Vorlage:Navigationsleiste Upton-Sinclair-Werke
Vollständigkeit der Einbindungen prüfen
„Dead Hand“-Reihe: The Profits of Religion (1917) | The Brass Check (1919) | The Goose-step: A Study of American Education (1923) | The Goslings: The Goslings A Study Of The American Schools (1924) | Mammonart (1925) | Money Writes! (1927)
Lanny-Budd-Reihe: World’s End (1940) | Between Two Worlds (1941) | Dragon’s Teeth (1942) | Wide is the Gate (1943) | Presidential Agent (1944) | Dragon Harvest (1945) | A World to Win (1946) | Presidential Mission (1947) | One Clear Call (1948) | O Shepherd, Speak! (1949) | The Return of Lanny Budd (1953)
Andere Werke: The Journal of Arthur Stirling (1903) | The Jungle (1906) | King Coal (1917) | They Call Me Carpenter (1922) | Oil! (1927) | Boston (1928) | Roman Holiday (1931) | The Flivver King: A Story of Ford-America (1937) | Little Steel (1938) | The Coal War (1976)
Nicht-fiktional: Mental Radio: Does it work, and how? (1930) | Upton Sinclair Presents William Fox (1933) | The Cup of Fury (1956)