Album 1969 Vanguard Records Coversong
Honest Lullaby „Early early in the game …“[9] Joan Baez Honest Lullaby 1979 Portrait eigener Song
The House of the Rising Sun „There is a house in New Orleans …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez 1960 Vanguard Records Coversong
How Can I Miss You „I talked to your mother and I talked to your dad …“[12] Daniel Hicks David’s Album 2005 David’s Album Coversong Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung
Hush Little Baby „Hush, little baby, don’t say a word …“[9] Lee Hays, Pete Seeger, Fred Hellerman und Ronnie Gilbert Pretty Boy Floyd 1962 Fontana Records Coversong Erstmals als EP erschienen
I am a Wanderer „I am a wanderer, feet on the ground …“[9] Steve Earle Day After Tomorrow 2008 Proper Records Coversong
I Comandamenti Dell’Amore „ …“ Luciano Beretta und Roberto Livraghi C’era un ragazzo che come me amava i Beatles e i Rolling Stones / I Comandamenti Dell’Amore 1970 Vanguard Records Coversong Erstmals als Single erschienen
I Dream of Jeannie–Danny Boy „I dream of Jeannie with the light brown hair …“[9] Fred Weatherly und Stephen Foster Diamonds and Rust 1975 A&M Records Coversong
I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine „I dreamed I saw St. Augustine alive as you our me …“[9] Bob Dylan Any Day Now 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
I Gave My Love a Cherry „I gave my love a cherry which had no stone …“[9] Joan Baez Joan Baez in San Francisco 1964 Bear Family Records eigener Song
I Know You Rider „Well I know you rider, gonna miss me when I’m gone …“[9] Jorma Kaukonen Joan Baez 2001 Vanguard Records Coversong Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung
I Live One Day at a Time „I live One Day at a Time …“[12] Willie Nelson One Day at a Time 1970 Vanguard Records Coversong
I Never Will Marry „Some say that love is a gentle thing …“[9] Traditional How Sweet the Sound 2009 Razor & Tie Coversong
I Once Loved a Boy „I once loved a boy, and the bold brown-haired boy …“[9] Joan Baez, Vol. 2 2001 Vanguard Records Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung
I Pity the Poor Immigrant „I pity the poor immigrant who wishes he would have stayed home …“[9] Bob Dylan Any Day Now 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
I Saw the Vision of Armies „I saw the vision of armies …“[9] Walt Whitman Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Sonstiges gesprochenes Text
I Shall be Released „They say ev’rything can be replaced …“[9] Bob Dylan Any Day Now 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
I Still Miss Someone „At my door the leaves are falling …“[9] Johnny Cash und Roy Cash 5 1964 Vanguard Records Coversong
I think it’s amazing that you people are still awake „ …“ Joan Baez Live At Woodstock 2019 Craft Recordings Sonstiges gesprochener Text
I Wish the Wars were all Over „Down by deep water where sweet linden stand …“[12] Joan Baez Whistle Down the Wind 2018 Razor & Tie eigener Song
I Wonder as I Wander „I wonder as I wander out under the sky …“[9] John Jacob Niles Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
I’m Blowin’ Away „I’ve been romanced, dined and danced …“[9] Eric Kaz Blowin’ Away 1977 Portrait/CBS Coversong
I’m With You „So it’s time to set you free …“[9] Joan Baez, Patricia Karen Price, Kenny Greenberg und Wally Wilson Play me Backwards 1992 Virgin Records eigener Song
I’m With You (Reprise) „So it’s time to set you free …“[9] Joan Baez, Patricia Karen Price, Kenny Greenberg und Wally Wilson Play me Backwards 1992 Virgin Records eigener Song
Idols and Heroes „There are really two kinds of public figures …“[12] David Harris Carry it On - Original Sound Track Album 1971 Vanguard Records Sonstiges
If I Knew „If I knew where the wild dove flew …“[9] Nina Duschek und Pauline Marden David’s Album 1969 Vanguard Records Coversong Songtext von Nina Dusheck
If I Were a Carpenter „If you were a carpenter, and I were a lady …“[10] Tim Hardin Joan 1967 Vanguard Records Coversong
If I Wrote You „I never thought you were the letter writing type …“[9] Dar Williams Gone From Danger 1997 Guardian Records Coversong
Imagine „Imagine there’s no heaven …“[9] John Lennon Come From the Shadows 1972 A&M Records Coversong
In Forty Days „Yessee, Yessee. Uh, huh. I will do that …“[12] Joan Baez und David Harris Carry It On - Original Sound Track Album 1971 Vanguard Records Sonstiges
In Guernica „In Guernica the dead children were layed out in order on the sidewalk …“[9] Norman Rosten Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Sonstiges Gesprochener Text
In My Time Of Need „Will you comfort me in my time of need? …“[9] Ryan Adams Dark Chords on a Big Guitar 2003 Koch Records Coversong
In the Quiet Morning (For Janis Joplin) „In the quiet morning …“[9] Mimi Fariña Come From the Shadows 1972 A&M Records Coversong
Isaac and Abraham „Hard times, hard times in Canaan land …“[9] Wally Wilson, Kenny Greenberg und Joan Baez Play me Backwards 1992 Virgin Records eigener Song
Island in the Sun „This is my island in the sun …“[9] Harry Belafonte und Irving Burgie Joan Baez in San Francisco 1964 Bear Family Records Coversong
It Ain’t Me Babe „Go away from my window, leave at your own chosen speed …“[9] Bob Dylan 5 1964 Vanguard Records Coversong
It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue „You must leave now, take what you need, you think will last …“[9] Bob Dylan Farewell, Angelina 1965 Vanguard Records Coversong
Jackaroe „There was a wealthy merchant, in London he did dwell …“[12] Joan Baez, Jerry Garcia und Mickey Hart In Concert Part 2 1963 Vanguard Records eigener Song
James and the Gang „Can you find another star to dream on …“ Joan Baez Recently 1987 Gold Castle/Virgin eigener Song
Jari Yahamouda „Jari ya hamouda… hamouuda …“[19] Ahmed Hamza European Tour 1980 Portrait/CBS Coversong
Jericho Road „I was walkin’ …“[9] Steve Earle Day After Tomorrow 2008 Proper Records Coversong
Jerusalem „I woke up this mornin’ and none of the news was good …“[10] Bowery Songs 2005 Koch Records
Jesse „Jesse come home, there’s a hole in the bed …“[9] Janis Ian Diamonds and Rust 1975 A&M Records Coversong
