
  • BGB:
    • verlangen (eines Anspruchs) vs. verklagen
  • "führt zu keinem sachgerechten Ergebnis" synonym für unbilliges Ergebnis





franz. Vokabeln

  • arbre - Baum, vgl. Arbeit
  • pleuvoir - rain; 梅雨 rainy season (plum+rain)
    • bleu - blau
    • vgl. auch 悔 (カイ, repent, regret)
  • tenir - halten, realisieren; 十 ten
  • Goldfish - le poisson rouge
    • vgl. 貝
    • Geld l'argent
  • le nuage - Wolke,
    • nu(e) - naked
  • après - nach, vgl. April

sonstiges franz.

  • 法国 fǎguó - France
    • 仏, 仏蘭西 jap. France
  • comp 房 (ふさ,fang2) - tuft; tassel​
    • 房主 (ぼうず) buddhist priest
    • 厨房 (ちゅうぼう, chu2 fang2) - kitchen

  • Rien n'est si dangereux qu'un ignorant ami. (Jean de La Fontaine) — Nothing is so dangerous as an ignorant friend.




  • カン、 ケン jian, qian, yan
    • ガン、 ゲン yan
    • ゲン yuan 原
  • シャク, ニャク ruo
  • がく xue 学, yue 岳, e 額顎, le 楽
    • かく jiao 角較, ge 各閣格革隔, que 確, ke 客, jue 覚, he 核鶴, huo 獲, hua (画)
  • かい jie 解界
  • サク zuo 作昨酢 , suo 索, ce 策冊

  • イ wei
  • ヒ bei, bi, pi, fei 飛費, fou
    • ビ wei 微
  • キョウ jiao, jiang/qiang 強
    • キョウ, けい xiong 兄
  • イン yin, yuan, yun, (yan,ye)
  • リョウ liang 涼両, liao 料
  • ヒョウ biao 表
  • ミ wei 味

  • ツウ tong 通痛
  • リュウ liu 流; li 立

  • セイ、 ショウ sheng, zheng, xing 性, qing 青
    • セイ shi, xi
    • セイ、 ジョウ, ショウ cheng 成, chang 場
    • qing 情青, jing 静
  • ヘイ、 ヒョウ bing, bi, ping
  • へん bian
  • テイ ding, ting 廷
  • けい qing 軽
  • れい li 礼, leng 冷, ling 令
  • せん xian, qian, shuan, xi 洗
  • べつ bie
  • けつ jue 決

  • ちょう diao 調
  • ホウ bao
    • ボウ fang, wang, peng, mao
  • ボ mu 募 (etc all kanji with upper part component (pressure down, no more) have mu4 or mo)
  • トウ deng, dang, dong
  • もん wen
    • オン wen
  • ソウ, こう, しょう xiang, jiang, xiao, jiao, gang, kang
  • こう hong 紅, jiang 講降
  • コク guo 国, gao 告, gu 谷, ku 酷 hei 黒, ke 刻可克
  • トク dei 得
  • ソク zu 足, su 速, ze 則, ji 即
  • リョウ liang


  • 偏 へん left-hand radical of a character​
  • 旁 つくり - right-hand radical of a character​
  • 冠 かんむり top kanji radical
  • 足 あし - bottom structural component (i.e. radical) of a kanji​
  • 垂れ たれ - kanji radical enclosing the top-left corner of a character;​ zb Klippen-, Wildgansradikal 广,厂
  • 繞 にょう - kanji radical that runs from the left to the bottom part of the kanji; kanji enclosure-type radical​, z.B.廴
  • 構,構え かまえ - kanji enclosure type radical (must enclose at least two sides of the kanji)​e.g. 門,凶, 閉
  • あ(ん) - 安 relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful
    • ア - 阿 1 Winkel m. 2 Schmeicheln n. 3 Vordach n. 4 Hügel m. 5 Afrika
  • い - 以 1 markiert einen Referenzpunkt; von … ab. 2 mittels; durch
    • イ - 伊 Italy, that one
  • う,ウ - 宇 eaves, roof, house, heaven
  • え, (い) - 衣 garment, clothes, dressing
    • エ - 江 Bucht f; Bai
  • お,オ - 於 at, in, on, as for

  • か,カ - 加 add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada
  • き,キ - 幾 how many, how much, how far, how long, some, several (kunyomi: zb. iku.ra)
  • く,ク - 久 long time, old story, m.E. besser: 句
  • け(い) - 計 1 Plan m. 2 Gesamtbetrag m; Summe f. 3 (als Suffix) …‑Messgerät n; …messer m
    • ケ (onyomi eigentlich nur かい) - 介 jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with
  • こ, コ (き)- 己 self

  • つ, ツ lt. Wikipedia 川; besser m.E. von 包む (つつ.む - to wrap up)

  • な, ナ - 奈 1. Naraka; hell; hades ​Buddhist term, From Sanskrit “naraka”, 2. very bottom; the end; worst possible circumstances​, 3. theatre basement; theater basement
  • の, ノ - 乃 from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly

  • は - 波 waves, billows (Brandungswellen), Poland
    • ハ(チ) - 八 acht





  • Asura 阿修羅
    • vgl. 修羅場 (しゅらば)
      • 1. fighting scene; scene of carnage (bloodshed)​
      • 2. location of the fight between Asura and Sakra
      • 3. difficulties (in a love relationship)​
    • vgl. zu 羅: 曼荼羅 Mandala
  • Zōjō-ji diente während der Edo-Periode den Tokugawa (徳川) als Familientempel; 徳 chin. u.a für Deutschland
    • "Maas hat bei seiner Asienreise (Juli 2018) auch einen Abstecher in die japanische Kultur gemacht. Er besichtigte unter anderem mit Priester Aoki den Zojo-ji Tempel"
      • 増す (ます) -to increase
      • 升 ます - Masu (measurement)
        • comp. 开 (kai1, open); 弁 (ベン,bian4,ventil)


