
fahre mit dem Mauszeiger über die Landkarte - look at the Pop-up windows !

Unit 4 (p. 68)


Growing up in Canada


voc. p.161+162

to hunt = jagen | the hunt = die Jagd | to go hunting = jagen gehen

some verbs and nouns have the same form[1]:

  • (to) canoe / the canoe
  • (to) cook / the cook
  • (to) drive / the drive (die Fahrt)[2]
  • to hunt / the hunt[3]
  • (to) link / the link
  • (to) ski / the ski
  • (to) sleep / the sleep
  • (to) camp = zelten / the camp = Zeltlager

mom (AE) / mum (BE)

They just don't understand sie verstehen sich einfach nicht

read the six statements (and vocabulary: p. 162)

answer question 1.1: What things do these kids argue about with their parents ? (worüber streiten sich diese Kinder mit ihren Eltern ?)[4]

1.2 Do you think their parents are

  • A too strict (zu streng) ?
  • B quite strict (ziemlich streng?)
  • C OK ?

2 a) Now you: I'm allowed to ...

  • listen to every kind of music I like
  • to watch TV
  • ...

Students at Robert's school don't have to wear a uniform, but there i a dress code.

This means there are rules about clothes, hair and jewellery.


  1. einige Verben und Nomen haben die selbe Form
  2. driver = Fahrer
  3. hunter = Jäger
  4. to argue with sb. about sth. mit jdm. über etw. streiten