Jimmy Brown „I sell the morning papers sir …“[9] Traditional Rare, Live & Classic 1993 Vanguard Records eigener Song
Joe Hill „I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night, alive as you and me …“[9] Alfred Hayes und iEarl Robinson One Day at a Time 1970 Vanguard Records Coversong
John Riley „Fair young maid all in a garden …“[9] Bob Gibson und Ricky Neff Joan Baez 1960 Vanguard Records Coversong
Johnny Cuckoo „Here comes one Johnny cuckoo …“[12] Bessie Jones Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong
Johnny, I Hardly Knew Yeh „While on the road to sweet Athy …“[12] Traditional Where’s My Apple Pie? 1974 A&M Records Coversong
Jolie Blonde Traditional One Day at a Time 1970 Vanguard Records Instrumental
Just A Closer Walk With Thee „I am weak, but Thou art strong …“[10] Traditional David’s Album 1969 Vanguard Records Coversong
Kinder „Sind so kleine Hände …“[9] Bettina Wegner Kinder 1980 Portrait Coversong Zuerst auf Single erschienen
King’s Highway „I might just change my mind …“[9] Joe Henry Dark Chords on a Big Guitar 2003 Koch Records Coversong
Kingdom of Childhood „The ship that sails the seven seas …“[9] Joan Baez Gulf Winds 1976 A&M Records eigener Song
Kiss Me „ …“ Georges Delerue The Crimes of Cain 1988 Virgin Records Coversong
Kitty „Out in the wide world Kitty, pretty Kitty …“[9] Traditional Folksingers ’Round Harvard Square 1960 Veritas Records Coversong mit Bill Wood
Kumbaya „Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya …“[9] Traditional In Concert 1962 Vanguard Records Coversong
La Ballata di Sacco e Vanzetti (I Parte) „Sì Padre, son carcerato …“[9] Joan Baez und Ennio Morricone Sacco e Vanzetti (Colonna Sonora Originale Del Film) 1971 RCA Original Cast eigener Song
La Ballata Di Sacco e Vanzetti (II Parte) „ …“ Joan Baez und Ennio Morricone Sacco e Vanzetti (Colonna Sonora Originale Del Film) 1971 RCA Original Cast eigener Song
La Ballata Di Sacco e Vanzetti (III Parte) „ …“ Joan Baez und Ennio Morricone Sacco e Vanzetti (Colonna Sonora Originale Del Film) 1971 RCA Original Cast eigener Song
La Bamba „Para bailar la bamba …“[12] Traditional Joan Baez in San Francisco 1964 Bear Family Records Coversong
La Colombe (The Dove) „Why all these bugles cry …“[9] Jacques Brel und Alasdair Clayre Joan 1967 Vanguard Records Coversong
La Llorona „Todos me dicen el negro, llorona …“[12] Traditional Gracias a la Vida 1974 A&M Records Coversong
La noche que tomaron Dixie „ …“ Robbie Robertson Maria Dolores. Joan Baez Canta En Español. 1971 Hispavox Coversong
Lady Di and I „Wake me with kisses in the afternoon …“[9] Joan Baez Live – Europe ’83 1984 Ariola eigener Song
Lady Gay „There was a lady and a lady gay …“[9] Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records
Lady Mary „He came from his palace grand …“[9] In Concert 1962 Vanguard Records
Land of a Thousand Dances „One, two, three! …“[10] Chris Kenner und Antoine Domino Live – Europe ’83 1984 Ariola Coversong
Las Madres Cansadas „ …“ Joan Baez Gracias a la Vida 1974 A&M Records eigener Song
Last Leaf „I’m the last leaf on the tree …“[10] Kathleen Brennan und Tom Waits Whistle Down the Wind 2018 Razor & Tie Coversong
Last Night I had the Strangest Dream „Last night I had the strangest dream …“[9] Ed McCurdy Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong
Last, Lonely and Wretched „You’re tired and you’re poor …“w[9] Joan Baez Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records eigener Song
Legend of the Girl Child Linda „I will bring you gold apples and grapes made of rubies …“[9] Donovan Save the Children 1967 Women Strike for Peace Coversong zusammen mit Judy Collins und Mimi Fariña
Less Than the Song „I am less than the song I am singing …“[9] Hoyt Axton Where Are You Now, My Son? 1973 A&M Records Coversong
Let It Be „When I find myself in times of trouble …“[9] John Lennon und Paul McCartney Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
Let us Break Bread Together/Oh, Freedom „Let us break bread together on our knees, (on our knees) …“[9] Traditional Recently 1987 Gold Castle Records/Virgin Coversong
Let Your Love Flow „There’s a reason for the sunshine sky …“[9] Larry Williams Honest Lullaby 1979 Portrait/CBS Coversong
Life is Sacred „The fact is that I’ll spend three years of time in jai …“[12] David Harris Carry it On - Original Sound Track Album 1971 Vanguard Records Sonstiges
Light a Light „I hear your voice in ev’ry corridor …“[9] Janis Ian Honest Lullaby 1979 Portrait/CBS Coversong
Lily „Lily lived in a farmhouse at the edge of town …“[9] Sharon Vaughn, Wally Wilson, Joan Baez, Kenny Greenberg Gone From Danger 1997 Guardian Records eigener Song
Lily Of The West „When first I came to Louisville …“[9] Cecil Sharp Joan Baez – Vol. 2 1961 Vanguard Records Coversong
Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts „The festival was over …“[9] Bob Dylan From Every Stage 1976 A&M Records Coversong
Lincoln Freed me Today (The Slave) „Been a slave most all my life …“[9] David Patton Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
Little Darlin’ „Little darlin’, little darlin’ …“[12] Maurice Williams Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong
Little Moses „Away by the waters so blue …“[9] A. P. Carter Joan Baez 1960 Vanguard Records Coversong
Llegó con tres heridas „Llegó con tres heridas: …“[9] Miguel Hernández (Text), Joan Manuel Serrat (Musik) Gracias a la Vida 1974 A&M Records Coversong
London „I wander through each chartered street …“[9] William Blake Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Sonstiges gesprochener Text vom William Blake; veröffentlicht 1794 in ’’Songs of Experience’’
Lonesome Road „Look up and down that lonesome road …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez – Vol. 2 1961 Vanguard Records Coversong
Lonesome Valley „You gotta walk that lonesome valley …“[12] Traditional Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong Duett mit Pete Seeger
Long Bed from Kenya „Highway 40 roll on by …“[9] Betty Elders Gone From Danger: Collectors Edition 2007 Razor & Tie Coversong
