Hello my name is LSMNl (by the way, the last letter is a small L). My birthday is 09.10 and im from Hessen, Germany. I would like to share all my knowledge with you and not give fake news a chance. Also, i don't want to reveal so much about myself, and be anonymous, i just want to share my knowledge (as already said). (Wikipedia account since 00:29 am, 30.12.2020[MEZ])

remains curious, LSMNl.

Diese Person spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
la-4 Haec persona lingua latina ut vernacula sua utitur.
en-2 This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of English.
Runr Ich kann Runenalphabet lesen.
Dieser Benutzer kommt aus Deutschland.
Wappen des Landes Hessen Dieser Benutzer kommt aus Hessen.
Benutzer nach Sprache
Ich bin seit dem 30. Dezember 2020 in der Wikipedia aktiv.