Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Georeferenzierung/Hauptseite/Wikipedia-World/news
NEWS: At the moment (2015-11-30) we have (Source): 4,15 million entries as input:
- en 1145421
- de 772004
- sv 372494
- fr 293196
- nl 232555
- ru 226063
- pl 149819
- ja 106954
- ca 94353
- es 91030
- it 86936
- sr 65041
- cs 53493
- zh 52971
- uk 50251
- da 48126
- no 40229
- fa 39004
- eu 25054
- lt 24879
With interwikilinks we get an output for 273 languages.
Database-Dumps (2015-11)
- toollabs:wp-world/dumps/new_red0.gz Wikipedia-World as PostGIS-dumps
- Database structure (PostGIS)
All people with WMFLAbs-account can read and use the database u_kolossos on osmdb database server. (Helppage Connecting to OSM)