Long Black Veil „Ten years ago on a cold dark night …“[9] Marijohn Wilkin und Danny Dill In Concert Part 2 1963 Vanguard Records Coversong
Longest Train I Ever Saw „The longest train I ever did see …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez, Vol. 2 2001 Vanguard Records Coversong Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung
Los Hijos De Los 80 „ …“ Joan Baez En Chile Alerce eigener Song
Love is Just a Four-Letter Word „Seems like only yesterday I left my mind behind …“[9] Bob Dylan Any Day Now 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
Love Minus Zero/No Limit „My love she speaks like silence …“[9] Bob Dylan Any Day Now 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
Love Song to a Stranger „How long since I’ve spent a whole night in a twin bed with a stranger …“[9] Joan Baez Come From the Shadows 1972 A&M Records eigener Song
Love Song to a Stranger, Part II „They brought me a beautiful basket of fruit …“[9] Joan Baez Please Come To Boston 1976 A&M Records eigener Song Zuerst auf Single erschienen
Lowlands „We sailed out of Dunmore Michelmas gone by …“[9] Traditional Folksingers ’Round Harvard Square 1960 Veritas Records Coversong
Luba, The Baroness „Luba, it was only the finest wine …“[9] Joan Baez Blowin’ Away 1977 Portrait eigener Song
Mama Tried „The first thing I remember knowing …“[9] Merle Haggard One Day at a Time 2005 Vanguard Records Coversong Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung
Man Smart, Woman Smarter „Let us put men and women together …“[9] Norman Span, D. L. Miller, F. Kuhn und Charles Harris Joan Baez in San Francisco 1964 Bear Family Records Coversong
Manha de Carnaval „Manhã tão bonita manhã …“[9] Luiz Bonfã / Antonio De Maria In Concert Part 2 1963 Vanguard Records Coversong Erschien bereits 1962 auf der EP Pretty Boy Floyd bei Fontana Records
Many a Mile to Freedom „Many a mile to freedom, many a smile to tell …“[9] Steve Winwood und Anna Capaldi Blowin’ Away 1977 Portrait Coversong
Maria Dolores „Dioste ha dado la gracia del cielo Maria Dolores …“[12] Fernando García Morcillo und Jacobo Morcillo Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
Marie Flore „Marie, Marie Flore was a small girl of ten …“[9] Joan Baez Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records eigener Song
Mary „Mary you’re covered in roses, you’re covered in ashes …“[9] Patty Griffin Day After Tomorrow 2008 Proper Records Coversong
Mary Call „Mary call, Mary call you never stumble, you never fall …“[9] Mimi Farina Where Are You Now, My Son? 1973 A&M Records Coversong
Mary Hamilton „Word is to the kitchen gone, and word is to the Hall …“[9] Joan Baez Joan Baez 1960 Vanguard Records eigener Song
Mary’s Wandering „Once Mary would go wandering …“[9] Traditional Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
Matty Groves „A holiday, a holiday, and the first one of the year …“[9] Traditional In Concert 1962 Vanguard Records Coversong
Me and Bobby McGee „Busted flat in Baton Rouge, waitin’ for a train …“[9] Kris Kristofferson und Fred Forster Live – Europe ’83 1984 Ariola Coversong
Medley: I Dream of Jeannie/Danny Boy „I dream of Jeannie with the light brown hair …“[10] Fred Weatherly, Stephan Foster Diamonds and Rust 1975 A&M Records Coversong
Mercy Bound „Late last night I awoke in a dream …“[9] Mark Addison Gone From Danger 1997 Guardian Records Coversong
Michael „In the time spent in the foggy dew …“[9] Joan Baez Joan Baez In Concert-172 1979 BBC Transcription Services eigener Song
Milanese Waltz „Marie, Marie Flore was a small girl of ten whom I met in the south end of France …“[12] Joan Baez Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records eigener Song
Minister of War „Minister of War, we are the king’s claws and fangs …“[9] Arthur Waley und Peter Schickele Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Sonstiges gesprochener Text, übersetzt aus dem Chinesischen von Arthur Waley
Miracles „Miracles keep happening …“[9] Joan Baez Blowin’ Away 1977 Portrait/CBS eigener Song
MLK „Sleep, sleep tonight …“[9] Adam Clayton, Dave Evans, Larry Mullen und Paul Hewson Recently 1987 Gold Castle/Virgin Coversong
Money for Floods „My name is Eliza, I live by the river …“[9] Richard Shindell Gone From Danger 1997 Guardian Records Coversong
Motherland „Where in the hell can you go …“[9] Natalie Merchant Dark Chords on a Big Guitar 2003 Koch Records Coversong
My Good Old Man „Where are you goin’, my good, old man? …“[12] Traditional Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong
My Home’s Across the Blue Ridge Mountains „I’m a gonna leave here Monday morning …“[9] Thomas Ashley David’s Album 1969 Vanguard Records Coversong
My Lord What a Morning „My Lord, what a morning! …“[9] Traditional In Concert 2002 Vanguard Records Coversong Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung
Mystic Numbers: 36. Wedding Song „ …“ Henry Treece Baptism 2003 Vanguard Records Sonstiges gesprochener Text

Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung

Myths „A myth has just been shattered …“[9] Joan Baez Come From The Shadows 1972 A&M Records eigener Song
Natalia „Weaver of words …“[9] G.T. Moore, Roy Apps und Shusha From Every Stage 1976 A&M Records Coversong
Never Dreamed You’d Leave in Summer „I never dreamed you’d leave in summer …“[12] Stevie Wonder und Syreeta Wright Diamonds and Rust 1975 A&M Records Coversong
Never Let me Go (Honey Love) „Just let me love you tonight …“[12] Johnny Ace Joan Baez In Concert-172 1978 BBC Transcription Services Coversong
No Expectations „Take me to the station …“[10] Mick Jagger und Keith Richard One Day at a Time 1970 Vanguard Records Coversong
No Llores Por Mi Argentina „ …“ Andrew Lloyd Webber und Tim Rice En Chile Alerce Coversong spanische Fassung von Don’t Cry For Me Argentina
No Man is an Island „No man is an island, no man stands alone …“[9] John Donne und Peter Schickele Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Sonstiges gesprochener Text
No Mermaid „We went down to the edge of the water …“[9] Sinead Lohan Gone From Danger 1997 Guardian Records Coversong
No nos moverán „Sube a nacer conmigo, hermano …“[10] Traditional Gracias a la Vida 1974 A&M Records Coversong