  • 飞利浦
    • ぶどう 葡萄/ 武道
      • 匋 pottery
      • 仏 Buddha, the dead, France
    • 竃 かまど (Küchenherd; Kochstelle) (inkl. 黽 frog radical)

  • 端 vs. 本
  • 赤 vs.青
  • 大人 (おとな) vs. 子供 (こども)
  • 它 (Snake) vs. 也 (to be (old), pircotgraph of female genitalia)
  • Waschbecken: 流shi (nagashi) (Picotgraph: Wasser + umgedrehtes 子 + Haare/Wasser)
  • Vergangenheit ex-ante/ex-tunc" : ーまし。ー
  •  : すん, Maß Sun n (Längeneinheit von ca. 3,03 cm), vgl. Bilanz, Ermessen
    • Radikal für Löffel, Schaufel, etc.: Messen
    • 帳尻 : Bilanz (ちょうじり)
  • ähnliche Radikale: vgl. Radikal 29
  • 嬉 ure.shii Fröhlichkeit
    • 怒 (wütend)
      • otoko
  • pinch 挟
    • also, agin 亦
  • 紐 flechten - siehe 七夕 Tanabata Storie

  • 俄国 (é guó); 俄罗斯/俄羅斯 (é luó sī) Russia
    • comp.我 ego
      • 餓 hungry,thirst; 峨 (high mountain), 蛾(Motte)
      • 義 (justice),
        • 儀 (ceremony, rule), 犠 (sacrifice), 議 (discussion), 蟻 (Ameise)
    • 伐 (strike, attack)
      • 閥 (clique), 筏 (Floss)
    • comp also 戏/戯/戲 (trick; drama; play; show)
  • jap: 蘇維埃 Soviet Union; chin: 蘇聯/苏联
    • comp 維 (fiber, tie, rope) vs. (罗)/羅 from (Russia, Croatia, Rome)

  • 克罗地亚 (kè luó dì yà) -Kroatia (克羅地亞)
    • 罗马/羅馬 (luó mǎ) - Rome
    • with 罗 (luó) - gauze; to collect; to gather; to catch; to sift;
      • trad. 羅 - "silk net for catching birds"
    • comp. 梦/夢 (mèng) - dream
      • comp. also 岁(/歲) (suì) age

  • なみ: 並 (normal),波 (Welle, Polen(ぽ))
    • vs. 普通 (ordinary) (普 u.a. Preussen)
    • vgl. auch Wolf 狼,ookami, 雷 (kaminari, gewitter)
    • all かみ: 紙 (paper), 上,神 (god,etc), 髪 (hair), 加味 (seasoning; flavoring)

  • 瑞典- Sweden) with 典 code, ceremony, law, rule
    • vgl. auch "Normannen->viking"
    • Schweiz: 瑞西(jap.) / 瑞士 (chin.)
      • vgl. Löwentanz#Legende Name des Glückslöwen Ruishi: 瑞獅 / 瑞狮
        • vgl. auch 獅 (löwe) <->師 Lehrer; Meister; Hochwürden; Pfarrer 3. model; army division
          • vgl. auch phonetisch: ライオン vs 理論 (りろん) Theory​
        • vgl. auch 劇 Drama: Tiger+Schwein(+Messer)
    • comp. 猯 wild boar (猪); 端 (end; extremity; item; port; to hold something level with both hands; to carry; regular)
      • also comp.: 亥 (zodiac Schwein, Pic: "roots"); 垓 (soil+hog; 10^20); 海豚 (いるか, hai3tun2, dolphin)
      • vgl. 豦 wild boar, to fight (tiger+boar)
        • vgl. Tiger (also "drunkard") 虎 TORA;
        • 老虎 lǎohǔ; 大虫 dàchóng (lit. BIG INSECT)
          • 泰格尔 tài gé ěr , Tegel (name); Tiger (name)
  • chin.: 哥倫比亞 gē lún bǐyà - Colombia vs. 倫敦 lúndūn - London
    • with both have 倫/伦 lún - human relationship; order; coherence/ethics
    • 亞/亚 Asia; Asian; second; next to; inferior; sub-
    • 比亞 Bia (Mythologie), daughter of Pallas and Styx in Greek mythology, personification of violence

黄 異 番 - 豊富



  • 目; 且(vgl. auch 更); 貝; 見;
    • 貞 (テイ,zhen1, upright,honsty,keusch), uncom. 遉 (as might be expected)
    • 自 (ジ,シ,zi4, self); 直(2 Schreibw.) (チョク,ジキ,zhi2, straight,fix); 値 (チ,zhi2, prize,value); 真 (眞 variant org. meaning "delicacy") (シン,zhen1, true,reality); 慎 (シン,shen1, careful,cautious,prudent)
    • 具 宜 県
    • 首 頁 盾 貢
    • 甘(カン, sweet)), 其 (キ, that) (<-> 共 (キョウ,gong4, together)), 甚 (ジン,shen2/4,tremendously,very)
      • 基(キ, fundament), 塞 (ソク,sai1; stop,block,cover), 墓 (はか, ボ, mu4; gravesite; tomb​)
      • not com.: 鍖 (チン,unsatisfactory),
      • 勘 (カン,intuition); 期 (キ, period)
      • 紺 (コン) - navy blue, deep blue
    • 濱 (water + 賓 (v.i.p., guest:A person coming) (trad. of jap. 浜, chin. 滨)) - beach

  • 査(サ) "investigation": sematic hint: see 香 (コウ) "aroma; fragrance; scent; smell"
    • sound hint: see 相 ( ソウ) "together; mutually; fellow​"
  • 业(業)
    • 亚(亞) 严(嚴, 厳 s.u.)
    • hei: 並 併/并
      • 供 (offer) vs. 併 (together)
    • 显 (顯,顕)

  • 龙 (dragon) vs. 发 (hair, depart); 长 (long); 农 (agriculture,農)
    • 卫 (defend)
    • 节 (festival)

