Manuel Jakab (* 1.5.1979 in Vienna, Austria) is an Austrian theoretical sociologist and communication scholar[1] currently (as of 2023) with the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science, Sigmund Freud University in Vienna, also teaching at the Department of Communication, University for Applied Sciences Vienna. Alongside Aikaterini Makri et al.[2] and Raquel Reboucas and Ana Maria Soares[3], he is among the scholars most prominently engaged in the struggle for definitions and identifying abstract generic structures in the rapidly expanding field of voluntary simplicity and anti-consumption research[4]. Less recently, Jakab has also worked on civil religion from a neo-functionalist perspective[5] and served as vice-chairman of the now defunct Unitarian Universalist Forum[6] from 2008 to 2015.

  1. Manuel Jakab - ORCID profile. Professional career and list of scientific publications. Abgerufen am 17. Januar 2023.
  2. What we know about anticonsumption: An attempt to nail jelly to the wall. In: Psychology & Marketing, 37(2), 177 - 215. Retrieved Jan. 17th, 2023. In: Wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift › Originalbeitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Begutachtung. Abgerufen am 17. Januar 2023.
  3. Voluntary simplicity: A literature review and research agenda. In: International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2021; 45: 303– 319. Retrieved Jan. 12th, 2023. In: International Journal of Consumer Studies. Abgerufen am 17. Januar 2023.
  4. Education, Sustainability & Society (ESS) - Manuel Jakab. In: Education, Sustainability & Society (ESS) 5(1) (2022) 42-50. Retrieved Jan. 16th, 2023. Abgerufen am 17. Januar 2023.
  5. Index Theologicus - Manuel Jakab. (German) Retrieved Jan 17th, 2023. Abgerufen am 17. Januar 2023.
  6. Archive website of the Unitarian Universalist Forum (defunct). Abgerufen am 17. Januar 2023.