No Woman No Cry „No woman no cry, no woman no cry …“t[9] Vincent Ford Honest Lullaby 1979 Portrait Coversong
North „Where icicles hung the blossoms swing …“[9] Joan Baez und Nina Dusheck Joan 1967 Vanguard Records eigener Song Songtext von Nina Dusheck
North Country Blues „Come gather ’round friends …“[9] Bob Dylan Any Day Now 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
O Brother! „You’ve got eyes like Jesus …“[9] Joan Baez Gulf Winds 1976 A&M Records eigener Song
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel „Oh, Come, Oh, Come Emmanuel …“[9] Traditional Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
O What A Beautiful City „Oh, what a beautiful city …“[9] Traditional Folksingers ’Round Harvard Square 1960 Veritas Records Coversong
O’Cangaceiro „Olé, lace-maker woman …“[9] Alfredo Ricardo Do Nascimento 5 1964 Vanguard Records Coversong
Of the Dark Past „Of the dark past a child is born …“[9] James Joyce und Peter Schickele Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
Oh Happy Day „Oh happy day …“[9] Edwin Hawkins Carry It On - Original Sound Track Album 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
Oh, Freedom „Oh freedom, oh freedom, oh freedom over me …“[20] Traditional Joan Baez in San Francisco 1964 Bear Family Records Coversong
Oh, Freedom – Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn me Around (+ Mavis Staples) „Oh freedom, oh freedom, oh freedom over me …“[20] Traditional 75th Birthday Celebration 2016 Razor & Tie Coversong
Oh, Had I a Golden Thread „Oh, had I a golden thread …“[9] Pete Seeger Joan 2003 Vanguard Records Coversong Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung
Oh, Little Child „Oh, little child, see how the flower …“[21] Henry Treece und Peter Schickele Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
Old Blue „Well, I had an old dog and his name was Blue …“ Traditional Joan Baez – Vol. 2 1961 Vanguard Records Coversong
Old Welsh Song „I take with me where I go a pen and a golden bowl …“[9] Henry Treece und Peter Schickele Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
Banks of the Ohio „I asked my love to take a walk …“[9] Traditional Folksingers ’Round Harvard Square 1960 Veritas Records Coversong
Once I had a Sweetheart „Once I had sweetheart, and now I have none …“[9] Traditional In Concert Part 2 1963 Vanguard Records Coversong
Once I Knew a Pretty Girl „Once I knew a pretty girl …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez – Vol. 2 1961 Vanguard Records Coversong
One Day at a Time „I live one day at a time …“[9] Willie Nelson One Day at a Time 1969 Vanguard Records Coversong
One Too Many Mornings „Down the street the dogs are barkin’ …“[9] Bob Dylan Any Day Now 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
Only Heaven Knows „Seems we’ve been to heaven darling …“[9] Joan Baez Where Are You Now, My Son? 1973 A&M Records eigener Song
Outside the Nashville City Limits „Outside the Nashville city limits …“[9] Joan Baez Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records eigener Song
Pack up Your Sorrows „There’s no use crying, talking to a stranger …“[9] Pauline Marden, Richard Farina Pack Up Your Sorrows 1966 Amadeo Coversong Erschien erstmals auf EP
Pajarillo Barranqueno „Pajarillo, pajarillo …“[9] Alfonso Esparza Oteo Ring Them Bells 1995 Guardian Records Coversong
Pal of Mine „In the night, while you lay sleeping …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez – Vol. 2 1961 Vanguard Records Coversong
Paso Río „Paso rio, paso fuentes …“[10] Traditional Gracias a la Vida 1974 A&M Records Coversong
Pauvre Ruteboeuf „Que sont mes amis devenus …“ Léo Ferré und Ruteboeuf Farewell, Angelina 1965 Vanguard Records Coversong
Pilgrim of Sorrow „Lord, I’m a poor pilgrim of sorrow …“[12] Traditional Live in Japan 1973 Vanguard Records Coversong
Plaisir d’amour „The joys of love are but a moment long …“[9] Martini il Tedesco Joan Baez – Vol. 2 1961 Vanguard Records Coversong
Play me Backwards „You don’t have to play me backwards …“[9] Kenny Greenberg, Wally Wilson, Joan Baez und Karen O’Connor Play me Backwards 1992 Virgin Records eigener Song
Please Come to Boston „Please come to Boston in the springtime …“[9] David Allen Loggins From Every Stage 1976 A&M Records Coversong
Poems From the Japanese „The mists rise over …“[12] japanisches Gedicht Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Sonstiges Gesprochenes Gedicht übersetzt von Kenneth Rexroth
Poor Boy „As I walked down to the river poor boy, to see the ships go by …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez Vol. 2 2001 Vanguard Records Coversong Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung
Poor Wayfaring Stranger „I am a poor wayfaring stranger …“[9] Traditional David’s Album 1969 Vanguard Records Coversong
Portland Town „I was born in Portland town …“[9] Derroll Adams In Concert Part 2 1963 Vanguard Records Coversong
Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man „Once upon a time and a very good time it was …“[22] James Joyce und Peter Schickele Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Sonstiges gesprochener Text
Pretty Boy Floyd „Well gather round children, a story I will tell …“[9] Woody Guthrie In Concert 1962 Vanguard Records Coversong
Prison Trilogy (Billy Rose) „Billy Rose was a low rider, Billy Rose was a night fighter …“[9] Joan Baez Come From the Shadows 1972 A&M Records eigener Song
Put Your Hand in the Hand „Put your hand in the hand of the man …“[9] Gene MacLellan Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
Queen of Hearts „To the queen of hearts is the ace of sorrow …“[9] Gregg Allman In Concert Part 2 1963 Vanguard Records Coversong
Railroad Bill „Railroad Bill, railroad Bill, live way up on Railroad Hill …“[12] Ramblin’ Jack Elliott In Concert Part 2 1963 Vanguard Records Coversong
Railroad Boy „She went upstairs to make her bed …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez – Vol. 2 1961 Vanguard Records Coversong
Rainbow Road „I was born a poor poor man …“[9] Dan Penn, Donnie Fritts Come From The Shadows 1972 A&M Records Coversong