  • 模様 (もよう, model,pattern, figure, example)
    • 莫 (must not, may not) org. sun sinking into the bushes (屮); dusk. Original form of 暮; bottom was later distorted into 大
      • 募 (ボ, recruit), 墓 (ボ, grave,tomb), 幕 (mostly マク, curtain), 漠 (バク, desert), 暮 (ボ,spend time)
      • 寞 (var. of さび.しい,lonely, quiet)
      • 蟆/蟇 (toad/kröte), 獏/貘 (tapir (art schwein))
    • 薬 (くすり,ヤク, medicine)

  • 卖 (sell,trad.賣, jap.売); 买(buy,買); 头 (head,頭); 实 (reality, fruit,実, trad.實: 宀 "roof" + 貫 "pierce",“string of cowries” (貫: 周 "carved jade", "circuit" + 貝 "shellfish, cowrie"= "someone with a house 宀 with lots of money 貫")
  • 刺 (シ, thorn,pierce); 制 (せい, system); 製 (せい,made)

  • 磔 crucifiction
    • 操 (manage,grasp,hold); ; 澡 (wash); 燥 (ausgelassen sein, trocknen); 繰 (turn (pages))
      • uncommon: 噪/躁/譟 (noisy);藻 (duckweed); 髞 (hurry,high)

  • 埃 (ほこり) - dust, 挨拶 greetings
    • 酸 (サン) sauerstoff
    • 喉 (のど )throat

  • 態 たい - voice (of verbs)
    • 能 ability
      • 肢 シ -limbs
    • 変態

sonstige 敢, 黄, 解, 専/甫, 兌, 手

  • 敢(取り敢えず ) 恥 厳
    • 聴 聡
  • 黄 異 横
    • insb. 翼 vs. 糞

  • 解 (understanding, unravel, solve) , 触 (touch, さわ.る)
    • さわ: 沢 (swamp), 騒ぐ (uproar), 障る (to hinder, to be harmful), 爽やか (fresh, clear (e.g. voice); fluent; eloquent)

  • 専/專 (speciality), 恵 (blessing. 思(think)) ; 尃 (フ,ホ, to state/announce)
    • 溥 (far and wide, water + "field of plant seedling"), 縛 (bind, tie), 博 (dr.), 薄 (light, thin, weak, s.a.u.) , 簿 (register, record book, 簿記 (bookkeeping))
    • 単 (easy)
    • 徳 (tugend), 壊 (demolish)
    • 甫 (for the first time), 浦 (bay), 捕 (capture), 補 (assist,"making clothes as good as new"), 輔 (help), 舗 (shop), 蒲 (rohrkolben (pflanze), s.o.)
      • 甬 (uc:path screened by walls on both sides); 角 (カク,horn)

  • 兌 (exchange)
    • 充 (fill, org. be born,grow,ジュウ), 統 ("beginning of threads", overall, govern), 銃 (gun,ジュウ)
      • 育 (bring up,イク), 撤 (remove, withdraw,テツ), 徹 (penetrate,テツ), (轍 (Wagenspur))
      • 棄 (abandon, キ)
    • 流 (flow, style of,リュウ), 琉 (precious gem,リュウ), 硫 (schwefel,リュウ)
      • 荒 (コウ,laid waste, rough)

  • 挙 (kyo, raise); 掌(shou, palm, rule); 拳 (ken, fist); 拿/拏 (na, catch); 撃 (geki, beat); 摩 (ma, polish)
    • 承 (ショウ, Zustimmung, receive, listen to)

crane 鶴,原,窓,奇

  • 観 (カン,outlook), 勧 (カン, persuade), 歓 (カン, enjoyment),
    • 権 (ケン, authority, power, rights)
    • 確 (カク,TASHIKA s.u., assurance), 礁(ショウ,riff)
      • 鷹 (falcon, hawk,TAKA, s.o.)
    • recommendation: お勧め (おすすめ) but also 推薦 (すいせん) (with 薦= grass + 廌 (unicorn))
    • 研 破 硬

  • 元( ゲン,ガン); 原(ゲン,Feld, Wiese, Ebene, Wildnis); 源(ゲン, Quelle, Ursprung);
    • 泉(セン, Quelle, Brunnen); 線 (セン,line); (s.a. 氿濫 seitlich austretende Quelle (chin.))
    • 沓/鞜 (shoe(not com.), 暴 (outburst), 滝/瀑 (waterfall)
  • 縁 (エン) 1. Beziehung, Verbindung, Verwandtschaft, Bekanntschaft 2. Schicksal, Karma 3. Rand, Kante, (sourounding) edge (ふち, comp. Mount Fuji)
    • 緑 (リョク,ロク) green
      • 録 (ロク) - record
      • 剥 (は.げる) - to be worn off​; to fade; to discolor
    • 綿 (メン, cotton)
  • 逮 (タイ,dai4) - catch, arrest

  • 窓 (ソウ, Fenster), 丁寧 (polite (language)), 檸 (lemmon tree),
    • 総 (ソウ, Allgemein…; General…; Gesamt…; Normal…; Komplett….) (comp. 統 (Vokabel Bsp 統括 (とうかつ,unification,control) vs. 総括 (そうかつ,synthesis,generalize)
    • 密 (secret) (蜂)蜜 (Bienen)-honig, 樒 (giftige baumart)
    • 憲 constitution
      • 害 (harm) 割
        • 毒 (gift) 宝 (treasure)

  • 奇 (strange), 崎 (Landzunge(vgl. Nagasaki 長崎),埼,碕), 椅 (chair), 寄 (Zusammenkunft), 綺 (prächtig (insb. Kleidung))
    • 可 (can), 句 (phrase) - 包み (wRapping), 苛 (tease),
      • 河 river
    • 司 (office, manage) - also mirrorimage of 后 (queen, behind)

