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The Wikimedia Foundation is proud to release its 7th annual report. This year’s theme: knowledge is a foundation.

People do amazing things with Wikipedia. Read the 2014 Wikimedia Foundation Annual Report to learn more (...)

The Wikimedia Foundation is proud to release its 7th annual report. This year’s theme: knowledge is a foundation.

People do amazing things with Wikipedia. Read the 2014 Wikimedia Foundation Annual Report to learn more (...)

The Wikimedia Foundation is proud to release its 7th annual report. This year’s theme: knowledge is a foundation.

People do amazing things with Wikipedia. Read the 2014 Wikimedia Foundation Annual Report to learn more (...)

The Wikimedia Foundation is proud to release its 7th annual report. This year’s theme: knowledge is a foundation.

People do amazing things with Wikipedia. Read the 2014 Wikimedia Foundation Annual Report to learn more (...)

The Wikimedia Foundation is proud to release its 7th annual report. This year’s theme: knowledge is a foundation.

People do amazing things with Wikipedia. Read the 2014 Wikimedia Foundation Annual Report to learn more (...)