Rake and Rambling Boy „I’m a rake and a ramblin’ boy …“[9] Buck Ram Joan Baez 1960 Vanguard Records Coversong
Ramber Gambler/Whispering Bells „I’m a rambler, I’m a gambler …“[12] Traditional Speaking of Dreams 1989 Guardian Records Coversong gemeinsam mit Paul Simon
Rambler Gambler „I’m a rambler, I’m a gambler …“[12] Traditional In Concert Part 2 1963 Vanguard Records Coversong
Ranger’s Command „Come all of you cowboys all over this land …“[9] Woody Guthrie Farewell, Angelina 1965 Vanguard Records Coversongs
Recently „Recently it all came back to me …“[9] Joan Baez Recently 1987 Gold Castle Records eigener Song
Requiem „Ooh… Mother Mary, full or grace, awaken …“[9] Eliza Gilkyson Day After Tomorrow 2008 Proper Records Coversong
Restless Farewell „Oh all the money that in my whole life I spent …“[9] Bob Dylan Any Day Now 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
Rejoice in the Sun „Heels of children running wild in the sun …“[23] Diane Lampert Silent Running (Original Soundtrack Album) 1978 Varèse Sarabande Coversong
Reunion Hill „Must’ve been in late September …“[9] Richard Shindell Gone From Danger 1997 Guardian Records Coversong
Rexroth’s Daughter „Coldest night of the winter …“[9] Greg Brown Dark Chords on a Big Guitar 2003 Koch Records Coversong
Rider, Pass By „Tell me when you see them …“[10] Joan Baez Where Are You Now, My Son? 1973 A&M Records eigener Song
Ring Them Bells „Ring them bells ye heathen from the city that dreams …“ Bob Dylan Ring Them Bells 1995 Guardian Records Coversong
Rock Salt and Nails „On the banks of the river, where the willows hang down …“[12] Bruce Phillips David’s Album 1969 Vanguard Records Coversong
Rose of Sharon „There’s a beautiful rose ever blooming …“[9] Eliza Gilkyson Day After Tomorrow 2008 Proper Records Coversong
Rosemary Moore „Take out your hearing aid, let’s go for a drink …“[9] Caitlin Cary Dark Chords on a Big Guitar 2003 Koch Records Coversong
Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands „With your mercury mouth in the missionary times …“[9] Bob Dylan Any Day Now 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
Sag mir, wo die Blumen sind „Sag mir, wo die Blumen sind …“[9] Pete Seeger Farewell, Angelina 1965 Vanguard Records Coversong
Saigon Bride „Farewell my wistful Saigon bride …“[9] Joan Baez und Nina Duschek Joan 1967 Vanguard Records eigener Song Songtext von Nina Dusheck
Sail Away Ladies „Sail away ladies …“[9] Traditional Folksingers ’Round Harvard Square 1960 Veritas Records Coversong
Sailing „I am sailing, I am sailing …“[9] Gavin Sutherland Blowin’ Away 1977 Portrait Coversong
San Francisco Mabel Joy „Lord his daddy was an honest man, just a red dirt Georgia farmer …“[9] Mickey Newbury Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
Scarlet Ribbons „I peeked in to say good-night …“[9] Jack Segal und Evelyn Levine Joan Baez in San Francisco 1964 Bear Family Records Coversong
Scarlet Tide „Well, I recall his parting words …“[9] Elvis Costello und Joseph Henry Burnett Day After Tomorrow 2008 Proper Records Coversong
Seabirds „Don’t worry about my politics …“[9] Joan Baez Gulf Winds 1976 A&M Records eigener Song
Seven Bridges Road „There are stars in the southern sky …“[9] Stephen Young One Day at a Time 1970 Vanguard Records Coversong
Seven Curses „Old Reilly stole a stallion …“[9] Bob Dylan Bowery Songs 2005 Koch Records Coversong
She Moved Through the Fair „My love said to me …“[12] Traditional 75th Birthday Celebration 2016 Razor & Tie Coversong
She Never Could Resist a Winding Road „In the old cold embers of the year …“[24] Richard Thompson 75th Birthday Celebration 2016 Razor & Tie Coversong
She’s a Trouble Maker „Watch out boys …“[9] Jerry Ragovoy und Van McCoy Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong
Silent Night „Silent night, holy night …“[9] Franz Xaver Gruber und Joseph Mohr Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
Silent Running „Fields of children running wild in the sun …“[9] Diane Lampert Silent Running (Original Soundtrack Album) 1978 Varèse Sarabande Coversong
Silkie „An earthly nurse sits and sings …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez – Vol. 2 1961 Vanguard Records Coversong
Silver Blade „Oh, I have myself a silver blade …“[10] Joan Baez Whistle Down The Wind 2018 Razor & Tie eigener Song
Silver Dagger „Don’t sing love songs, you’ll wake my mother …“[9] Joan Baez Joan Baez 1960 Vanguard Records Coversong
Simple Twist of Fate „They sat together …“[9] Bob Dylan Diamonds and Rust 1975 A&M Records Coversong
Since You’ve Asked „What I’ll give you since you asked is all my time together …“[9] Judy Collins Born To The Breed – A Tribute To Judy Collins 2008 Wildflower Records Coversong
Sing me Back Home „The warden led the prisoner down the hallway to his doom …“[12] Merle Haggard One Day at a Time 2005 Vanguard Records Coversong Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung
Sleeper „It’s another happy April …“[12] Greg Brown Dark Chords on a Big Guitar 2003 Koch Records Coversong
So Soon in the Morning „So soon in the morning when the clouds roll away …“[9] Traditional Folksingers ’Round Harvard Square 1960 Veritas Records Coversong mit Bill Wood
So We’ll go no More A-Roving „So we’ll go no more a-roving …“[9] Richard Dyer-Bennet 5 1964 Vanguard Records Coversong
Somebody Got Lost in a Storm „Somebody got lost in a storm …“[12] Traditional Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong
Song at the End of the Movie „This is the song at the end of the movie …“[9] Pierce Pettis Honest Lullaby 1979 Portrait Coversong
Song in the Blood „There are great puddles of blood on the world …“[9] Jacques Prevert und Peter Schickele Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Sonstiges gesprochener Text mit Musik von Peter Schickele
Song of Bangladesh „Bangladesh, Bangladesh …“[9] Joan Baez Come From the Shadows 1972 A&M Records eigener Song
Soplando en el viento „ …“ Bob Dylan Era un Muchacho como yo que gustaba de los Beatles y Rolling Stones 1973 Music Hall Coversong spanische Fassung von Blowin’ in the Wind
