Kurt Cobain, Sänger und Gitarrist der US-amerikanischen Rockband Nirvana, wurde am 8.April 1994 tot in seiner Wohnung in Seattle, Washington aufgefunden. Sein Tod wurde von Forensikern und einem Coroner später auf den 5.April, also drei Tage vor der Auffindung seines Leichnams, datiert.[1] Das Seattle Police Department gab Auskunft, dass Cobain mit einem Gewehr und einer Schusswunde am Kopf gefunden wurde. Auch einen Abschiedsbrief fanden die Beamten vor. Von offizieller Seite wurde Cobains Ableben als Suizid bestätigt.[2][3]
Nach Cobains Tod kamen schnell Verschwörungstheorien auf, die hauptsächlich aussagten er sei ermordet worden.[4]
BearbeitenKurt Cobain war Sänger und Gitarrist von Nirvana, eine der einflussreichsten Bands der 1990er Jahre und erfolgreichsten aller Zeiten.[5] Zeit seines Lebens litt Cobain unter chronischer Bronchitis und starken Schmerzen aufgrund einer undiagnostizierten Krankheit.[6]:66 Außerdem war er depressiv und drogenabhängig.[7][8]:76 Zwei seiner Onkel töteten sich ebenfalls mit Schusswaffen.[9]
Am 14.März 1994 wurde Cobain aufgrund einer Überdosis Flunitrazepam und Alkohol in ein Krankenhaus in Rom eingeliefert.[10] Seine Agentur, Gold Mountain Records, sagte die Überdosis sei ein Versehen gewesen und er hätte zu der Zeit an Influenza und Ermüdungserscheinungen gelitten.[11] Cobains Ehefrau Courtney Love bestätigte später allerdings, dass es ein Selbstmordversuch war: „He took 50 pills. He probably forgot how many he took. But there was a definite suicidal urge, to be gobbling and gobbling and gobbling.“ (deutsch: „Er nahm 50 Pillen. Vielleicht hat er vergessen wie viele er nahm. Aber da war ein deutlicher selbstmörderischer Drang zu schlucken und zu schlucken und zu schlucken.“)[12] Cobains Cousine Beverly, eine Krankenschwester, sagte aus der Suizid läge bei ihnen in der Familie und Cobain sei mit ADHS und BAS diagnostiziert worden.[9]
Während Nirvanas Europa Tour 1991 beklagte Cobain sich, dass seine Magenschmerzen solche Ausmaße annahmen, dass er überlegte sich umzubringen, und Heroin zu nehmen das einzige war was ihn davon abhielt.[13]
Charles Cross zitiert in seiner Cobain-Biografie Heavier Than Heaven Nirvana Bassist Krist Novoselic: „He was really quiet. He was just estranged from all of his relationships. He wasn't connecting with anybody.“ („Er wahr sehr leise. Er hatte sich von all seinen Beziehungen entfremdet. Er konnte mit niemanden etwas anfangen.“)[14]:332 Novoselics Angebot Cobain Essen auszugeben führte dazu, dass er Heroin einnahm: „His dealer was right there. He wanted to get fucked up into oblivion ... He wanted to die, that's what he wanted to do.“ (Sein Dealer war gleich da. Er wollte es auf die Spitze treiben… Er wollte sterben, das ist was er tun wollte.“)[14]:333 Schlagzeuger Dave Grohl sagte während der Aufnahme von „You Know You're Right“ über Cobains Gesundheitszustand: „It was not a pleasant time for the band. Kurt was unwell. Then he was well. Then he was unwell. The last year of the band was tough.“ („Es war keine leichte Zeit für die Band. Kurt ging es schlecht. Dann ging es ihm gut. Dann ging es ihm schlecht. Das letzte Bandjahr war hart.“)[15]
