Living Textbook of Hand Surgery
Open Access Lehrbuch für Handchirurgie
Living Textbook of Hand Surgery ist ein „lebendes“ Open-Access-Lehrbuch für Handchirurgie in englischer Sprache. Neue Kapitel werden zugefügt, alle Kapitel werden bei Bedarf überarbeitet. Vor der Veröffentlichung durchlaufen die einzelnen Kapitel einen Peer-Review-Prozess.
- Entsprechend der Budapester Erklärung der Open-Access-Bewegung ist dieses Lehrbuch weltweit, barrierefrei und kostenlos im Internet zugänglich. Texte, Abbildungen, Fotos und audiovisuelle Medien aus diesem Buch stehen allen Usern zur weiteren Verwendung zur Verfügung, sofern die Quelle entsprechend benannt wird (Creative Commons License).
- Direkter Kooperationspartner ist gms (German Medical Science), das Open-Access-Portal der wissenschaftlichen medizinischen Fachgesellschaften in Deutschland, die in der AWMF organisiert sind.
- Living Textbook of Hand Surgery wird herausgegeben vom gemeinnützigen Verein „Handchirurgie weltweit e.V.“[1] Editor in Chief ist Dr. med. Richarda Böttcher (Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin).
- Alle Versionen der Artikel erhalten einen individuellen DOI (Digital Object Identifier), damit sind Aktualisierungen und Änderungen verfolgbar.
BearbeitenKapitelstruktur des Handbuchs, bisher nur teilweise fertig ausgearbeitet („Work in Progress“):
- Foreword[2] doi:10.5680/lhhs000002
- Preface[3] doi:10.5680/lhhs000003
- Acknowledgements[4] doi:10.5680/lhhs000004
- Introduction[5] doi:10.5680/lhhs000005
- The history of the “Living Textbook of Hand Surgery”[6] doi:10.5680/lhhs000006
- The concept of the “Living Textbook of Hand Surgery”[7] doi:10.5680/lhhs000007
- Basics for surgical treatment
- Diagnostics
- Basics in clinical neurophysiology: Nerve conduction studies and needle electromyography in nerve entrapment syndromes[8] doi:10.5680/lhhs000027
- Surgical Principles
- Microsurgical techniques for vascular anastomoses[9] doi:10.5680/lhhs000026
- Diagnostics
- Bones, joints and ligaments
- Hand
- Wrist
- Distal radius and ulna
- Forearm
- Aseptic necroses of the bones
- Tendons
- Extensor tendons
- Flexor tendons
- Nerves[10] doi:10.5680/lhhs000028
- Nerves: Structure, anatomy and response to injury[11] doi:10.5680/lhhs000029
- Nerve injury: Classification, clinical assessment, investigation, and management[12] doi:10.5680/lhhs000030
- Operating on nerves: Surgical approaches, primary and secondary repair, nerve grafting and nerve transfer[13] doi:10.5680/lhhs000025
- Ulnar nerve compression[14] doi:10.5680/lhhs000031
- Compression neuropathies of the radial nerve[15] doi:10.5680/lhhs000024
- Median nerve compression: Pronator and anterior interosseous syndromes[16] doi:10.5680/lhhs000023
- Palsies
- Vasculature
- Soft tissue
- Combined injuries
- Technique of reconstruction
- [Microsurgical techniques for vascular anastomoses[17] doi:10.5680/lhhs000026
- Technique of reconstruction
- Special injuries
- Special diseases
- Dupuytren's disease[18] doi:10.5680/lhhs000008
- History of Dupuytren’s Disease[19] doi:10.5680/lhhs000009
- Genetics of Dupuytren’s Disease[20] doi:10.5680/lhhs000010
- Etiology of Dupuytren’s Disease[21] doi:10.5680/lhhs000011
- The cell biology of Dupuytren’s Disease[22] doi:10.5680/lhhs000012
- Treatment of Dupuytren’s Disease[23] doi:10.5680/lhhs000013 (inkl. OP-Videos)
- Percutaneous needle fasciotomy/needle aponeurotomy (PNF/NA)[24] doi:10.5680/lhhs000014
- Radiotherapy for Dupuytren’s Disease[25] doi:10.5680/lhhs000015
- Pharmacotherapy, steroid injection, fat graft, PIP external fixators and other techniques[26] doi:10.5680/lhhs000016
- Collagenase clostridium histolyticum[27] doi:10.5680/lhhs000032
- Skin grafting in Dupuytren's Disease[28] doi:10.5680/lhhs000018
- Surgical treatment for Dupuytren's Disease: open fasciotomy and fasciectomy[29] doi:10.5680/lhhs000019
- The stiff proximal interphalangeal joint[30] doi:10.5680/lhhs000020
- Author's preferred treatment[31] doi:10.5680/lhhs000021
- Dupuytren’s Disease – the role of hand therapy[32] doi:10.5680/lhhs000022
- Dupuytren's disease[18] doi:10.5680/lhhs000008
- Tumors
- Rehabilitation
BearbeitenWeblinks zu den Kapiteln von Living Textbook of Hand Surgery
- ↑ Handchirurgie weltweit e.V.
- ↑ Foreword
- ↑ Preface
- ↑ Acknowledgements
- ↑ Introduction
- ↑ The history of the “Living Textbook of Hand Surgery”
- ↑ The concept of the “Living Textbook of Hand Surgery”
- ↑ Basics in clinical neurophysiology: Nerve conduction studies and needle electromyography in nerve entrapment syndromes
- ↑ Microsurgical techniques for vascular anastomoses
- ↑ Nerves
- ↑ Nerves: Structure, anatomy and response to injury
- ↑ Nerve injury: Classification, clinical assessment, investigation, and management
- ↑ Operating on nerves: Surgical approaches, primary and secondary repair, nerve grafting and nerve transfer
- ↑ Ulnar nerve compression
- ↑ Compression neuropathies of the radial nerve
- ↑ Median nerve compression: Pronator and anterior interosseous syndromes
- ↑ Microsurgical techniques for vascular anastomoses]
- ↑ Dupuytren's disease
- ↑ History of Dupuytren’s Disease
- ↑ Genetics of Dupuytren’s Disease
- ↑ Etiology of Dupuytren’s Disease
- ↑ The cell biology of Dupuytren’s Disease
- ↑ Treatment of Dupuytren’s Disease
- ↑ Percutaneous needle fasciotomy/needle aponeurotomy (PNF/NA)
- ↑ Radiotherapy for Dupuytren’s Disease
- ↑ Pharmacotherapy, steroid injection, fat graft, PIP external fixators and other techniques
- ↑ Collagenase clostridium histolyticum
- ↑ Skin grafting in Dupuytren's Disease
- ↑ Surgical treatment for Dupuytren's Disease: open fasciotomy and fasciectomy
- ↑ The stiff proximal interphalangeal joint
- ↑ Author's preferred treatment
- ↑ Dupuytren’s Disease – the role of hand therapy