Soyuz Druzyei „Поднявший меч на наш союз …“[12] European Tour 1980 Portrait eigener Song
Speaking of Dreams „Speaking of dreams …“[9] Joan Baez Speaking of Dreams 1989 Guardian Records eigener Song
Steal Across the Border „Kneeling in the moonlight, gazing on the shore …“[9] Ron Davies Play me Backwards 1992 Virgin Records Coversong
Stephanie’s Room „You’ve loved me exquisitely …“[9] Joan Baez Gulf Winds 1976 A&M Records eigener Song
Stewball „Stewball was a good horse, he wore his head high …“[9] Bob Yellin, Ralph Rinzler und John Herald 5 1964 Vanguard Records Coversong
Still Waters at Night „Still waters at night in the darkest of dark …“[9] Joan Baez Gulf Winds 1976 A&M Records eigener Song
Stones in the Road „When we were young, we pledged allegiance every morning of our lives …“[9] Mary Chapin Carpenter Play me Backwards 1992 Virgin Records Coversong
Strange Rivers „There are voices in the mirror, faces at the door …“[9] John Stewart Play me Backwards 1992 Virgin Records Coversong
Streets of Laredo „As I walked out in the streets of Laredo …“ Traditional Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong
Suzanne „Suzanne takes you down …“[9] Leonard Cohen Carry it On - Original Sound Track Album 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
Sweet Sir Galahad „Sweet Sir Galahad came in through the window …“[9] Joan Baez One Day at a Time 1970 Vanguard Records eigener Song Erstmals erschienen 1968 auf der Single Sweet Sir Galahad / Ghetto
Sweeter for Me „Red telephone sitting by my bed …“[9] Joan Baez Gulf Winds 1976 A&M Records eigener Song
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot „Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, coming for to carry me home …“[12] Traditional From Every Stage 1976 A&M Records Coversong
Take me Back to the Sweet Sunny South „Take me back to the place where I first saw the light …“[9] Traditional One Day at a Time 1970 Vanguard Records Coversong
Te Ador „Te ador, tu amor …“[9] Luiz Bonfã / Antonio De Maria In Concert Part 2 1963 Vanguard Records Coversong
Te recuerdo Amanda „Te recuerdo Amanda …“[9] Victor Jara Gracias a la Vida 1974 A&M Records Coversong
Tears in my Eyes „Brother do you love me and do you want to live? …“[9] Pauline Marden Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong
Tears of Rage „We carried you in our arms …“[9] Bob Dylan und

Richard Manuel

Any Day Now 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
The 33rd of August „Today, there’s no salvation, the band’s packed up and gone …“[9] Mickey Newbury Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Altar Boy and the Thief „At night in the safety of shadows and numbers …“[9] Joan Baez Blowin’ Away 1977 Portrait eigener Song
The Angel „I dreamt a dream! What can it mean? …“[25] William Blake Baptism 2003 Vanguard Records Sonstiges gesprochener Text

Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung

The Ballad of Sacco and Vanzetti „Give to me your tired and your poor …“[9] Joan Baez und Ennio Morricone From Every Stage 1976 A&M Records eigener Song
The Boxer „I am just a poor boy …“[9] Paul Simon European Tour 1980 Portrait Coversong
The Brand New Tennessee Waltz „Oh, my, but you have a pretty face …“[9] Jesse Winchester Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Carol of the Birds „When rose the eastern star …“[9] Traditional Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Cherry Tree Carol „When Joseph was an old man, an old man was he …“ Traditional Joan Baez – Vol. 2 1961 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Crimes of Cain „Father, can you hear the tolling of the bells …“[9] Joan Baez und Georges Delerue The Crimes Of Cain 1988 Virgin Records eigener Song Zuerst als Single veröffentlicht
The Dangling Conversation „It’s a still life water color …“[9] Paul Simon Joan 1967 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Death of Queen Jane „Queen Jane lay in labor …“[9] Traditional 5 1964 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Dream Song „I had a dream I was following a barefoot girl …“[9] Joan Baez und Ron Davies Play me Backwards 1992 Virgin Records Coversong
The Edge of Glory „My house stands at the edge of glory …“[9] Joan Baez, Wally Wilson, Kenny Greenberg und Karen O’Connor Play me Backwards 1992 Virgin Records eigener Song
The First Noël „The First Noel, the Angel did say …“[9] Traditional Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong Bonus-Track der Wiederveröffentlichung
The Great Correction „Down on the corner of ruin and grace …“[12] Joan Baez Whistle Down The Wind 2018 Razor & Tie eigener Song
The Greenwood Side „There was a fair maiden lived in the north …“[9] Traditional Joan 1967 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Hitchhikers’ Song „When the mist rolls in on Highway One …“[9] Joan Baez Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records eigener Song
The House Carpenter „Well met, well met, my own true love …“[9] Bob Dylan In Concert 1962 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Lady Came from Baltimore „The lady cam from Baltimore, all she wore was lace …“[12] Tim Hardin Joan 1967 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Lass from the Low Country „She was a lass from the low country …“[9] John Jacob Niles The Joan Baez Lovesong Album 1976 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Last Thing on my Mind „It’s a lesson too late for the learnin’ …“[9] Tom Paxton Carry it On - Original Sound Track Album 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Little Drummer Boy „Come they told me parapapampam …“[9] Katherine K. Davis, Henry Onorati und Harry Simeone Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Love Inside „So the word is goodbye …“[9] Barry Gibb Live – Europe ’83 1984 Ariola Coversong
The Lower Road „Cut me down, bury this rosary …“[9] Thea Gilmore Day After Tomorrow 2008 Proper Records Coversong
The Magic Wood „The wood is full of shining eyes …“[12] Henry Treece und Peter Schickele Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress „See her how she flies …“[9] Jimmy Webb Recently 1987 Gold Castle/Virgin Coversong