BearbeitenAm 1.April 1994 verließ Cobain das Exodus Recovery Center, ein Rehazuntrum, in das er zwei Tage zuvor aufgenommen worden war, indem er über eine zwei Meter hohe Mauer kletterte.[16] Einen Tag später fuhr Cobain per Taxi zu einem Waffengeschäft, in Seattle wo er Gewehrpatronen kaufte. Dem Taxifahrer erzählte er, dass er überfallen worden wäre und sich deswegen Waffen zulege.[17]
Am 8. April wurde Cobains Leichnam im Gewächshaus über der Garage seines Hauses am östlichen Lake Washington Boulevard von einem Elektriker der Firma VECA Electric & Technologies namens Gary T. Smith gefunden, der an diesem Morgen kam um Sicherheitsbeleuchtung anzubringen. Smith dachte zuerst der Musikstar würde schlafen, sah dann jedoch Blut aus seinem Ohr kommen. In einem Blumentopf fand er den Abschiedsbrief mit einem Stift in ihm steckend. Ein Remington Model 11[18] 20-Kaliber Gewehr, welches von einem Freund Cobains, Dylan Carlsons, in Stan Baker's Gun Shop in Seattle für ihn gekauft wurde, lag auf seiner Brust.[19][20] Cobain kaufte die Waffe aus Angst die Poilizei würde sie zu seinem eigenen Schutz beschlagnahmen, wie es in den vorherigen zehn Monaten schon zweimal passiert war, nicht selbst. [21][22] Obwohl der Dirigent David Woodard nachweislich eine Dreamachine für Cobain gebaut hatte, wurden Gerüchte, Cobain habe das Gerät in den Tagen vor seinem Selbstmord intensiv genutzt, durch spätere Berichte widerlegt.[23]
Der Gerichtsmediziner stellte Einstichwunden an der Innenseite des rechten und linken Ellbogens fest.[24] Die Waffe wurde bis zum 6.Mai 1994 nicht auf Fingerabdrücke untersucht. Im Polizeibericht heißt es, dass die Schrotflinte umgedreht auf Cobains Brust lag und seine linke Hand den Lauf umschloss.[25][26]
Am 14.April schrieb die Zeitung Seattle Post-Intelligencer Cobain hätte Heroin intus gehabt, als er sich erschoss ("high on heroin when he pulled the trigger"). Die Zeitung berichtete weiter, dass die toxikologischen Tests ergaben, dass die Morphin-Konzentration in Cobains Blut bei 1,52 Milligramm pro Liter lag und dass es Hinweise auf Diazepam gab.[27]
Im März 2014 entwickelte das Seattle Police Department (SPD) vier Rollfilme, die in einer Asservatenkammer aufbewahrt worden waren. Laut der Polizei sind es Fotografien des Tatorts und Cobains Leichnam. Der offizielle Todesgrund blieb Suizid. Obwohl es zuerst verneint wurde, wurden die Bilder 2016 veröffentlicht.[28][29][3] Laut offiziellen Quellen erreicht das SPD mindestens eine Bitte wöchentlich die Ermittlungen wieder aufzunehmen.[29]
Trauer und Beisetzung
BearbeitenAm 10 April 1994 wurde eine öffentliche Trauerfeier abgehalten, wo ein Aufnahme von Courtney Love wie sie den Abschiedsbrief vorliest abgespielt wurde. Gegen Ende der Mahnwache traf Love ein und verteilte einige von Cobains Kleidungsstücke an die verbliebenen Fans.[30] In den folgenden Tagen tröstete und trauerte sie mit Fans, die zu ihrem Haus kamen.