  • 臼 millstone, 白 (white), 丑 (ox, org.pic of hand with fingernails->fingernails, simpl. chin. of 醜 (ugly)), 日 (sun)
    • 舄/舃 (shoe, (org. Elster,magpie, now 鵲), vgl. en:Qixi Festival), 寫 (write,photgraph, copy), 潟 (lagoon), 鳥 (bird), 鼠 (mouse)
    • 兒 child, 霓 (rainbow)

  • 愚 思 離/璃
    • (vgl. auch 愚か (おろか) - foolish mit: "Ohr" und 下ろす und 卸 (おろし, wholesale,Grosshandel))
  • 章 (satz) 障(hinderance) 彰(patent) 鱆(octupus); 瘴気 (Miasma)
    • 車 幹 (treetrunk), 朝刊 morningnewspaper, 軒 (vordach), 卓 (desk) 早 (early) 草(grass) 華 (flower) 昇 (rise up), 朝 (morning)/韓 (korea)-潮 (tide) 乾 dry
      • see also: 株 (baumstumpf) 枝,条(branch) 餌 (esa)
      • 廟堂 (the court,temple) vs. 平等 (equality) - both びょうどう
    • 幸 (luck, org. pair of handcuffs) 革 (leather) 辛 (spicy)
      • 執 (hold in hand), 報 (news); 睾 (testicles), 睪 (uncommon char:spy out); 達 (chin.达, タツ, accomplished, reach, arrive, attain)
        • old: 圉 (prison, horse tender, ostler), 擇(択, choose), 澤(沢, swamp), 譯(訳,translate); 釋 (釈,シャク,explain) 闥 撻 懌 繹
      • 鞘 (sheath: 革 (leather)+ 肖 (resemble (月 moon+火 fire / 小 small), with 小 as sound component)
        • see also (kanji+sound): 屑 (くず, waste; scrap; garbage)
    • 諦める (あきら.める) - to give up
      • 諦 consists of:言 say + 帝 org. depicting the base of a plant (where the branches meet), which is also its original meaning, 2. -> sovereign, highest ruler
      • compare: 秋 (あき) authum, fall
        • 飽きる (あ.きる) - to get tired of; to lose interest in; to have enough
        • 明らか/ 顕らか (あき.らか) - obvious; evident; clear; plain

  • 木 tree, 大 gross, 平 (even,peace), 半 (half)
    • 采 (to pick, dice, (kommando)stab: 爪 (“hand”) + 果 (“fruit”))
      • comp. 菜 gemüse, 米 reis, 禾 (grain, cereal, rice)
      • comp 瓜 melon
    • 釆 (distinguish, pic: sense)
    • 来 (come, trad. 來 pic: "wheat plant")
      • comp. 夾 (like in 鋏 scissors) - "insert between"
      • 耒 (pflug, come, three branched tree)
    • 夫 (husband, pic:a man with a hairpin in his hair), 末 (end), 天 (heaven), 未 (not yet, zodiac sheep)
      • 夭 (pic: a figure leaning forward, presumably running, hence energetic, young) - "die young, elend"
      • 无 (simpl. of 無) (pic. raindancer holding feathers or oxtails in hand) - not to have, none; not; to lack; un-; -less
      • 关/関 (trad. 關: gate 門 + (threads幺+ 丱 childs hairstyle of two tufts= run threads through a web in weaving): giving "Grenzschranke/posten, Hindernis, Störung", mountainpass
      • 誤 (ゴ, mistake, error, zwei Schreibweisen, vgl. wie 直 s.o. (チョク,ジキ,immediately,straightforward​))
        • s.a. 陕西 (陝西) - Shǎnxī province in China - Shǎn literally means "mountain pass" - vgl shan1 - 山
        • other origins in 送 (bring, send): 1. person on a boat, 关:2.abre. of 舂 (pound (in a mortar), pestle/Stößel), 3. device/hands etc. 二 containing fire 火)
        • comp. also 業 (manufacturing industry), 勝ち (victory)
    • 夆 resist (foot + abundant 丰) like in 峰 (mountainpeak)

  • 迷 (be perplexed) 述(to mention) 途 (path) 送 (org. bring (fire))

  • 柔 (soft), 条 (clause), 案 (plan)
    • 委 (イ, committee, entrust to, leave to, devote, discard); 萎 (イ, (ver)-welken); 倭 (yamato, wa)
    • 安 (アン,relax,cheap); 妥 (ダ, gentle, peace), 桜 (sakura)

  • 㓞 (engrave): 潔 契
  • 養 (ヨウ, foster)

  • 庭 (テイ, courtyard, garden, yard); 廷 (テイ, courts, imperial court, government office)
  • 園 (エン, park, garden, yard, farm); 袁 (エン,long kimono); 遠 (エン,distant, far); 猿 (エン,monkey)
    • 延(エン, stretch, prolong)
      • 誕 (タン, nativity, be born, declension, lie, be arbitrary (vgl. tanjoubi))
      • 建 (ケン, build); 健 (ケン, healthy, strength, persistence)
  • chin. oxygen : 氧 (yang3) "sheep+steam/spirit"
    • (jap. 酸素 sanso)

  • vgl. ようご (u.a. 洋語 western language , 擁護 (chin.拥护 yōnghù) protection, 用語 terminolgy, u.a.)