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down „Virgil Caine is my name and I drove on the Danville train …“[9] Robbie Robertson Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Parable of the Old Man and the Young „So Abram rose, and clave the wood, and went …“[12] Wilfred Owen Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Sonstiges Gesprochener Text
The Partisan „They poured across the borders …“[9] Anna Marly und Hy Zaret Come From the Shadows 1972 A&M Records Coversong
The President Sang Amazing Grace „A young man came to a house of prayer …“[10] Joan Baez Whistle Down the Wind 2018 Razor & Tie eigener Song
The Riddle Song „I gave my love a cherry that has no stone …“[12] Traditional Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong Duett mit Pete Seeger
The River in the Pines „Oh, Mary was a maiden …“[9] Traditional Farewell, Angelina 1965 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Rose „Some say love, it is a river …“[9] Amanda McBroom European Tour 1980 Portrait/CBS Coversong
The Salt of the Earth „Let’s drink to the hard working people …“[9] Mick Jagger und Keith Richard Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Swallow Song „Come wander quietly and listen to the wind …“[9] Richard Farina Pack up Your Sorrows 1966 Amadeo Coversong Erschien erstmals auf EP
The Things That We Are Made Of „I remember driving down the rutted roads late at night …“[12] Joan Baez Whistle Down The Wind 2018 Razor & Tie eigener Song
The Tramp on the Street „Only a tramp was Lazarus that day, …“[9] Grady Cole und Hazel Cole David’s Album 1969 Vanguard Records Coversong Text in der letzten Strophe Joan Baez und Maynard Solomon
The Trees They do Grow High „The trees they do grow high and the leaves they do grow green …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez – Vol. 2 1961 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Unquiet Grave „Cold blows the wind to my true love …“ Traditional 5 1964 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Walls of Redwing „Well I’m sailin away my own true love …“[12] Bob Dylan Any Day Now 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Water is Wide „The water is wide, I can’t cross over …“[12] Traditional Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong
The Wild Mountain Thyme „For the summertime is coming …“[9] Traditional Farewell, Angelina 1965 Vanguard Records Coversong
There but for Fortune „Show me the prisons …“[9] Phil Ochs 5 1964 Vanguard Records Coversong
Three Fishers „Three fishers went sailing out into the west …“[9] Charles Kingsley und John Hullah In Concert Part 2 1963 Vanguard Records Coversong
Three Horses „In the early dawn a stallion white …“[9] Joan Baez Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records eigener Song
Through Your Hands „You were dreaming on a park bench about a broad highway somewhere …“[9] John Hiatt Play me Backwards 1992 Virgin Records Coversong
Time is Passing us By „The moon is low on the southland …“[9] Joan Baez Gulf Winds 1976 A&M Records eigener Song
Time Rag „Ripping along towards middle age …“s[9] Joan Baez Blowin’ Away 1977 Portrait eigener Song
To Bobby „I’ll put flowers at your feet …“[9] Joan Baez Come From The Shadows 1972 A&M Records eigener Song
To Ramona „Ramona, come closer …“[9] Bob Dylan Gone From Danger (Collectors Edition) 2009 Proper Records Coversong
Told the Captain „Told my captain my hands were cold …“[9] A. Hoffman und D. Manning Joan Baez in San Francisco 1964 Bear Family Records Coversong
Tomorrow is a Long Time „If today was not an endless highway …“[9] Bob Dylan In Concert Part 2 2002 Vanguard Records Coversong Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung
Tres Pescadores „ …“ Charles Kingsley und John Hullah El Preso Numero 9 1968 Hispavox Coversong Erstmals erschienen auf EP
Troubled and I Don’t Know Why „I’m troubled and I don’t know why …“[9] Bob Dylan Rare, Live & Classic 1993 Vanguard Records Coversong
Tumbleweed „I feel like a lonesome tumbleweed …“[9] Douglas Van Arsdale Come From The Shadows 1972 A&M Records Coversong
Turquoise „Your smile - beams like sunlight - on a gull’s wing …“[9] Donovan Joan 1967 Vanguard Records Coversong
Twelve Gates to the City „Three gates in the east …“[12] Traditional Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong
Txoria Txori „HEGOAK EBAKI BANIZKIO …“[10] Joxean Artze und Mikel Laboa Diamonds and Rust in the Bullring 1988 Gold Castle/Virgin Coversong
Un mondo d’Amore „ …“ Bruno Zambrini, Franco Migliacci und Sante Maria Romitelli C’ era un ragazzo che come me amava i Beatles e i Rolling Stones / Un mondo d’amore 1970 Vanguard Records Coversong Erstmals auf Single erschienen
Vagabondo „ …“ Joan Baez 24 Luglio 1970 Joan Baez All’Arena Civica di Milano 1970 Vanguard Records eigener Song
Virgin Mary „Virgin Mary had a one son …“[12] Traditional Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung
Wagoner’s Lad „Oh, hard is the fortune …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez – Vol. 2 1961 Vanguard Records Coversong
Walkin’ Down the Line „Well, I’m walkin’ down the line …“[9] Bob Dylan Any Day Now 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
Warm and Tender Love „Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love, hmm …“[12] Bobby Robinson und Clara Thompson Blessed Are… 2005 Vanguard Records Coversong Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung
Warriors of the Sun „We are the Warriors of the Sun …“[9] Joan Baez Live – Europe ’83 1984 Ariola eigener Song
Water Boy „Water boy, where are you hiding …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez in San Francisco 1964 Bear Family Records Coversong
We are Crossing Jordan River „We are crossing Jordan River …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez at Newport Live! 1966 Amadeo Coversong Erschien erstmals auf EP
We Shall Overcome „We shall overcome, we shall overcome …“ Zilphia Horton, Frank Hamilton, Guy Carawan

und Pete Seeger

In Concert Part 2 1963 Vanguard Records Coversong
We Three Kings „We three kings of orient are …“[26] Traditional Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong Bonus-Track der Wiederveröffentlichung