Cobains Körper wurde eingeäschert. Love teilte seine Asche auf; einen Teil bewahrte sie in einem Teddybär und einen Teil in einer Urne auf.[31] Einen dritten Teil brachte sie zu einem buddhistische Kloster in Ithaca, New York, wo einige seiner Überreste von buddhistischen Mönchen zeremoniell gesegnet und mit Ton vermischt wurden, aus dem letztendlich Tsatsas entstanden.[31] Am 31. Mai 1999 arrangierte seine Mutter eine letzte Abschlussfeier für Cobain, an der auch seine Ehefrau Courtney Love, sowie Ex-Freundin Tracy Marander teilnahmen. Auf der Zeremonie sang ein buddhistischer Mönch, während Cobains Tochter, Frances Bean Cobain, seine Asche in den McLane Creek in Olympia, Washington, streute, der Stadt, in der er "seine wahre künstlerische Muse gefunden hatte". [14]:351
BearbeitenViele Freunde und Vertraute äußerten sich überrascht über den plötzlichen Tod des Musikers. Mark Lanegan, ein langjähriger Weggefährte und Freund Cobains, sagte gegenüber dem Rolling Stone: "I never knew Cobain to be suicidal. I just knew he was going through a tough time." („Ich wußte nicht, dass Cobain Suizidgedanken hatte. Alles was ich wußte war, dass er eine schwere Zeit durchmacht“)[32] Danny Goldberg, der Gründer von Gold Mountain Records, verweist in seinem Buch Dispatches From the Culture Wars: How the Left Lost Teen Spirit auf "die verrückten Internetgerüchte, dass Kurt Cobain nicht Selbstmord begangen habe, sondern ermordet worden sei", und erklärt, dass Cobains Suizid ihm "jeden Tag zu schaffen macht". [33]
Anthony Kiedis, Sänger der Red Hot Chili Peppers, ging in seiner Autobiografie Scar Tissue auf den Tod Cobains ein:
The news [of Cobain's death] sucked the air out of the entire house, I didn't feel like I felt when Hillel died; it was more like "The world just suffered a great loss." Kurt's death was unexpected ... It was an emotional blow, and we all felt it. I don't know why everyone on earth felt so close to that guy; he was beloved and endearing and inoffensive in some weird way. For all of his screaming and all of his darkness, he was just lovable.[34]
Der Song "Tearjerker" vom Album One Hot Minute der Band handelt von Cobain.[34]
Greg Sage, den Cobain als eines seiner musikalischen Idole ansah, sagte in einem Interwiew:
Well, I can't really speculate other than what he said to me, which was, he wasn't at all happy about it, success to him seemed like, I think, a brick wall. There was nowhere else to go but down, it was too artificial for him, and he wasn't an artificial person at all. He was actually, two weeks after he died, he was supposed to come here and he wanted to record a bunch of Leadbelly covers. It was kind of in secret, because, I mean, people would definitely not allow him to do that. You also have to wonder, he was a billion-dollar industry at the time, and if the industry had any idea at all of him wishing or wanting to get out, they couldn't have allowed that, you know, in life, because if he was just to get out of the scene, he'd be totally forgotten, but if he was to die, he'd be immortalized.[35]
Toxikologische Unklarheiten
BearbeitenNach Cobains Tod kam es zu einer Kontroverse darüber, ob sein Morphinwert von 1,52 mg/l im Blut ein unwiderlegbarer Beweis für eine tödliche Überdosis ist.[36] The ambiguity on this subject has been contributed to by a lack of clarification whether the 1.52 mg/L figure from Cobain's toxicology report represents a "total morphine" assay (which includes a variety of long-lived morphine metabolites that can increase in the bloodstream as a result of a series of typical heroin doses throughout an extended time period) or a "free morphine" assay (a more specialized test that counts the only those morphine molecules that have not yet been broken down by the body into protein-bound morphine metabolites).[37]
The distinction between a free morphine count and a total morphine count is important in determining a survivable dose. A 2002 study in Forensic Science International by Meissner et al. "to distinguish fatal from non-fatal blood concentrations of morphine" showed that a total morphine count of 1.52 mg/L can be survivable, while a free morphine count above 0.12 mg/L is fatal. This study observed a highest non-fatal total blood morphine count of 2.11 mg/L in drivers who also tested positive for other drugs, indicating that being conscious enough to attempt driving a car is possible in extreme cases for subjects with a total morphine count significantly higher than 1.52 mg/L (the figure from Cobain's study).[38]
The same study also reported that the highest free morphine count from a heroin overdose survivor was 0.128 mg/L, and lists an extreme case where a subject died with a free morphine count of 2.8 mg/L (21.8 times higher than a lethal dose) and a total morphine count of 5.0 mg/L.[38] Based on this a 1.52 mg/L free morphine count would be 11.875 times higher than a lethal dose. However it remains unknown whether Cobain's 1.52 mg/L figure represents a free or total morphine count. The technology and know-how to perform both free and total morphine assays has existed since the 1970s. Total morphine assays are cheaper, easier, and more commonly performed, especially in hospitals where the pharmacologically active metabolites of morphine provide most of its longer-lasting analgesic effects, and in law enforcement, since the full picture of morphine and all its metabolites provided by a total morphine assay provides a better indicator of intoxication and impairment than a free morphine assay. Meanwhile, free morphine assays are less common because they require more specialized equipment, methods, and expertise to perform, making them limited in use outside the context of research studies, and free morphine assays must be performed relatively soon post-mortem in order to be accurate.[39] Additionally, most research published on the use of free morphine assays for cause-of-death in heroin cases has been published after 2000.
