Wikipedia Diskussion:Archiv/Veranstaltungen/Treffen der Wikipedianer auf Usedom

Bilder von 2005


Habt ihr letztes Jahr eigentlich keine Wanderschaften in der näheren Umgebung gemacht? Wo sind denn die ganzen Bilder abgeblieben? In commons:Category:Usedom ist danach kein großer Zuwachs zu verzeichnen gewesen ;-) Na vielleicht kommt ja dieses Jahr mehr =) Gruß --BLueFiSH  (Klick mich!) 21:03, 9. Jul 2006 (CEST)



habt ihr im blick, dass jcornelius am vorletzten augustwochenende seinen abschied feiert? vielleicht sind zwei wochenenden direkt hintereinander nicht so geeignet?--poupou l'quourouce Review? 14:50, 10. Jul 2006 (CEST)

English info


Hi all. Some English (Polish/Czech/Latin/any other) info for all of us non-German-speakers would be highly appreciated. I mean, what is the date set and what is the expected price? Apart from that, AFAIR I still owe someone 5 Euros - was it you Uwe :) ? Halibutt 09:55, 28. Jul 2006 (CEST)

Hi Halibutt. Actually there is no information to translate, neither date nor price. But in the discussion the last weekend of August appears to find most favour.
An Uwe oder wer immer das letztlich entscheidet: Bitte bedenken, dass Bahnfahrer mit Frühbuchertarifen sehr viel billiger fahren. Gebt das Datum bitte schön lange vorher bekannt! --Baldhur 19:54, 2. Aug 2006 (CEST)
Well, the last weekday of August would be fine, as long as it's decided relatively soon. I'm even trying to draw Piotrus in, perhaps he'll find some time. As to the price - I'm still waiting for my wages for February and March, but hopefully a poor stud from distant Poland would be able to get there anyway, regardless of the payment backlog :) Halibutt 23:21, 2. Aug 2006 (CEST)
BTW, on either August 13 or August 20 Piotrus is coming to Warsaw and I'm going to be his tour-guide for a day or two. You are invited as well, feel free to come. I could help you with all arrangements. Just let me know. Halibutt 23:23, 2. Aug 2006 (CEST)
Thanks for the offer but I can't make it in August. But next year or so, why not? I could ask some Wikipedians if they are interested in visiting our Polish colleague(s). As for the Usedom meetup, I asked Uwe to settle a date, but now I guess that the meeting is cancelled. --Baldhur 21:35, 14. Aug 2006 (CEST)
Well, the offer is opened, I'm not moving from here anyway, so just let me know you're coming in advance. I'd be really happy to show you my home town, as I'm truly in love with it :) As to the Usedom meeting - all weekends seem fine to me, except perhaps the last one. It might simply turn out that I'll have some serious work to do and I can't plan that far in advance. Halibutt 23:07, 14. Aug 2006 (CEST)



Ich werde wohl anreisen und einen großen Teil der Strecke mit dem Rad fahren. Welcher Zeltplatz wäre das genau? --Markus Schweiß| @ 12:46, 17. Aug 2006 (CEST)

Frage geklärt, ab Samstag geht es dann los. --Markus Schweiß| @ 23:25, 22. Aug 2006 (CEST)