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Vorlage:Infobox writer Joseph Boyden (born October 31, 1966) is a Canadian novelist and short story writer. His first novel, Three Day Road won the Books in Canada First Novel Award|Amazon/Books in Canada First Novel Award and the Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize. His second novel, Through Black Spruce, won the 2008 Scotiabank Giller Prize, and his third book, The Orenda was named the winner of the 2014 edition of Canada Reads.

Life and career


Boyden wuchs in Willowdale, Toronto (Willowdale, Toronto, North York, Ontario) auf und besuchte die von Jesuiten geführte Brebeuf College School. Boydens Vater Raymond Wilfrid Boyden war ein für seine Tapferkeit geschätzter Amtsarzt, der mit dem Distinguished Service Order ausgezeichnet wurde und der am höchsten dekorierte medizinische Offizier des Zweiten Weltkriegs war.[1]

Of Irish, Scottish and Anishinaabe heritage, Boyden writes about First Nations heritage and culture. Das irische, schottische und anishinabische Erbe Boyden schreibt über das Erbe und die Kultur der First Nations

Three Day Road, a novel about two Cree soldiers serving in the Canadian military during World War I, is inspired by Ojibwa Francis Pegahmagabow, the legendary First World War sniper.  Boyden's second novel, Through Black Spruce follows the story of Will, son of one of the characters in Three Day Road. He has indicated in interviews that the titles are part of a planned trilogy, the third of which is forthcoming.

Three Day Road", ein Roman über zwei Cree-Soldaten, die während des Ersten Weltkriegs im kanadischen Militär dienten, ist inspiriert von Ojibwa Francis Pegahmagabow, dem legendären Scharfschützen des Ersten Weltkriegs. Boydens zweiter Roman "Through Black Spruce" folgt der Geschichte von Will, Sohn eines der Charaktere in "Three Day Road". Er hat in Interviews darauf hingewiesen, dass die Titel Teil einer geplanten Trilogie sind, von der die dritte erscheint. [2]

Boyden studied creative writing at York University and the University of New Orleans, and subsequently taught in the Aboriginal Student Program at Northern College (Ontario). He is currently a Lecturer with the University of British Columbia's Creative Writing Program. Boyden studierte kreatives Schreiben an der York University und der University of New Orleans und lehrte anschließend im Aboriginal Student Program am Northern College (Ontario). Derzeit ist er Dozent am Creative Writing Program der University of British Columbia [3] He divides his time between Louisiana, where he and his wife, Amanda Boyden, are writers in residence,[4] and Northern Ontario.



His debut novel, Three Day Road, won the Books in Canada First Novel Award|Amazon/Books in Canada First Novel Award and the Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize in 2006, and was a nominee for the 2005 Governor General's Awards. It previously won the inaugural McNally Robinson Aboriginal Book of the Year Award. Three Day Road was chosen for inclusion in Canada Reads|Canada Reads 2006, where it was championed by filmmaker Nelofer Pazira.

His second novel, Through Black Spruce, won the 2008 Scotiabank Giller Prize. Sein Debüt-Roman, "Three Day Road", gewann den ersten Roman Buch der Bücher in Kanada und den Rogers Writers Trust Fiction Preis im Jahr 2006, und war ein Kandidat für die 2005 Generalgouverneur Awards . Es gewann zuvor den McNally Robinson Aboriginal Book of the Year Award. Three Day Road wurde für die Aufnahme in Canada Reads Canada Reads 2006 gewählt, wo es von Filmemacher Nelofer Pazira verfochten wurde.

Sein zweiter Roman "Through Black Spruce" gewann den Scotiabank Giller Prize 2008. [5][6]

His third novel, The Orenda, was on the longlist for the Scotiabank Giller Prize in 2013, and won the 2014 edition of Canada Reads on 6 March 2014. Sein dritter Roman, "The Orenda", stand 2013 auf der Longlist für den Scotiabank Giller Prize und gewann am 6. März 2014 die Canada Reads 2014. In 2009, Boyden was awarded an honorary degree (Doctor of Letters, honoris causa) from Nipissing University. Im Jahr 2009 erhielt Boyden einen Ehrendoktor ("Doctor of Letters", "honoris causa") von der Nipissing University. [7] In 2013, Boyden was awarded an honorary degree from Algoma University.[8]

  • Three Day Road. Toronto: Penguin Canada, 2005. (winner of the Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize, longlisted for the 2007 IMPAC Award)
  • Through Black Spruce. Toronto: Penguin Canada, 2008. (winner of the Scotiabank Giller Prize, November 2008)
  • The Orenda. Toronto: Penguin Canada, 2013. (longlisted for the 2013 Scotiabank Giller Prize, shortlisted nominee for the 2013 Governor General's Awards|2013 Governor General's Award for Governor General's Award for English-language fiction|English fiction, winner of the 2014 Canada Reads competition)


  • Born With a Tooth Toronto: Cormorant Books, 2001.


  • From Mushkegowuk to New Orleans: A Mixed Blood Highway. Edmonton: NeWest, 2008.
  • Extraordinary Canadians: Louis Riel And Gabriel Dumont. Penguin, 2010.

{{Giller Prize}}

{{Authority control|VIAF=22429084}}

{{Persondata <!-- Metadata: see Wikipedia:Persondata. -->
| NAME              = Boyden, Joseph
| SHORT DESCRIPTION = Canadian writer
| DATE OF BIRTH     = October 31, 1966
| PLACE OF BIRTH    = Willowdale, Toronto|Willowdale, North York, Ontario
{{DEFAULTSORT:Boyden, Joseph}}
Category:1966 births
Category:Living people
Category:Canadian male novelists
Category:Canadian short story writers
Category:Canadian people of Irish descent
Category:Canadian people of Métis descent
Category:Canadian people of Scottish descent
Category:University of New Orleans faculty
Category:Métis writers
Category:Canadian Métis people
Category:People from Willowdale
Category:Writers from Toronto
Category:21st-century Canadian novelists

  1. Author Profile: Joseph Boyden in Quill & Quire.
  2. "Joseph Boyden talks about winning the Giller Prize", National Post, November 12, 2008.
  3. Faculty: Joseph Boyden. Abgerufen am 7. März 2014.
  4. What's their story? In: CBC News, 29. September 2008 
  5. "Boyden wins literature's Giller", The Globe and Mail, November 11, 2008.
  6. Joseph Boyden wins $50K Giller Prize Author vows to 'always write about the First Nations', CBC News, 11. November 2008. Abgerufen am 5. Oktober 2009 
  7. http://www.nipissingu.ca/departments/presidents-office/honorary_degree/Pages/default.aspx
  8. http://www.algomau.ca/newsevents/news/name,3712,en.html#.UbOyuJVIje4