While it remains unconfirmed whether Cobain's toxicology figure of 1.52 mg/L was the result of a free morphine assay or total morphine assay, Randall Baselt's opinion given in the Seattle Post Intelligencer is consistent with an interpretation of the 1.52 mg/L figure being a total morphine count, and Baselt is considered a world expert in toxicology. Baselt's 1975 paper on heroin deaths in San Francisco relied on total morphine counts, and found that "morphine blood levels per se are meaningless in attempting to assign a cause of death in a Medical Examiner's case, since morphine levels found in narcotics users dying of causes other than overdose averaged slightly higher than those of the overdose victims. However, a positive finding for morphine in blood is certainly a further indication of narcotics use and is probably indicative of usage within the four hours before death."[40]
Andere Theorien
BearbeitenRichard Lee
BearbeitenThe first to object publicly to the report of suicide was Seattle public access host Richard Lee. A week following Cobain's death, Lee aired the first episode of an ongoing series called Kurt Cobain Was Murdered, saying there were several discrepancies in the police reports, including several changes in the nature of the shotgun blast. Lee acquired a video that was taped on April 8 from the tree outside Cobain's garage, showing the scene around Cobain's body, which he claimed showed a marked absence of blood for what was reported as a point-blank shotgun blast to the head. Several pathology experts have stated that a shotgun blast inside the mouth often results in less blood, unlike a shotgun blast to the head.[41]:128
Tom Grant
BearbeitenTom Grant, a private investigator hired by Love to find Cobain after his departure from drug rehabilitation, said he believes that Cobain was murdered. Grant's theory has been analyzed and questioned by several books, television shows, and films, including the 2015 docudrama Soaked in Bleach. Grant was still under Love's employment when Cobain's body was found. Grant has stated that he finds the events surrounding Cobain's death to be "filled with lies, contradictions in logic, and countless inconsistencies. Motivated by profit over truth as well as a web of business deals and personal career considerations, Courtney Love, her lawyers, and many of Courtney's industry supporters have engaged in an effort to keep the public from learning the real facts of this case."[42]
There are several components to Grant's theory. One component is Grant's assertion that Cobain could not have injected himself with such a large dose of heroin and still have been able to pull the trigger. Grant says he based this belief on his lack of knowing about any studies or evidence to indicate that such a high dose could be survived, although he does not rule out whether a counterexample might exist (for updated information on the question of how to interpret Cobain's blood morphine count, see Toxicological ambiguities). Another component is Grant's belief that Cobain's note was doctored to make it only appear to be a suicide note. A third component is the purported lack of fingerprints from Cobain or others at the scene.[41] He also asserts that Love had financial motivation to kill Cobain, both in the form of rumors that Cobain was planning to divorce her, and the fact that Cobain had turned down an offer to headline the 1994 Lollapalooza festival for nearly $10Vorlage:Nbspmillion.[42]
In studying the Rome incident, journalists Ian Halperin and Max Wallace contacted Dr. Osvaldo Galletta, who treated Cobain after the incident. Galletta contested the claim that the Rome overdose was a suicide attempt. "We can usually tell a suicide attempt. This didn't look like one to me," said Galletta, who also contradicted Love's claim that 50 Rohypnol pills were removed from Cobain's stomach.[41]:89 Halperin and Wallace mused, "Grant believes Courtney may have mixed a large number of pills into Kurt's champagne so that when he took a drink, he was actually unknowingly ingesting large amounts of the drug, enough to kill him. But if that's the case, why did she call the police when she found him unconscious on the floor? If she wanted Kurt dead, why didn't she just leave him on the floor until he died?"
