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Modul: Dokumentation

URIutil – Module with functions for strings in context of resource identifiers. This is not targeting for the subset, which is a locator formed as URL (see URLutil). In fact unique key codes for any kind of documents are covered: DOI, ISBN, ISSN, URN; furthermore some national and other codes like LCCN, GTIN/EAN, DNB, GND, ZDB, assigned by public institutions.

Functions for templates


All functions expect exactly one unnamed parameter (which should be provided to get a meaningful answer). Whitespace ahead and after content is ignored.

The return value is an empty string (“nothing”), if the parameter value does not fulfil the expectations. If there is a result or the query condition is true, at least one visible character will be returned. The result does not begin or end with a space.

7 significant digits of a 8-digit or 13-digit ISSN
Segmentation by hyphens; “X” capitalized.
Segmentation by hyphens; “X” capitalized.
  • Optionally: second parameter 8 or 13 for output format; else as got.
Is this DNB (also GND, ZDB) identifier formally correct, including check digit?
  • GND have at least 9 digits, not former 8 digits SWD and GKD with check digit separated by hyphen.
If a number with up to 7 digits a check digit separated by hyphen is following, a validation by rules before 2012 is tried.
  • nothing – if invalid
  • number of digits or 2011valid
Is this a syntactically correct Digital Object Identifier?
  • number of organisation – yes
  • nothing – if invalid
Are bad percent escapings in attempt?
  • nothing – no complaints
  • string – objected sequence
Is this GTIN (EAN) formally correct, including check digit?
  • number of digits
  • nothing – if invalid
GTIN are also ISBN-13, ISSN-13 and perhaps one day AV media.
Is this a syntactically correct ISBN?
  • 10 if 10 digits and hyphens; also terminated by xX
  • 13 if 13 digits and hyphens; starting with bookland
  • nothing – else
Is this a syntactically correct ISBN, including check digit?
  • 10 or 13yes
  • nothing – no
Is this ISSN formally correct, including check digit?
  • 8 or 13yes
  • nichts – no
Is this a syntactically correct LCCN?
  • string – identified, without separators
  • nothing – if invalid
Bracketed external link on DOI resolver
Bracketed external link on Special:Booksources with prefixed keyword ISBN and formatISBN (also when syntactically incorrect)
  • Optionally: second parameter 1 permits invalid check digit.
  • Optionally: link=0 and nbsp=0
Bracketed external link on data base of periodicals with prefixed keyword ISSN and formatISSN (also when syntactically incorrect)
  • Optionally: second parameter 1 permits invalid check digit.
  • Optionally: link=0 and nbsp=0
class="plainlinks-print" won’t be issued.
Bracketed external link on URN resolver
For the time being not implemented due lack of universal resolver.
isDOI or empty
  • Number of organisation – yes
  • 0empty
  • nothing – if invalid
isISBN or empty
  • 10 oder 13yes
  • 0 empty
  • nothing – if invalid
isISSNvalid or empty
  • 8 oder 13yes
  • 0empty
  • nothing – if invalid
isLCCN or empty
  • string – identified, without separators
  • 0empty
  • nothing – if invalid
URI in general or empty; no spaces within, isEscValid
  • Optionally: second parameter 1 permits ASCII only (no IRI).
  • nothing – no complaints
  • string – objected sequence
Valid URN or empty
  • nothing – no complaints
  • string – objected sequence
Raw ISBN with digits only (or X); 10 or 13 characters.
Appropriate for Wikipedia:BibRecord.
Bracketed external link on data base of periodicals formatISSN (also when syntactically incorrect)
  • Optionally: second parameter 1 permits invalid check digit.
class="plainlinks-print" won’t be issued.
Like linkDOI with prefixed scheme doi:
Like linkURN with prefixed scheme urn:
Not yet implemented.

The Failsafe interface is heading for version management of globally distributed Lua modules. It enables modules equipped with this interface to

  • ensure, that a library module required by a template or another module available as local copy does support certain functionality, or complain if not.
  • administrate global updating and linking of module codes via Wikidata.

The Failsafe interface is present both at template level and for direct Lua access.

The functions in detail are (not all supported yet completely by every library):

Value Result current
local version ID »2024-08-05«
Minimal version version ID required at least
date in ISO format

It will be compared whether the current local implementation matches this version or later.