  • 休憩 (きゅうけい,xiūqì) - to rest; to sleep
    • 憇 as a variant

  • 遅刻 (ちこく) Verspätung, "cutting the wool of sheeps, when it's grown"
  • 党 (all common:トウ) party
  • 堂 (ドウ) - temple
    • 常 usual
      • (裳 (jinmeiyou,ショウ) - skirt)
  • 営 (エイ + いとな.む,いとな.み) - camp, managment

  • 官 (カン) - bureaucrat, the government, organ
    • 管 ( くだ,カン) - pipe
  • 宮 (みや, mostly キュウ) - Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess

  • 賞 (ショウ, alt. kanji for ほめる) - price, praise

Wasser und Hand 隶

  • 康 ease/peace
    • 緑 green
  • 録 record
  • 剥/ 剝く (むく)- to peel of
  • 逮捕 (たいほ) - arrest, chase
    • 奴隷 (どれい) - salve
      • 隶 (variant of 隷 )- slave radical

  • not used: 鱇 anglerfish

  • Unterschied
    • 騒 (さわ,ソウ)

  • Gleichheit
    • 幸せ (しやわせ)
      • 幸い (さいわい )



int. sätze

  • 私が中学生の頃、自分自身に、「書かなくても覚えられるから大丈夫」という大法螺をふいてしまった
  • 一生お前といっしょ生きていきたいんだ
  • 羊を数える Schafe zählen
  • お年りたちが次から次へとから落ちたの、めちゃくちゃ面白いと思うんだけど〜.
  • 苺味のあめが、この中で一番好きです
    • I like the strawberry flavored candy the best out of all these
  • 君の従う(=したがう)と、な(=ろくな)ことがない
    • When I follow your teachings nothing goes well
  • カラメルは、焦がさないように気を付けてください。でないと、苦い味になってしまいます。
    • Be careful not to let the caramel burn or it will taste bitter
  • 絶望のどん底に落ちて、苦しい思いをしている、そこのあなた!もしや、銀行があなたの家を差し押さえちゃったとか?もし、そうなら、我々はあなたのためにとっておきのものをご用意しております…その名も「インスタント・アルツハイマー」!我々のこの新薬を使えば、あなたは辛い思い出を忘ることができますよ
    • Are you suffering from a broken heart? Has the bank recently foreclosed on your house? If so, we have just the thing for you... "Instant Alzheimer’s." Our new medication will allow you to put your woes behind you
  • スペイン語の小さな家って言葉の発音、日本語の「お腹すいた」にめちゃくちゃ似てる
    • the pronunciation of the Spanish word "una casita" sounds similar to "I’m hungry" in Japanese
  • 美しいスカーフ、有り難う御座います。大切にします
    • Thank you for the beautiful scarf. I’ll cherish it.
  • 美人薄命
    • beauty and fortune seldom go together; the beautiful die young
  • この国にとって、国民一人当たり一羽の白鳥を飼うことはとても重要なことなんです
  • 私に取って人生で一番重要なものはビールですって (vgl. te-From of 吸う) ?そんなこと言ってないわよ。言意模しないことを言ったなんて言わないでよ
    • The most important thing in my life is beer? I didn’t say that! Don’t put words in my mouth
  • がんは、早期発見することが 非常に (ひじょうに;very; extremely; exceedingly) 重要 (重よう;important; momentous; essential; principal; major​) です
  • わたしの学校には、音楽室の中に夜だけにあらわれる部屋があるそうです
    • I heard that there is a room that only appears at night in the music room of my school
  • 家事、本当に面倒臭いけど、頑張る
    • Housework is really annoying, but I’ll do my best
  • 娘の胸 (ähnliche kun reading)
  • 三段腹を無くす為に、毎朝起きたら直ぐに100回腹筋をします
    • I do 100 sit-ups every morning right after waking up to get rid of my three pack
  • 庶民は羊のように独裁者の後ろに従った
    • Das Volk folgte dem Diktator wie eine Herde Schafe.

  • 色即是空 空即是色 明鏡止水 油断大敵
    • everything is nothing, nothing is everything, clear mirror and still water, overconfidence is the enemy
  • 世の中は / 地獄の上の / 花見かな
    • Yo no naka wa / Jigoku no ue no / Hanami kana
  • 古池 / 蛙飛び込む / 水の音
    • furu ike ya / kawazu tobikomu / mizu no oto
  • oftentimes a "body part" word (like mouth) changes a word to use kun'yomi readings instead of on'yomi ones, Bsp:出口
  • Suffixes:
    • 華やか - seeming very...
    • 朗らか - being...
    • 何故なら - if thats the case..
    • 可愛らしい - seeming
    • 早めに - The me suffix changes an adjective into a new one that means "on the <such-and-such> side; somewhat <such-and-such>." So hayame means "somewhat early; on the early side." The ni makes the whole thing an adverb that tells how an action is performed.
      • -め (-目) - somewhat; -ish
  • 倭 (わ) - Yamato, ancient Japan, en:Wa (Japan) <-> は topic marking particle

jap. Vokabeln

  •  座頭虫 - Weberknecht
    • 縦 (ほしいまま) - selfish; self-indulgent; arbitrary​
    • 丈 たけ - 1 Größe Länge 2 alles
      • 互い ( たが.い) - mutual; reciprocal​
      • 世界 vs 背が高い
      • 宝 (たから) Schatz
      • 鷹 (たか) Falke
        • 鷹島 たか・しま Inseln. Takashima (Insel im Norden der Präf. Nagasaki; es gibt dort viele historische Stätten der Mongoleninvasion)
      • 類い / 比い (たぐい) - Art; Sort 2 Ebenbürtiger; Gleichgestellte
    • 掟 (おきて) - Gesetz; Gebot; Regel; Verordnung; Satzung; Statut; Vorschrift
    • 大丈夫
    • たつ
      • 健やか (すこやか) vigorous; healthy; sound
    • 尖 (セン) / 尖る (とがる) - be pointed, sharp, taper, displeased, angry, edgy
  • 遂に (tsuini)- finally
  • 戦い/闘い (たたかい) - battle
    • 忍び vs. 伸び

  • angeln:
    • 魚籠 (びく) - Fischkorb
      • 吃驚 (びっくり) - to be surprised; to be amazed; to be frightened; to be astonished; to get startled; to jump
        • ビクビク / びくっと zitternd; ängstlich / erschreckt; leicht geschockt
    • 鰓 (えら)
    • 釣れない (つれない) vs.詰らない (つまらない)
    • 紐 (ひも) vs.姫 (ひめ)

kanji with "fire" bzw. "heart" variant

    • 忝 grateful, indebted; 添 attached,annex
    • 恭 respect
    • 慕 adore, love dearly