Grant believes the claim that the Rome incident was a suicide attempt was not made until after Cobain's death. Prior to the shooting, some close to Cobain, notably Gold Mountain Records, firmly denied he had wanted to die. Grant believes that if that were true, Cobain's friends and family would have been told in order that they could keep a close watch on him. However, others assert that these denials were simply self-serving, in an effort to mask what was really going on behind the scenes. Lee Ranaldo, guitarist for Sonic Youth, told Rolling Stone, "Rome was only the latest installment of [those around Cobain] keeping a semblance of normalcy for the outside world."[32]
Grant counters the claim that he profits from the sale of casebook kits on his website by stating that it offsets some of the costs of his investigation. Grant stated: "I wrestled with that[...] but if I go broke, I'll have to give up my pursuit and Courtney wins."[43] Sergeant Donald Cameron, one of the homicide detectives involved in the case, dismissed Grant's theory outright, saying, "[Grant] hasn't shown us a shred of proof that this was anything other than suicide," while Seattle homicide detective Mike Ciesynski, who reviewed the case, was quoted as saying of Grant, "An experienced Det. would never have come up with the theories that he's come up with."[44] Grant in turn has accused Cameron of being a personal friend of Courtney Love.[45] Dylan Carlson told Halperin and Wallace that he also did not believe that Grant's theory was valid, and in an interview with Broomfield implied that if he believed that his friend was murdered, he would have dealt with it himself.[46]
Nick Broomfield
BearbeitenFilmmaker Nick Broomfield, deciding to investigate the theories himself, brought a film crew to visit a number of people associated with both Cobain and Love, including Love's estranged father, Cobain's aunt, and one of the couples' former nannies. Broomfield also spoke to the Mentors' bandleader Eldon "El Duce" Hoke, who claimed that Love had offered him $50,000 to kill Cobain. Although Hoke claimed that he knew who killed Cobain, he did not mention a name and offered no evidence to support his assertion. However, he mentioned speaking to someone called "Allen" or "Alain", before quickly interjecting, "I mean, my friend", then laughing, "I'll let the FBI catch him." According to Mentors' bass player Steve Broy, the whole story was concocted to sell supermarket tabloids.[47] Broomfield incidentally captured Hoke's final interview, as he died days later when he was struck by a train in the middle of the night.
Broomfield titled the finished documentary Kurt & Courtney, which was released on February 27, 1998. In the end, Broomfield felt he had not uncovered enough evidence to conclude the existence of a conspiracy. In a 1998 interview, he summed up his thoughts: "I think that he committed suicide. I don't think that there's a smoking gun. And I think there's only one way you can explain a lot of things around his death. Not that he was murdered, but that there was just a lack of caring for him. I just think that Courtney had moved on, and he was expendable."[48]
Ian Halperin und Max Wallace
BearbeitenJournalists Ian Halperin and Max Wallace followed a similar path and attempted to investigate the murder theory themselves. Based on evidence gathered in interviews, Halperin and Wallace believed that Cobain wanted to divorce Love near the time of his death, and that she was looking for "a vicious divorce lawyer" to help crush a prenuptial agreement she had reportedly signed that would keep their respective fortunes separate in the event of divorce.[49] They also made the case that because Nikolas Hartshorne (the coroner in Cobain's case) was an admitted friend of Love's, that this was a conflict of interest.[49] Their initial book, Who Killed Kurt Cobain?, was released in 1999, and drew a similar conclusion to Broomfield's film: while there wasn't enough evidence to conclusively prove foul play, there was more than enough to demand that the case be reopened. A notable element of the book included their discussions with Grant, who had taped nearly every conversation he had undertaken while he was working for Love. Over the next several years, Halperin and Wallace collaborated with Grant to write a second book, 2004's Love and Death: The Murder of Kurt Cobain.[50]