  • empty, if minimal version not achieved
  • 2001-01-01 → »2024-08-05«
  • 2099-01-01 → »«
wikidata version ID of global upstream
  • version ID at Wikidata
  • local, if not found there
item ID of the Wikidata item
  • empty if not defined
~ Corresponding version ID locally and registered at Wikidata
  • empty, if up to date
  • version ID at Wikidata, if not equal
@ Is the current (module) page linked correctly with Wikidata item?
  • empty, if linked to the item which is supposed
  • Iitem ID, if not
The return value is in template programming empty or under Lua false, otherwis a non-empty string as described.

Optional parameters


The functions link* and uri* link the prefixed keyword/scheme to the assumed enzyclopedic article. The parameter value may specify an alternative page name; or link=0 would suppress linking.

The functions link* will use non breaking space between prefixed keyword and code; but nbsp=0 requests ASCII spaces.

Markup of bad codes


The functions link* and uri* assign class="invalid-ISBN" etc. to invalid codes. This might be utilized by users or gadgets for markup, e.g. a red box around the code.

.invalid-ISSN {
   border: solid 2px #FF0000;

Examples (test page)


A test page illustrates practical use.

Functions for Lua modules (API)


All functions described above can be used by other modules:[1]

local lucky, URIutil = pcall( require, "Modul:URIutil" )
if type( URIutil ) == "table" then
    URIutil = URIutil()
    -- failure; URLutil is the error message
    return "<span class=\"error\">" .. URIutil .. "</span>"

Subsequently there are available:

  • URIutil.coreISSN( attempt )
  • URIutil.formatISBN( attempt )
  • URIutil.formatISSN( attempt, achieve )
  • URIutil.isDNBvalid( attempt )
  • URIutil.isDOI( attempt )
  • URIutil.isEscValid( attempt )
  • URIutil.isGTINvalid( attempt )
  • URIutil.isISBN( attempt )
    • Second return value: table with ISBN components; number with error code
  • URIutil.isISBNvalid( attempt )
    • Second return value: table with ISBN components; number with error code
  • URIutil.isISSNvalid( attempt )
  • URIutil.isLCCN( attempt )
  • URIutil.linkDOI( attempt )
  • URIutil.linkISBN( attempt, allow, abbr, adhere )
  • URIutil.linkISSN( attempt, allow, abbr, adhere )
  • URIutil.mayDOI( attempt )
  • URIutil.mayISBN( attempt )
  • URIutil.mayISSN( attempt )
  • URIutil.mayLCCN( attempt )
  • URIutil.mayURI( attempt, ascii )
  • URIutil.mayURN( attempt )
  • URIutil.plainISBN( attempt )
  • URIutil.targetISSN( attempt, allow, any1, any2, alert )
  • URIutil.uriDOI( attempt )
  • URIutil.uriHandle( attempt )
  • URIutil.uriURN( attempt, alternate )
  • URIutil.failsafe( atleast )
    1. atleast
      nil or required version or "wikidata" or ~ keyword
    returns: string or false

The input parameters are:

  • attemptstring with code


  • achievenumber 8 or 13 for output format; else as got.
  • allowtrue permit invalid check digit.
  • abbrtrue or string will link prefixed abbreviation ISBN/ISSN.
  • adheretrue use &nbsp; instead of ASCII space.
  • asciitrue permit ASCII only (no IRI).

If succeeding, most functions return a string, the URIutil.is*() a number or string; on failure always false.

General library; no limitations.



Installation on other WMF projects


Follow the steps:

  1. Copy main module Module:URIutil into your project.
    • If possible keep the name URIutil.
    • If another name is required due to conflict or naming convention or non-latin script then choose a different one.
  2. Register this module at d:Q19644443.
  3. Copy the following sub modules, and keep the chosen root name:
  4. Create optionally a /config and populate according to your needs.
  5. Ready.
  6. Consider translation of doc page.

Local adaption


Create a /config sub module of your root module for mw.loadData() access and return a table with the following components (strings):

URL pattern for ISSN link
If containing $1 current ISSN will replace that placeholder, otherwise appended.
URL pattern for PMID link
If containing $1 current PMID will replace that placeholder, otherwise appended.
Page target for article on International Standard Book Number
No link if set to "-".
Page target for article on International Standard Serial Number
No link if set to "-".
Page target for article on PubMed
No link if set to "-".
Page target for article on Uniform Resource Name
No link if set to "-".
  1. Rather than
    URIutil = URIutil()
    previously it has been used:
    URIutil = URIutil.URIutil()
    This should be simplified now.