  • Astrologie: 献(trad. chin. 獻 - cauldron + dog) darbringen; opfern; Zählwort für gefüllte Gläser bei einem Bankett.
    • 滲む (にじむ) - to run; to spread; to blur; to blot; to ooze (also 染みる)
      • comp. にじ (虹) rainbow
  • 誤 (2 Schreibw.) error (pic:Word of heaven)

sonstige jap. vokabeln

  • くつ Schuhe
    • Socks: くつした (靴下) - suchen : さが(探).す
    • シャツ Shirt
    • homephones :苦痛 pain
      • 崩す (くずす) to destroy/demolish, disturb, relax
  • かえる Frosch
    • おこる wütend werden
    • 車 くるま Auto
  • バッター (Baseballbatter) - 鳩 (ばと) Taube

  • 畜生 ちくしょう person reborn into the animal realm, son of a bitch; for Christ's sake; damn it​
  • 連邦 れんぽう (rambo) federal
    • 乱暴 (らんぼう, violence; assault; running riot​)
    • 復旧 (ふっきゅう, restoration; restitution; rehabilitation​)
      • not com. 復仇 (also ふっきゅう,reprisal; revenge​)

  • 反省 (はんせい) (reflection), regret
    • lit. anti - saving/conserve -> überfluss = regret

  • 次第 (see also other しだい): Plants (第) depend on water (次)
    • 純粋 (じゅんすい) - pure; true; genuine; unmixed​ (1. kanji: thread + pic. of a sprouting plant (屯 also meaning camp,barracks); 2. rice+soldier/or here "pflanze mit pollen") -> Lebenszyklus einer Pflanze

  • 口座 (bankaccount)
    • chin: 户头/戶頭, 账户/賬戶

  • 昇華 (しょうか) Sublimation
  • 廁 toilet
  • 独身 dúshēn -single
  • 昇 vs. 卑 (low; base; vulgar; inferior; humble); 啤酒 (píjiǔ) beer

  • 対応 "The lid 高 on the mark メ is an inch 寸 with the heart 心 under the dotted cliff 広 to deal with 対応 problems"

  • 耀 shine, sparkle
    • 珠 pearl gem
    • 瑠璃 lapis lazuli

  • 梅雨 rainy season
  • 残: "The bones 歹 and hair 毛 are the remnants of the animal you've just eaten."
    • comp. also 迄 (まで, until) in Verb. mit chin. 吃 (eat)
  • 逸らす (そ.らす) - to turn away (one's eyes, face, etc.); to avert
    • "path + rabbit"; also comp. 空 そら -sky
    • comp. chin. 运 (/運) - to move, transport

  • 傷 きず -wound
    • comp. turk. kiz
    • 怱 (fast, comp. "SCHNELL")
      • comp. 葱 (ねぎ) - ONION ("union")

  • 資本論 (しほん ろん,zīběn lùn) - Das Kapital (Karl Marx) vs. 日猶
  • 脚色 (きゃくしょく) (Fuss+Farbe) - dramatization (e.g. of a novel), Bühnenbearbeitung

  • 検査 (けんさ, investigation), comp. sound(med) and (insb. 2nd) kanji ("tree")

  • 捨てる ((シャ),すてる) - to throw away, to give up
    • vs. 拾う ((シュウ,ジュウ), ひろ.う) - to pick up, (other char for 十, ten)
    • compare: 答 (annswer), 舎 (hut), 塔 (tower), 搭 (board, lodge), ステる (sterben), ステルス (stealth)
    • sowohl kanji als auch aussprache ähnlich: 据える (すえる) - to place (in position); to fix; to set (e.g. table); to lay (foundation)​

  • 目出度い (めでたい) - happy; auspicious; propitious; joyous/naive​ - (vgl. sound meditieren)
    • from お目出度う - congratulations!

  • comp. legal: 復讐 (ふくしゅう)-revenge
    • 復習 - review; revision​

  • 売 (sell) <-> 殻(壳) (husk, nut shell)

  • 翡翠/川 - Eisvogel (kingfisher), jade, beautiful lustrous colour similar to that of the kingfisher's feathers

  • 節 (ふし) - 1 Bambusknoten; Astknoten; Knoten 2 Gelenk; Knöchel 3. Melodie; Noten; Ton
  • 出入り (でいり) - in and out; (vgl. "daily")
  • 訓練 (くんれん) - training; drill; practice; discipline
    • Resultat (Kreis schließt sich)
      • 練習 (れんしゅう) - Übung; Schulung; Training; Probe; Drill (vgl. neben kanji auch lesung)
      • -> 順調 (じゅんちょう) - günstiger Verlauf; glattes Fortkommen; Gedeihen
    • also 特訓

  • 巫山戯 (ふざけ) - play; sport; romp; frolic; joke; prank
    • 巫 (sorcerer, medium, shrine maiden) <-> compare : work 工 und sit 坐(座)
    • 戯 - hole (void, emptiness) + lanze

  • 所詮 after all​



asa, osa, oso

  • おさ
    • 収める/収まる - 1 einnehmen; annehmen; erwerben; gewinnen. 2 bezahlen; zahlen. 3 schenken; spenden; stiften. 4 abliefern; liefern. 5 beenden
      • 治める/治まる - to govern; to manage​ / to subside (of pain, symptoms, etc.); to be alleviated; to get better; to ease off​
      • 修める - to study; to complete (a course); to cultivate; to master​; to order (one's life)​; to repair (a fault one has committed)
    • 幼い - very young
    • 押さえる - to pin down; to hold down; to press down
      • 抑える - to keep within limits (e.g. spending); to restrain (e.g. emotions); to control; to curb; to hold in check​
    • お産 - (giving) birth; childbirth; delivery; confinement​ (Polite (teineigo))