Freunde und Familie
BearbeitenThe overall consensus amongst Cobain's close friends and family is that he committed suicide. However some of Cobain's friends and family members also believe Cobain was murdered. Hank Harrison, Courtney Love's father, has shared his belief that Love had a motive, there is evidence of foul play, and the case should be re-opened.[49] Cobain's grandfather, Leland Cobain, also publicly stated that he believed Cobain was murdered.[51]
In August 2005, Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon was asked about Cobain's death in an interview for Uncut Magazine. When asked what she thought to be Cobain's motive for suicide, Gordon replied: "I don't even know that he killed himself. There are people close to him who don't think that he did ..."[52] When asked if she thought someone else had killed him, Gordon answered, "I do, yes." In the same interview, Gordon's then-husband and collaborator Thurston Moore stated:
Kurt died in a very harsh way. It wasn't just an OD. He actually killed himself violently. It was so aggressive, and he wasn't an aggressive person, he was a smart person, he had an interesting intellect. So it kind of made sense because it was like: wow, what a fucking gesture. But at the same time it was like: something's wrong with that gesture. It doesn't really lie with what we know.[52]
However, in 2015, in a piece she wrote for The Guardian, Gordon said that she had not been surprised to hear of Cobain's suicide, stating, "I'll always remember the day Thurston called to tell me Kurt had shot himself. Of course I was totally shocked, but I wasn't entirely surprised. There had been an incident in Rome, where Kurt had OD'd, but the details were never clear."[53]
Others, however, have dismissed or ignored the conspiracy theories surrounding Cobain's death. In an interview with The Independent, former Nirvana manager and friend of Cobain, Danny Goldberg, emphasized Cobain's erratic and depressed behavior in the days and weeks leading up to his death, stating,
It's ridiculous. He killed himself. I saw him the week beforehand, he was depressed. He tried to kill himself six weeks earlier, he'd talked and written about suicide a lot, he was on drugs, he got a gun. Why do people speculate about it? The tragedy of the loss is so great people look for other explanations. I don't think there's any truth at all to it.[54]
On an AMA hosted on the Nirvana subreddit, bassist Krist Novoselic discussed the speculation when asked by a Redditor about what he would say if Cobain was able to listen to the forum:
In the April 19, 2004 issue of People magazine, some of his family shared a statement about his death:Vorlage:Citation needed
Siehe auch
Bearbeiten- Maxim Furek (2008). The Death Proclamation of Generation X: A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Goth, Grunge and Heroin, "Kurt Donald Cobain", S. 20–38 i-Universe
- Akten des FBI zu Cobains Tod
- Cobain: Montage of Heck (2015)
- Kurt Cobain
- Nirvana
Bearbeiten- ↑ Kurt Cobain Dies on This Date in History: April 5, 1994. 5. April 2018 .
- ↑ Kurt & Courtney: No Nirvana. Seattle police files detail Nirvana singer's suicide. 10. August 1998, abgerufen am 18. Mai 2019.
- ↑ a b Never-Before-Seen Police Photos From the Scenes of Kurt Cobain's Suicide. In: CBS News. 29. November 2016, abgerufen am 20. April 2019.
- ↑ Mary Papenfuss: FBI Releases File On Suspicions Raised About Kurt Cobain's 1994 Death In: Huffington Post, May 10, 2021. Abgerufen im May 28, 2023
- ↑ "Nirvana catalogue to be released on vinyl". CBC.ca. March 21, 2009. Retrieved March 7, 2012.
- ↑ Michael Azerrad: Come as You Are: The Story of Nirvana. Knopf Doubleday, New York City 1993, ISBN 0-385-47199-8.
- ↑ Kurt Cobain was not a 'tortured genius', he had an illness. 5. April 2015, abgerufen am 10. April 2024 (englisch).
- ↑ Charles R. Cross: Heavier Than Heaven. Hyperion Books, New York City 2001, ISBN 0-7868-6505-9.
- ↑ a b Brian Libby: Even in His Youth. In: Consumer.HealthDay.com. Abgerufen am 28. August 2014.
- ↑ Rock Singer Cobain in Drug Coma. In: Los Angeles Times. 5. März 1994, abgerufen am 26. März 2023.
