Liste von Gewerkschaften in Afrika
Die Liste von Gewerkschaften in Afrika enthält Gewerkschaften und Gewerkschaftsbünde in Afrika nach Ländern alphabetisch geordnet.
Bearbeiten- Konföderation Äthiopischer Gewerkschaften (Gewerkschaftsbund)
- Botswana Federation of Trade Union, Dachverband von:
- Air Botswana Employees' Union
- Botswana Agricultural Marketing Board Workers' Union
- Botswana Bank Employees' Union
- Botswana Beverages & Allied Workers' Union
- Botswana Central Bank Staff Union
- Botswana Commercial & General Workers' Union
- Botswana Construction Workers' Union
- Botswana Diamond Sorters & Valuators' Union
- Botswana Hotel Travel & Tourism Workers' Union
- Botswana Housing Corporation Staff Union
- Botswana Institute of Development Management Workers' Union
- Botswana Manufacturing & Packaging Workers' Union
- Botswana Meat Industry Workers' Union
- Botswana Mining Workers' Union
- Botswana National Development Bank Staff Union
- Botswana Postal Services Workers' Union
- Botswana Power Corporation Workers' Union
- Botswana Private Medical & Health Services Workers' Union
- Botswana Railways Amalgamated Workers' Union
- Botswana Saving Bank Employees' Union
- Botswana Telecommunication Employees' Union
- Botswana Vaccine Institute Staff Union
- Botswana Wholesale, Furniture & Retail Workers' Union
- National Amalgamated Central, Local & Parastatal Manual Workers' Union
- Rural Industry Promotions Company Workers' Union
- University of Botswana Non-Academic Staff Union
- Ghana Federation of Labour (GFL) (Gewerkschaftsbund)
- Trades Union Congress of Ghana
- National Consultative Forum of Ghana Labour
- People’s/Workers’ Defence Committee (PWDC)
- Association of Labour Unions (ALU)
- Zambia Congress of Trade Unions, Dachverband von:
- Hotel Catering Workers Union of Zambia
- National Union of Commercial and Industrial Workers
- National Union of Plantation & Agricultural Workers
- Food and Canning Workers Union
- Winding Engine Workers Union
- Mine Workers Union (erste Gewerkschaft Sambias, gegründet 1949)
- Worker Union of Tazara
- Railway Workers Union of Zambia
- National Energy Sector and Allied Workers Union
- Electricity Workers Union
- National Union of Public Service Workers
- Civil Servants and Allied Workers Union of Zambia
- Zambia United Local Authority Workers Union
- Copperbelt University Workers Union
- University of Zambia and Allied Workers Union
- Zambia National Union of Teachers
- Zambia Union of Journalists
- National Union of Communication Workers
- Zambia Typographical and Allied Workers Union
- Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU)
- Congress of South African Trade Unions (Gewerkschafts-Dachverband). Mitgliedsgewerkschaften:
- Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood and Allied Workers’ Union (CEPPWAWU)
- South African Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union (SACCAWU)
- Communication Workers Union (CWU)
- Southern African Clothing and Textile Worker’s Union (SACTWU)
- Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU)
- South African Democratic Nurses’ Union (SADNU)
- Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa (DENOSA)
- South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU)
- Musicians Union of South Africa (MUSA)
- South African Football Players Union (SAFPU)
- National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU)
- South African Medical Association (SAMA)
- National Union of Mineworkers (NUM)
- South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU)
- National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA)
- South African State and Allied Workers’ Union (SASAWU)
- Performing Arts Workers’ Equity (PAWE)
- SASBO - The Finance Union
- Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU)
- South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU)
- South African Agricultural Plantation and Allied Workers Union (SAAPAWU)
- Federation of Unions of South Africa
- National Council of Trade Unions