  • あさ
    • 麻 - Hanf
    • 浅い - shallow; superficial​ (Antonym: 深い) 2. slight (wound); light (sleep); pale (colour); inadequate (knowledge)​; 3. short (time); early; young​
  • 明後日 (あさって/みょうごにち) - übermorgen
  • 漁る - to fish, to look for, stöbern

  • あそ
  • 遊び
  • 彼処 (あそこ) - there

  • おそ
    • 遅い - slow, late
    • 恐れる - to fear; to be afraid of​
      • 恐ろしい - errible; dreadful; terrifying; frightening; frightened​; 2. surprising; startling; tremendous; amazing
      • 恐らく- perhaps, likely, probably, i dare day
    • 教わる - to be taught (by); to learn from
    • 襲う - to attack, to succeed, jmdm. folgen; jmdm. nachfolgen
    • 魘われる (おそわれる) - to be tormented (by dreams); to have a nightmare​
  • 沿う (そう) - to run along; to run beside; to stick to (a line)​; 2. to follow (a policy, plan, etc.); to act in accordance with; to align with
    • 添う / 副う (そう) - begleiten; mit jmdm. mitgehen; Geleit geben. 2 heiraten; sich verheiraten. 3 entsprechen; bewilligen; entgegenkommen; gemäß sein; nachkommen

  • 損ねる (そこ.ねる) - to harm; to hurt; to injure; 2. to miss one's chance to (do something); to fail to (do what one ought to have done)​
  • 反る (そる) - 1. to warp; to curve; to arch; to bend​; 2. to bend backward (body or body part, e.g. fingers)​
    • 剃る (そる, (auch する)) - sich rasieren; scheren (s.u. 擦る to rub)
  • 添える (そえる) - hinzufügen; beifügen; beilegen; anheften
    • 揃える/揃う (そろ.える/う) - to complete, to arrange, to make/be equal (hells angel (81) uniform, )
    • 備える (そなえる)- to furnish with; to equip with; to prepare for; to be born with
      • 供える (そなえる) - darbringen; opfern; weihen; feierlich widmen. 2 helfen; dienen; jmdm. von Nutzen sein
    • 逸れる (intr.) (それる) - to turn away; to miss (e.g. a target); to deviate (e.g. of a conversation); to digress; to to go astray; to wander
      • 逸らす (trans) (そらす) - ausweichen; entgehen; aus dem Weg gehen; umgehen; vermeiden. 2 abwenden; abbringen; ablenken. 3 die Laune verderben

  • 倉庫 (そうこ) - Speicher; Magazin; Lager
  • 各々 (それぞれ) - each one (in its own way),every, respectively, severally, either

  • 誘う (さそう) - to invite; to ask (someone to do), 2. to tempt; to lure; 3. to induce (tears, laughter, sleepiness, etc.)
  • 異なる (ことなる) - to differ, to disagree, to vary
    • 断る (ことわる) - to refuse; to reject; to dismiss; 2. to inform; to give notice; to tell in advance​; 3. to excuse oneself (from)​
  • 拵える (こしら.える) - to make; to manufacture​
  • こっそり / こそこそ- stealthily; secretly​
  • 擦る (こする) - to rub; to scrub; to scrape
  • 熟す 熟す
  • 熟す (こなす) - reifen; reif werden

  • 用いる (こな) - to use; to make use of; to utilize; to utilise​
  • うつ
    • 打つ (to hit; to strike), 撃つ/討つ/射つ (to shoot (at);to attack; to defeat), 鬱 (depression; low spirits)
  • うつ-
    • 写す/写る; 移る/移す; 映す/映る
    • 虚ろ/空ろ/洞ろ/洞 - cavity; hollow; void​
  • 美しい (beautiful)
  • 器 (うつわ, container, vessel)
  • 俯く (うつむく, to hang one's head; to look down; to cast one's eyes downward)
  • ぶつ
    • 打つ (s.o.) , 物, 仏
  • つぶ
    • 粒 - grain; bead; drop
    • 呟く (つぶやく)- to mutter; to murmur; to grumble
    • 瞑る - to close (eyes); to shut
    • 潰れる intr. - to be crushed; to be smashed; to become useless
      • 潰す trans.


  • 続ける (つづ.ける) to continue; to keep up; to keep on
    • 包む (つつ.む) - to wrap up; to conceal
    • 筒 (つつ,tube)
    • 鼓 (つづみ, (hand)drum)
    • 慎 (つつし.む) -to be careful; to be discreet, to refrain (from overdoing); to abstain​

  • 鈴 (すず) - (round) bell
    • 雀 (すずめ) - tree sparrow
      • 啜る (すする) - to sip; to slurp
        • すすり泣く - to sob, schluchsen
      • 突き (つつき) - pecking; poking; picking
    • 進む (すす.む) -to advance
      • 勧める (すす.める) - to recommend, to urge
    • 涼む (すずむ) - to cool oneself, to enjoy evening cool, to cool off
    • 図々しい (ずうずうしい) - frech; unverschämt; verschlagen; zudringlich; aufdringlich
      • すうすう - sound of wind rustling through a crack; wheezing​; zischend; pfeifend. 2 glatt gehend; ruhig; ohne Probleme
      • すっくり straight; upright; erect​
      • すっきり refreshingly; with a feeling of relief; pleasantly; (a weight) off one's shoulder

  • ずつ / づつ - apiece; each; at a time
    • 頭痛 (ずつう) - headache
    • 珠数/数珠 (ずず) - Rosenkranz

  • pic: Essen
    • 即 (そく) - sofort; auf der Stelle; unverzüglich; umgehend
      • (vgl. 節約 (せつやく) - Sparsamkeit; Wirtschaftlichkeit, thrift, economising; saving​)
    • (即ち (すなわち) - nämlich; das heißt; das ist; mit anderen Worten)
    • 既に (すでに) - already; too late
      • 序でに (ついでに) - bei Gelegenheit; nebenbei; im Vorbeigehen; beiläufig
      • 常に (つねに) - schriftspr. immer; stets; dauernd
      • 遂に,終に,竟に (ついに)- finally, am Ende; zum Schluss; schließlich; zuletzt; endlich
        • not 逐 (チク) pursue
      • 全て, 総て, 凡て, 惣て, 渾て (すべて)