- ↑ Harper, Marla. "NAMES & FACES." The Washington Post. N.p., March 5, 1994. Web. February 20, 2015. [1].
- ↑ Vorlage:Cite magazine Now in Mark Yarm: Everybody Loves Our Town. A History of Grunge. Faber & Faber, London 2011, ISBN 978-0-571-27650-9, 439 (google.com).
- ↑ Azerrad, p. 236
- ↑ a b c Charles R. Cross: Heavier Than Heaven: A Biography of Kurt Cobain. Hyperion, 2002, ISBN 0-7868-8402-9.
- ↑ Eve Barlow: Dave Grohl: 'I never imagined myself to be Freddie Mercury' In: The Guardian, August 16, 2019. Abgerufen im August 23, 2019
- ↑ Jacob Nierenberg: Revisiting the Tragic Last Days of Kurt Cobain In: Consequence of Sound, April 3, 2019. Abgerufen im July 31, 2020
- ↑ New clues emerge in police review of Cobain suicide file, April 28, 2014
- ↑ Daniel Xu: Photos: Pictures of Kurt Cobain's Browning Auto-5 Released for the First Time. März 2016, abgerufen am 10. Mai 2018.
- ↑ Where'd They Get Their Guns? An Analysis of the Firearms Used in High-Profile Shootings, 1963 to 2001. In: Violence Policy Center. Abgerufen am 14. Mai 2018.
- ↑ Dave Thompson: Never Fade Away: The Kurt Cobain Story. St. Martin's, Juni 1994.
- ↑ Steven Goldsmith, Dan Raley: Friend Innocently Bought Shotgun For Cobain. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 15. April 1994.
- ↑ Steven Goldsmith, Scott Maier: At War With Himself: Cobain Endured Intense Physical Pain, Which Resulted in Self-Destruction. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 16. April 1994.
- ↑ Allen, M. (January 20, 2005). "Décor by Timothy Leary". The New York Times. Retrieved May 21, 2021.
- ↑ Kurt Cobain Found Dead After Committing Suicide Three Days Earlier. In: World History Project. Archiviert vom am 1. September 2013; abgerufen am 18. Juni 2021 (englisch).
- ↑ Kurt Cobain – Suicide Gun Unveiled (PHOTOS). In: TMZ. Abgerufen am 25. Juni 2017.
- ↑ Photos: Pictures of Kurt Cobain's Browning Auto-5 Released for the First Time – OutdoorHub. In: outdoorhub.com. Abgerufen am 25. Juni 2017.
- ↑ Mike Merritt: Cobain Lay Dead for 3 Days – Nirvana Singer High on Heroin when he Pulled the Trigger In: Seattle Post-Intelligencer
- ↑ Jonah Spangenthal-Lee: (Updated) Detective Reviews Cobain Case, Which Remains Closed. Seattle Police Department, 31. März 2014, abgerufen am 9. Januar 2016.
- ↑ a b Casey McNerthney, Amy Clancy: Seattle police re-examine Cobain suicide, develop scene photos. In: kirotv.com. Cox Media Group, 20. März 2014, abgerufen am 27. März 2014.
- ↑ Azerrad, Michael (2001). Come As You Are: the Story of Nirvana. Broadway Books/Random House: New York. p. 350
- ↑ a b Dickinson, Amy: Kurt Cobain's Final Tour, February 1996
- ↑ a b Strauss, Neil. "The Downward Spiral". Cobain: By the Editors of Rolling Stone. 1994.
- ↑ Goldberg, Danny. Dispatches From the Culture Wars: How the Left Lost Teen Spirit. Miramax, 2003.
- ↑ a b Kiedis, Anthony, Sloman, Larry: Scar Tissue. Hachette UK, London 2004, ISBN 978-1-4013-8176-9, 236 (google.com).
- ↑ Marc Covert: interview with greg sage. Smokebox.net, 2003, archiviert vom am 16. Juli 2007; abgerufen am 3. Mai 2007.
- ↑ Marco Margaritoff: Why Some People Think Kurt Cobain's Suicide Was Actually Murder. In: AllThatsInteresting. 8. April 2021 .