We Three Together Constitute the Struggle Mountain Resistance Band „ …“ Joan Baez Live tt Woodstock 2019 Craft Recordings Sonstiges gesprochener Text
(We Want Our) Freedom Now „I say Naaa Na-Na-Na-Naaa - I want my freedom now! …“[27] Traditional Joan Baez in Italy 1969 Vanguard Records Coversong
Welcome Me „Welcome me to the city of angels …“[9] Amy Ray Ring Them Bells 1995 Guardian Records Coversong
Wenn unsere Brüder kommen „Wenn unsre Brüder kommen …“[9] Konstantin Wecker Live – Europe ’83 1984 Ariola Coversong
What Child is This „What Child is this who laid to rest …“[9] Traditional Noël 1966 Vanguard Records Coversong
What Have They Done to the Rain „Just a little rain falling all around …“[10] Malvina Reynolds In Concert 1962 Vanguard Records Coversong
What You Gonna Call Your Pretty Little Baby „Mary, Mary, had a little baby …“[9] Traditional Folksingers ’Round Harvard Square 1960 Veritas Records Coversong
When the Shy Star Goes Forth in Heaven „ …“ James Joyce Baptism 2003 Vanguard Records Sonstiges gesprochener Text,

Bonustrack der Wiederveröffentlichung

When Time is Stolen „The music stopped in my hand …“[9] Joan Baez Blessed Are… 1971 Vanguard Records eigener Song
When You Hear Them Cuckoos Hollerin’ „When you hear them cuckoos hollerin’ …“[9] Traditional 5 1964 Vanguard Records Coversong
Where Are You Now, my Son „It’s walking to the battleground that always makes me cry …“[9] Joan Baez Where Are You Now, My Son? 1973 A&M Records eigener Song
Where Have All the Flowers Gone „Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing …“[9] Pete Seeger Joan Baez in Italy 1969 Vanguard Records Coversong
Where’s my Apple Pie? „Been sitting on old park benches …“[9] Joan Baez Where’s my Apple Pie? 1974 A&M Records eigener Song zunächst als Single erschienen
Whistle Down the Wind „I grew up here now all of my life …“[9] Kathleen Brennan und Thomas Alan Waits Whistle Down the Wind 2018 Razor & Tie Coversong
Who Do You Think I Am „I am not on top of a mountain and …“[9] Sinead Lohan Gone From Danger 1997 Guardian Records Coversong
Who Murdered the Minutes „Who murdered the minutes …“[9] Henry Treece und Peter Schickele Baptism 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
Wild Mountain Thyme „For the summertime is coming …“[9] Francis McPeake Farewell, Angelina 1965 Vanguard Records Coversong
Wildwood Flower „Oh, I’ll twine with my mingles …“[9] Traditional Joan Baez 1960 Vanguard Records Coversong
Will the Circle be Unbroken „I was standing by the window …“[10] Traditional David’s Album 1969 Vanguard Records Coversong
Willie Moore „Willie Moore was a king, his age twenty-one …“[9] Traditional Very Early Joan 1982 Vanguard Records Coversong
Windrose Joan Baez Where Are You Now, My Son? 1973 A&M Records Instrumental
Winds of the Old Days „The lady’s adrift in a foreign land …“[9] Joan Baez Diamonds and Rust 1975 A&M Records eigener Song
Wings „At night we crossed the border …“[9] Josh Ritter Dark Chords on a Big Guitar 2003 Koch Records Coversong
With God on Our Side „Oh my name it is nothin’ …“[9] Bob Dylan With God on Our Side 1963 Fontana Records Coversong zunächst als EP erschienen
Wozu sind Kriege da „Keiner will sterben, das ist doch klar …“[9] Udo Lindenberg Live – Europe ’83 1984 Ariola Coversong
Yellow Coat „It’s a long time since I saw you last …“[9] Steve Goodman Blowin’ Away 1977 Portrait Coversong
Yesterday „Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away …“[9] Paul McCartney Joan Baez in Italy 1969 Vanguard Records Coversong
You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere „Clouds so swift, rain won’t lift …“[10] Bob Dylan Any Day Now 1968 Vanguard Records Coversong
Young Blood „I saw her standing on the corner …“[9] Doc Pomus, Mike Stoller und Jerry Leiber Joan Baez in San Francisco 1964 Bear Family Records Coversong
You’re Aging Well „Why is it that as we grow older and stronger …“[9] Dar Williams Ring Them Bells 1995 Guardian Records Coversong

Siehe auch



Commons: Joan Baez – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien


  1. Joan Baez, Bill Wood, Ted Alevizos – Folksingers 'Round Harvard Square. Abgerufen am 17. Juli 2020 (englisch).
  2. Joan Baez – Joan Baez. Abgerufen am 17. Juli 2020 (englisch).
  3. ImdB-Eintrag zum Film Sacco und Vanzetti
  4. Jens Rosteck: Bob Dylan. Leben - Werk - Wirkung. Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2006, ISBN 978-3-518-18218-5, S. 32.
  5. Iain Blair: The Voice Of Joan Baez, The Chicago Tribune, 28. Juni 1987, abgerufen am 10. Februar 2015.
  6. Joan Baez - The Fare Thee Well Tour. Abgerufen am 13. Januar 2021.
  7. Joan Baez. Abgerufen am 23. Januar 2021.
  8. Joan Baez. Abgerufen am 23. Januar 2021 (englisch).
  9. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lj lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh Musikguru – Joan Baez Lyrics. Abgerufen am 12. Januar 2021.
  10. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac Quelle: Lyricfind
  11. Adeste Fidelis. Abgerufen am 17. Januar 2021 (englisch).
  12. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm Quelle: Musixmatch
  13. Away In A Manger (French Version). Abgerufen am 17. Januar 2021 (englisch).
  14. Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella. Abgerufen am 17. Januar 2021.
  15. Deck The Halls. Abgerufen am 18. Januar 2021 (englisch).
  16. Prendre un enfant. Abgerufen am 18. Januar 2021.
  17. Fairfax County. Abgerufen am 18. Januar 2021 (englisch).
  18. Good King Wenceslas. Abgerufen am 18. Januar 2021.
  19. Jari Yahamouda. Abgerufen am 18. Januar 2021.
  20. a b Oh Freedom. Abgerufen am 18. Januar 2021.
  21. Oh, Little Child. Abgerufen am 18. Januar 2021.
  22. Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man. Abgerufen am 18. Januar 2021.
  23. Rejoice In The Sun. Abgerufen am 27. Januar 2021.
  24. She Never Could Resist A Winding Road. Abgerufen am 18. Januar 2021 (englisch).
  25. The Angel. Abgerufen am 27. Januar 2021 (englisch).
  26. We Three Kings. Abgerufen am 18. Januar 2021 (englisch).
  27. We Want Our Freedom Now. Abgerufen am 27. Januar 2021 (englisch).