  • uncom: 濯ぐ/雪ぐ (すすぐ) - (v5g,vt) to rinse; to wash out; to have one's revenge; to wipe out a disgrace

  • 注ぐ (そそぐ,つぐ) - einschenken; gießen; auffüllen
    • そそぐ 2 fließen 3. bewässern; berieseln. 4 einfließen; münden. 5 sich widmen; sich hingeben; sich vertiefen
    • 唆る (そそる) - erregen; anregen; anreizen; wachrufen

  • 縮む (ちぢ.む) - to shrink, to contract; to diminish (in size)​
  • 括る (くくる) - binden; anbinden; zusammenbinden; zubinden; zuschnüren; befestigen

mabu, mabo

  • 幻 (まぼろし ) - phantom; vision; illusion; dream - vgl "marlboro"
    • 眩しい (まぶしい) - blendend; blendend hell; grell.
    • 瞼 / 目蓋 (まぶた) - Augenlid
      • vgl. 蓋 (ふた) - Deckel; Haube; Verschluss; Klappe

setsu, seki, ketsu, eki

  • せつ (12 on):
    • 設 (prepare) 殺 (kill, nearly always satsu) (刹)
      • 折 (break,see also 析 seki) 切 (cut) 窃 (secret)
    • 節 (org. bambusnode)
    • 説 (theory) 雪 (snow) 接 (hand+concubine 妾, to touch; to come in contact with)
    • 摂 (stellvertretend, absorb) 拙 (unskillful,clumsy)

  • せき (20 on)
    • 関(barrier, gate), 咳(cough) (kun), 塞き止める (to hold back)
    • 石 赤 夕 席
    • 責 積 績
    • 昔 籍 惜
    • 析 (see also 折 setsu) 斥
    • 寂 戚
    • 舎 釈 潟 隻 脊

  • けつ (7 on)
    • 決 結 血 欠 穴
    • 傑 潔

  • エキ (6 on)
    • 役 (mostly ヤク), 疫 (all eki)
    • 易 (both eki and i) 駅 液
    • 益 (all eki)

sonstige homophone

  • おこ #common, insb. 興す, 怒る, 怠る
  • 塗る ぬる paint
    • 温い ぬるい lukewarm, slow; stupid​
    • 濡れる ぬれる - to get wet
    • 盗む ぬすむ - to steal

  • dust 埃 vs. pride, boast 誇り: both ほこり
  • 先ず (first), 貧しい (poor) (まずしい)

  • 恐らく (perhaps) vs. 恐ろしい (terrible; dreadful; terrifying)
    • 幼い (おさない) - childish, 押さえる to hold down, 襲う (attack)

  • 昆虫 (insect,こんちゅう) vs. 本州 (ほんしゅう)

  • 憎 (ゾウ, hate, detest);
    • 騒 (ソウ,"horse+flea",noise, disturb) where 蚤 (ソウ, FLEA) provides the sound (Kun: のみ、 はやい)
    • 想像 (そうぞう, imagination)
  • 速い (はやい,fast) vs. 破壊 (はかい, destruction)
  • 元気、現金、厳禁
  • いし

  • 平気 / 兵器 (へいき) - Gleichgewicht der Kräfte

  • ちゅうどく:
    • 中毒 (poisoning​; 2. addiction (suffix)​)
    • 駐独 (Diplomat. Gesandter in Deutschland)

正義 (recht, せいぎ)

  • 法廷 (ほうてい,courtroom) (comp. 庭 garden)
  • 法王 (ほうおう, pope)
    • 法師 (ほうし, Buddhist priest; bonze​)
    • 魔法 (まほう,magic, whichcraft)
  • 法蓮草 (ほうれんそう,spinat)
  • 犯罪 a crime
    • 犯 crime = 犭dog + 㔾 seal
      • It is a crime (犯) to use the paw of a dog (犭) in one's seal (㔾).
    • 罪 an offense = 罒 net + 非 mistake, negative, injustice
      • It's an offense (罪) to catch someone in a net (罒) by mistake (非).
  • 芝居 (しば.い (both kun), play, drama) lawn (+residence)
  • つくつく法師 - Meimuna opalifera (species of cicada), kündigen ende des Sommers (なつ) an

sonstiges zu recht

  • 所管 しょかん (jurisdiction)
  • 憲法 (けんぽう,verfassung), 民法 (みんぽう,azivilrecht), 商法 (しょうほう, com. law), 刑法 (けいほう,strafrecht), 税法 (ぜいほう,taxlaw)
  • 立法 (りっぽう,legislation)

  • 証拠 (しょうこ) Evidence (law)​
  • 債権 (さいけん) claim, (law of) obligation

  • 訴える (うったえる) - to sue
    • comp. 歌/唄/詩 (うた) - song; (謡,うたい)
    • 疑い (うたが) - doubt; question; uncertainty; skepticism; suspicion; distrust
    • 宴/讌 (うたげ) - party; banquet; feast
    • 右端 【うたん】- right side, right end


  • Keisatsu警 - vs. Versammlungsrecht
    • Eilbedürftigkeit 急 (きんきゅう, urgency)
    • Ermessen= auswahl frei= beautiful - 分別 (ふんべつ, discretion)
      • chin.: 酌情



chin. Vokabeln

  • 没有 游泳 (méiyǒu yóuyǒng) "did not swim"
  • 日历/ 日曆 (rìlì) -calendar
  • 卧室 wòshì (retainer/down+room. also comp sound)
  • 头发/ 頭髮 (hair of the head) - tóufa (vgl. Taufer)