- ↑ Logan BK, Oliver JS: The measurement and interpretation of morphine in blood. In: Forensic Science International. 35. Jahrgang, Nr. 2–3, S. 189–195, doi:10.1016/0379-0738(87)90055-7, PMID 3428802 (sciencedirect.com).
- ↑ a b Meissner C, Recker S, Reiter A, Friedrich HJ, Oehmichen M: Fatal versus non-fatal heroin "overdose": blood morphine concentrations with fatal outcome in comparison to those of intoxicated drivers. In: Forensic Science International. 130. Jahrgang, Nr. 1, 5. November 2002, S. 49–54, doi:10.1016/S0379-0738(02)00343-2, PMID 12427450 (sciencedirect.com).
- ↑ Garriot JC, Sturner WQ: Morphine Concentrations and Survival Periods in Acute Heroin Fatalities. In: The New England Journal of Medicine. 289. Jahrgang, Nr. 24, 1973, S. 1276–1278, doi:10.1056/NEJM197312132892404, PMID 4749546 (nejm.org).
- ↑ Baselt RC, Allison DJ, Wright JA, Scannell JR, Stephens BG: Acute Heroin Fatalities in San Francisco Demographic and Toxicologic Characteristics. In: Western Journal of Medicine. 122. Jahrgang, Nr. 6, Juni 1975, S. 455–458, PMID 1136431, PMC 1129778 (freier Volltext).
- ↑ a b c Halperin, Wallace: Who Killed Kurt Cobain? The Mysterious Death of an Icon. June 1, 2000 Auflage. Citadel.
- ↑ a b Jeff Craig: Cobain conspiracy? 7. Februar 1997, archiviert vom am 9. November 1999; abgerufen am 24. Juli 2020.
- ↑ Halperin & Wallace, p. 126
- ↑ Greg Fisher: Dozens of new photos released from Kurt Cobain death probe. In: CBS News. 27. März 2014, abgerufen am 24. Juli 2021.
- ↑ In Memoriam: Kurt Cobain & Courtney Love. TheWrap, 4. April 2010, abgerufen am 22. Mai 2016.
- ↑ Kurt Cobain's death – Dylan Carlson talking about it. YouTube, 27. Juli 2007, abgerufen am 3. August 2013.
- ↑ Steve Broy: The Truth is Funnier than Fiction: My Life with Eldon Hoke and the Mentors. 2nd Auflage. Self published, 2015, S. 263–264.
- ↑ Prairie Miller: Interview with Nick Broomsfeild. Detailsonkurtcobainsdeath.com, abgerufen am 3. August 2013.
- ↑ a b c Kieran Grant: The Cobain conspiracy. 13. November 1996, archiviert vom am 1. November 2001; abgerufen am 24. Juli 2020.
- ↑ Jennifer Vineyard: New Book Claims Kurt Cobain Didn't Commit Suicide. In: MTV.com. 5. April 2004, abgerufen am 11. Dezember 2019.
- ↑ Gold, Todd. "Remembering Kurt" web.archive.org Fehler bei Vorlage * Parametername unbekannt (Vorlage:Webarchiv): "date" Fehler bei Vorlage:Webarchiv: Genau einer der Parameter 'wayback', 'webciteID', 'archive-today', 'archive-is' oder 'archiv-url' muss angegeben werden. Fehler bei Vorlage:Webarchiv: enWP-Wert im Parameter 'url'. People Magazine, April 12, 2004. Retrieved October 17, 2008.
- ↑ a b Dalton, Stephen. "Suicide Blond." Uncut Magazine August 2005. Beautifully Scarred. Accessed on August 24, 2005.
- ↑ Kim Gordon: Kim Gordon: 'Women aren't allowed to be kick-ass. I refused to play the game'. In: The Guardian. 6. Februar 2015, abgerufen am 24. Juli 2021.
- ↑ Mark Beaumont: Nirvana's former manager: 'Claims that Kurt Cobain was murdered are ridiculous. He killed himself'. In: Independent. 5. April 2019, abgerufen am 24. Juli 2021.