ICE bezeichnet eine Kombinationschemotherapie aus Ifosfamid, Carboplatin und Etoposid. Diese wird häufig angewendet um nicht-ansprechende (therapierefraktäre) oder rezidivierende maligne Lymphome zu behandeln.[1]

In the last few years, it has become more common to include the drug rituximab alongside the ICE protocol, a regimen commonly referred to as R-ICE. Rituximab is a monoclonal antibody which binds to and helps destroy B cells.[2]

  1. "Follow-up Care & Relapse." Lymphoma Research Foundation.
  2. "Trial of Oxaliplatin, Cytosine Arabinoside, Dexamethasone With Rituxan (ROAD) in Patients With Relapsed Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma."