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BearbeitenVorlage:Short description Optimism bias (or the optimistic bias) is a cognitive bias that causes someone to believe that they themselves are less likely to experience a negative event. It is also known as delusional optimism, unrealistic optimism or comparative optimism.
Optimism bias is common and transcends gender, ethnicity, nationality, and age.[1] Optimistic biases are even reported in animals such as rats and birds.[2] However, autistic people are less susceptible to optimistic biases.[3]
Die Optimismusverzerrung (en: optimistim bias) ist eine Kognitive Verzerrung, die dazu führt, dass Betroffene glauben ihnen würde weniger wahrscheinlich etwas Schlechtes beziehungsweise wahrscheinlicher etwas Gutes zustoßen wird. Sie ist auch bekannt als (unrealistischer Optimismus oder en:delusional optimism, en:comparative optimism). Die Optimismusverzerrung ist ein häufiges Phänomen und zieht sich durch alle Geselschaftschichte, unabhängig von Geschlecht, Nationalität, Ethnizität und Alter. [1] Sie wurde sogar schon bei Tieren wie Ratten und Vögeln nachgewiesen. [2] autistische Personen sind weniger anfällig für diese Verzerrung. [3]
Four factors can cause a person to be optimistically biased: their desired end state, their cognitive mechanisms, the information they have about themselves versus others, and overall mood.[4] The optimistic bias is seen in a number of situations. For example: people believing that they are less at risk of being a crime victim,[5] smokers believing that they are less likely to contract lung cancer or disease than other smokers, first-time bungee jumpers believing that they are less at risk of an injury than other jumpers,[6] or traders who think they are less exposed to potential losses in the markets.[7]
Vier Faktoren können Personen dazu bringen eine Optimismusverzerrung aufzuweißen: ihr gewünschter Zustand, ihre kognitiven Mechanismen, ihre Information über sich selbst gegenüber der über andere, und ihre allgemeine Stimmung. [4] Die Optimismusverzerrung zeigt sich in einigen Situationen. Zum Beispiel :Leute glauben sie währen weniger anfällig, Opfer von Verbrechen zu werden [5] ; Raucher, die glauben, sie würden weniger Gefahr laufen, Lungenkrebs zu bekommen als andere Raucher; Bungeespringer, die glauben sie würden sich nicht so leicht verletzen, wie andere; Q[6] oder Geschäftsleute, die glauben, weniger Gefahr zu laufen Verluste bei ihren Geschäften zu machen als andere. [7]
Although the optimism bias occurs for both positive events (such as believing oneself to be more financially successful than others) and negative events (such as being less likely to have a drinking problem), there is more research and evidence suggesting that the bias is stronger for negative events (the valence effect).[4][8] Different consequences result from these two types of events: positive events often lead to feelings of well being and self-esteem, while negative events lead to consequences involving more risk, such as engaging in risky behaviors and not taking precautionary measures for safety.[4]
Obwohl die Optimissmusverzerrung sowohl für positive Ereignisse ( Wie zu glauben, man sei finanziell erfolgreicher als andere.) als auch für negative Ereignisse ( Wie zu glauben, man schwebe weniger in der Gefahr ein Alkoholproblem zu bekommen.) auftritt, gibt es Forschungen und Beweise , die andeuten, das die Verzerrung für negativen Ereignisse stärker ist {( the valence effect)} [4][8] . Diese zwei Typen von Ereignissen haben unterschiedliche Auswirkungen;
Positive Ereignisse führen oft zu Wohlbehagen und einem besseren Selbstwergefühl
Negative Ereignisse führen zu riskanteren Auswirkungen wie, dem Zeigen rikanter Verhaltensweisen und den Verzicht auf Sicherheitsmaßnahmen.[4]
BearbeitenThe factors leading to the optimistic bias can be categorized into four different groups: desired end states of comparative judgment, cognitive mechanisms, information about the self versus a target, and underlying affect.[4] These are explained more in detail below.
BearbeitenDie Faktoren, die zu einer Optimismusverzerrung führen können, können in vier Gruppen eingeteilt werden. : {desired end states of comparative judgment, kognitive Mechanismen, die Information, die man über sich selbst hat, gegenüber der, die man über andere hat , and underlying affect} Q[4] Diese sind im weiteren Text detaillierter ausgeführt.
BearbeitenOptimism bias is typically measured through two determinants of risk: absolute risk, where individuals are asked to estimate their likelihood of experiencing a negative event compared to their actual chance of experiencing a negative event (comparison against self), and comparative risk, where individuals are asked to estimate the likelihood of experiencing a negative event (their personal risk estimate) compared to others of the same age and sex (a target risk estimate).[8][9] Problems can occur when trying to measure absolute risk because it is extremely difficult to determine the actual risk statistic for a person.[9][10] Therefore, the optimistic bias is primarily measured in comparative risk forms, where people compare themselves against others, through direct and indirect comparisons.[6] Direct comparisons ask whether an individual's own risk of experiencing an event is less than, greater than, or equal to someone else's risk, while indirect comparisons ask individuals to provide separate estimates of their own risk of experiencing an event and others' risk of experiencing the same event.[9][11]
BearbeitenDie Optimismusverzerrung wird gewöhnlich durch zwei Parameter bemessen:
{absolute Risikobewertung: hier fragt man Betroffene, wie wahrscheinlich es nach ihrer Einschätzung ist, dass sie ein negatives Ereignis erleben werden und vergleicht diese dann mit dem tatsächlichen Risiko. &
Vergleichend Risikobewertung: hier fragt man Personen, wie wahrscheinlich es nach ihrer Einschätzung ist, dass sie ein negatives Ereignis erleben werden und vergleicht sie dann mit der Einschätzung anderer des selben Geschlechts und Alters. QQ}
Die {absoluten Risikobewertung} ist allerdings nur schwer möglich, da es extrem kompliziert ist, das tatsächliche Risiko für eine Person einzuschätzen, ein bestimmtes Ereigniss zu erleben. QQ
Daher wird hauptsächlich die vergleichende Risikobewertung verwendet, wo sich Leute (bei direkten und indirekten Vergleichen) mit anderen vergleichen können Q
- Beim direkten Vergleich werden Personen gerfragt, ob das eigene Risiko (ein schlechtes Ereignis zu erleben) größer, gleich groß oder kleiner ist, als das Risiko einer anderen Person, während sie beim
- indirekten Vergleich zwei getrennte Einschätzungen zu ihrem eigenen Risiko (ein schlechtes Ereignis zu erleben) und dem Risiko eines anderen, das selbe schlechte Ereignis zu erleben erstellen müssen. QQ
After obtaining scores, researchers are able to use the information to determine if there is a difference in the average risk estimate of the individual compared to the average risk estimate of their peers. Generally, in negative events, the mean risk of an individual appears lower than the risk estimate of others.[9] This is then used to demonstrate the bias' effect. The optimistic bias can only be defined at a group level, because at an individual level the positive assessment could be true.[8] Likewise, difficulties can arise in measurement procedures, as it is difficult to determine when someone is being optimistic, realistic, or pessimistic.[9][11] Research suggests that the bias comes from an overestimate of group risks rather than underestimating one's own risk.[9]
An example: participants assigned a higher probability to picking a card that had a smiling face on its reverse side than one which had a frowning face.[12]
Nach der Auswertung der Ergebnisse ist es Forschern möglich, zu bestimmen, ob es eine Abweichung zwischen der Risikoeinschätzung eines Einzelnen und der durchschnittlichen Einschätzung seiner Gleichaltrig- & Geschlechtlichen gibt.- Im Allgemeinen {schätzen sich die Personen, bei negativen Ereignissen dann als weniger gefährdet ein, als die Gleichaltrig- & Geschlechtlichen. Q So kann man die Verzerrung nachweisen. Die Verzerrung kann nur auf einer Gruppenebene definiert werden, da auf einer Individuellen Ebene die optimistische Einschätzung begrünet sein könnte. Außerdem kann es Schwierigkeiten geben, zu bestimmen, ob jemand optimistisch, realistisch oder pessimistisch ist. Forschungen weisen darauf hin, dass die Verzerrung eher von einer zu hohen Einschätzung des Gruppenrisikos, als von einer Unterschätzung des Eigenen.}
Ein Beispie: Personen vermuten eine höhere Warscheinlichkeit zu haben, eine Karte mit einem lachenden Gesicht (auf ihrer Rückseite) zu ziehen, als ein trauriges. Q
Cognitive mechanisms
BearbeitenThe optimistic bias is possibly also influenced by three cognitive mechanisms that guide judgments and decision-making processes: the representativeness heuristic, singular target focus, and interpersonal distance
{Kognitve Mechanismen}
BearbeitenDie Optismismusverzerrung wird möglicherweise auch noch durch drei kognitive Mechanismen beeinflusst, die das {Urteilen bzw. Werten} und die Entscheidungsprozesse lenken: die {Repräsentativitätsheuristik, singular target fokus, und die interpersonelle Distanz.} Q
Representativeness heuristic
BearbeitenThe estimates of likelihood associated with the optimistic bias are based on how closely an event matches a person's overall idea of the specific event.[4] Some researchers suggest that the representativeness heuristic is a reason for the optimistic bias: individuals tend to think in stereotypical categories rather than about their actual targets when making comparisons.[13] For example, when drivers are asked to think about a car accident, they are more likely to associate a bad driver, rather than just the average driver.[4] Individuals compare themselves with the negative elements that come to mind, rather than an overall accurate comparison between them and another driver. Additionally, when individuals were asked to compare themselves towards friends, they chose more vulnerable friends based on the events they were looking at.[14] Individuals generally chose a specific friend based on whether they resemble a given example, rather than just an average friend.[14] People find examples that relate directly to what they are asked, resulting in representativeness heuristics.
BearbeitenDie Wahrscheinlickeitsschätzungen im Zusammenhang mit der Optimismusverzerrung basieren darauf, wie ähnlich ein Ereigniss der Vorstellung einer Person von diesem Ereigniss ist. Q Manche Forscher vermuten, dass die Repräsentativitätsheuristik ein Grund für die Optimismusverzerrung ist: {Personen neigen bei Vergleichen eher dazu, in stereotypischen Kategorien zu denken, als über die eigentlichen Fakten über das Vergleichsobjekt . } Q Wenn man zum Beispiel Autofahrer bittet, sich einen Autounfall vorzustellen, ist es wahrscheinlicher, dass er den Unfallfahrer als schlechten Fahrer assoziiert, als als einen durchschnittlichen. Q Menschen vergleichen sich eher mit den negativen Eigenschaften, die ihnen einfallen, als einen vollständig durchdachten Vergleich zwischen ihnen und einem anderen Fahrer anzustellen. Außerdem wählen Menschen, wenn sie die Gefährdung (durch etwas bestimmtes) von Freunden von sich einschätzen sollen, eher Freunde aus, die durch dieses Ereignis gefährdet sind. Q Leute wählen generell bei solchen Sachen eher Freunde, aus, die zu dem gegebenen Thema passen bzw. einen Bezug dazu haben, als einen durchschnittlichen Freund. Q Menschen finden Beispiele, die einen direkten Bezug zur Fragestellung haben, was zur Repräsentativitätsheuristik führt.
Singular target focus
BearbeitenOne of the difficulties of the optimistic bias is that people know more about themselves than they do about others. While individuals know how to think about themselves as a single person, they still think of others as a generalized group, which leads to biased estimates and inabilities to sufficiently understand their target or comparison group. Likewise, when making judgments and comparisons about their risk compared to others, people generally ignore the average person, but primarily focus on their own feelings and experiences.[4]
Singular target focus
Eines der Probleme bei der Optimismusverzerrung ist, dass Leute mehr über sich selbst wissen, als über Andere. Während Personen wissen, wie man über sich selbst als einzelne Person denkt, sehen sie die Anderen eher als eine verallgemeinerte Gruppe, was zu verzerrten Einschätzungen führt und zu der Unfähigkeit seine Vergleichsgruppe seinen Vergleichsperson zu verstehen. Außerdem fokusieren sich Personen, wenn sie Vergleiche und Einschätzungen zwischen ihrer Gefährdung im Vergleich zu der Gefährdung Anderer machen müssen, im Allgemeinen eher auf ihre eigenen Eindrücke und Erfahrungen und ignorieren die Durchschnittsperson Q
Interpersonal distance
BearbeitenPerceived risk differences occur depending on how far or close a compared target is to an individual making a risk estimate.[4] The greater the perceived distance between the self and the comparison target, the greater the perceived difference in risk. When one brings the comparison target closer to the individual, risk estimates appear closer together than if the comparison target was someone more distant to the participant.[4] There is support for perceived social distance in determining the optimistic bias.[15] Through looking at comparisons of personal and target risk between the in-group level contributes to more perceived similarities than when individuals think about outer-group comparisons which lead to greater perceived differences.[15] In one study, researchers manipulated the social context of the comparison group, where participants made judgements for two different comparison targets: the typical student at their university and a typical student at another university. Their findings showed that not only did people work with the closer comparison first, but also had closer ratings to themselves than the "more different" group.[15]
{Zwischenmenschliche Distanz}
BearbeitenDie Unterschiede in der Einschätznug des Risikos hängen davon ab, wie nah die Vergleichsperson der vergleichenden Person steht. Q Umso weniger sich die beiden nahestehen, umso größer wird die Differenz zwischen Selbst und Fremdeinschätzung sein. {Wenn man eine Vergleichsperson nimmt, die der Person bekannter ist, ist der Abstand zwischen den beiden Schätzungen kleiner. Q Es gibt Anhaltspunkte dafür, dass die Optimissmusverzerrung durch die zwischenmenliche Distanz bestimmt wird. Q Wenn Personen ihre eigenen Risiken mit denen von Personen innnerhalb einer Gruppe zu der sie gehören vergleichen kommen kleinere Differenzen hervor, als wenn sie ihre Risiken mit den Personen außerhalb dieser Gruppe vergleichen. In einer Studie haben Forscher den sozialen Hintergrund der Vergleichsgruppe manipuliert. In dieser Studie mussten Teilnehmer Einschätzungen machen für zwei Vergleichspersonen machen und zwar für eine durschnittlichen Studenten an ihrer Universität und einen durchschnittlichen Studenten an einer anderen Universität. Ihre Ergebnisse zeigten, dass auch Personen, mit denen die Teilnehmer noch nie zufor gearbeitet hatten eine einschätzung bekamen, die näher an der eigenen lag, als die der entfernteren Gruppe.}
Studies have also noticed that people demonstrate more optimistic bias when making comparisons when the other is a vague individual, but biases are reduced when the other is a familiar person, such as a friend or family member. This also is determined due to the information they have about the individuals closest to them, but not having the same information about other people.[8]
Studien zeigten außerdem, dass Personen die Optimismussverzerrung stärker zeigen, wenn die Vergleichsperson eine weniger vertraute Person ist, aber die Verzerrung bei einer vertrauten Personen, wie einem Freund oder einem Familienmitglied schwächer ist. Das wird auch dadurch bestimmt, dass sie die Informationen, die sie über die näher Bekannten haben, zum Teil nicht über die entfernteren Bekannten haben
Desired end states of comparative judgment
BearbeitenMany explanations for the optimistic bias come from the goals that people want and outcomes they wish to see.[4] People tend to view their risks as less than others because they believe that this is what other people want to see. These explanations include self-enhancement, self-presentation, and perceived control.
Desired end states of comparative judgment
BearbeitenViele Erklärungen für die Optimismusverzerrung kommen von den Zielen, die die Menschen erreichen wollen beziehungsweiße den Ergebnissen, die sie sehen wollen Q Personen tendieren dazu, ihre Risiken als geringer einzuschätzen wie andere, da sie glauben, dass das ist, was andere sehen wollen. { Diese Erklärungen basieren auf Selbstaufwertung, Selbstdarstellung und Kontrolllüberzeugung.}
BearbeitenSelf-enhancement suggests that optimistic predictions are satisfying and that it feels good to think that positive events will happen.[4] People can control their anxiety and other negative emotions if they believe they are better off than others.[4] People tend to focus on finding information that supports what they want to see happen, rather than what will happen to them.[4] With regards to the optimistic bias, individuals will perceive events more favorably, because that is what they would like the outcome to be. This also suggests that people might lower their risks compared to others to make themselves look better than average: they are less at risk than others and therefore better.[4]
Bearbeiten{Die Selbstaufwertung vermutet}, dass optimistische Vorhersagen befriedigend sein und, dass es sich gut anfühlt zu glauben, dass positve Ereignisse geschehen werden. Q ' Leute können besser mit ihren Ängsten und anderen negativen Gefühlen umgehen, wenn sie glauben besser zu sein als andere.' Q' Leute tendieren eher dazu, sich darauf zu fokusieren, Informationen zu finden, die für das stimmen, was sie sehen möchten als das was ihnen eigentlich passieren wird. Q In Bezug auf die Optimismusverzerrung nehmen Personen Ereignisse positiver war, da das das ist, was sie gerne als {Ergebnis} sehen würden. Das deutet auch darauf hin, dass Personen {ihre eigene Einschätzung ihrer gefährdung senken, }um besser als der durchschnitt zu sein: Sie sind nicht so gefährdet wie andere und deshalb besser. Q
BearbeitenStudies suggest that people attempt to establish and maintain a desired personal image in social situations. People are motivated to present themselves towards others in a good light, and some researchers suggest that the optimistic bias is a representative of self-presentational processes: people want to appear better off than others. However, this is not through conscious effort. In a study where participants believed their driving skills would be either tested in either real-life or driving simulations, people who believed they were to be tested had less optimistic bias and were more modest about their skills than individuals who would not be tested.[16] Studies also suggest that individuals who present themselves in a pessimistic and more negative light are generally less accepted by the rest of society.[17] This might contribute to overly optimistic attitudes.
Studien deuten darauf hin, dass {Personen in sozialen Situationen ein erwünschtes Selbstbild erstellen und aufrechterhalten}. Personen sind dazu motiviert, sich gegenüber anderen in einem guten Licht zu präsentieren und manche Forscher glauben, dass die Optimismusverzerrung eine Nebenerscheinung von Selbstdarstellungsprozessen ist: Personen wollen besser erscheinen als andere. Allerdings passiert ds nicht durch bewusstes Bestreben. In einer Studie, waren Teilnehmer, die dachte, ihre Fahrkompetenzen würden entweder durch einen relellen oder virtuellen Fahrtest bescheidener und weniger Optimismusverzerrt bei Schilderungen über ihre Fahrkünste, als jene Teilnehmer, die nicht dachten, dass ihre Fahrkompetenzen überprüft werden würden. Q Studien geben außerdem zu vermuten, dass Personen, die sich in einem pessimistischeren und in schlechteren Licht darstellen, von der Gesellschaft weniger akzeptiert werden. Q Das könnte zu einer übermäßig optimistischen Einstellung führen.
Personal control/perceived control
BearbeitenPeople tend to be more optimistically biased when they believe they have more control over events than others.[4][10][18] For example, people are more likely to think that they will not be harmed in a car accident if they are driving the vehicle.[18] Another example is that if someone believes that they have a lot of control over becoming infected with HIV, they are more likely to view their risk of contracting the disease to be low.[9] Studies have suggested that the greater perceived control someone has, the greater their optimistic bias.[18][13] Stemming from this, control is a stronger factor when it comes to personal risk assessments, but not when assessing others.[10][18]
A meta-analysis reviewing the relationship between the optimistic bias and perceived control found that a number of moderators contribute to this relationship.[10] In previous research, participants from the United States generally had higher levels of optimistic bias relating to perceived control than those of other nationalities. Students also showed larger levels of the optimistic bias than non-students.[10] The format of the study also demonstrated differences in the relationship between perceived control and the optimistic bias: direct methods of measurement suggested greater perceived control and greater optimistic bias as compared to indirect measures of the bias.[10] The optimistic bias is strongest in situations where an individual needs to rely heavily on direct action and responsibility of situations.[10]
An opposite factor of perceived control is that of prior experience.[9] Prior experience is typically associated with less optimistic bias, which some studies suggest is from either a decrease in the perception of personal control, or make it easier for individuals to imagine themselves at risk.[9][13] Prior experience suggests that events may be less controllable than previously believed.[9]
Persönliche Kontrolle und wahrgenommenen Kontrolle Personen tendieren stärker zur Optimismussverzerrung, wenn sie glauben, dass sie mehr Kontrolle über Ereignisse zu haben als andere. Q Q Q Zum Beispiel glauben Personen, dass es weniger warscheinlich ist, durch einen Autounfall verletzt zu werden, wenn sie selber fahren. Q Ein anderes Beispiel ist, dass Personen die denken sie hätten eine größere Kontrolle darüber, ob sie an HIV erkranken, auch denken, sie hätten ein geringeres Risiko an HIV zu erkranken Q. Studien vermuten, dass die Optimismussverzerrung je größer ist, je größer die wahrgenommene Kontrolle ist.QQ { Darauf aufbauend ist die wargenommene Kontrolle zwar ein größerer Faktor, wenn es um die Schätzung des eigenen Risikos geht, aber nicht, wenn es um die, der anderen geht. } Q Q
Eine Metaanalyse, die sich mit der Beziehung zwischen der Optimissmusverzerrung und der wahrgenommenen Kontrolle untersucht hat, fand heraus, dass eine Zahl an Moderatoren dieses Verhältnis beinflussen. In vorangegangenen Studien haben Teilnehmer aus den USA generell ein höheres Level der Optimissmusverzerrung in relation zur wahrgenommenen Kontrolle gezeigt, als Personen anderer Nationalitäten. Auch Studenten haben ein höheres Level der Optimissmusverzerrung gezeigt, als nicht Studenten. Studien in ähnlichen Formaten, haben auch gezeigt, dass direkte Methoden der Bemessung eine größere wahrgenommene Kontrolle und eine größere Optimissmusverzerrung zeigen, als indirekte. Die Optimissmusverzerrung ist an stärksten, in Situationen, in denen sich eine Person sehr stark auf direkte Handlungen bzw. Verantwortungen der Situation verlassen muss.
Information about self versus target
BearbeitenIndividuals know a lot more about themselves than they do about others.[4] Because information about others is less available, information about the self versus others leads people to make specific conclusions about their own risk, but results in them having a harder time making conclusions about the risks of others. This leads to differences in judgments and conclusions about self-risks compared to the risks of others, leading to larger gaps in the optimistic bias.[4]
Person-positivity bias
BearbeitenPerson-positivity bias is the tendency to evaluate an object more favorably the more the object resembles an individual human being. Generally, the more a comparison target resembles a specific person, the more familiar it will be. However, groups of people are considered to be more abstract concepts, which leads to less favorable judgments. With regards to the optimistic bias, when people compare themselves to an average person, whether someone of the same sex or age, the target continues to be viewed as less human and less personified, which will result in less favorable comparisons between the self and others.[4]
Egocentric thinking
Bearbeiten"Egocentric thinking" refers to how individuals know more of their own personal information and risk that they can use to form judgments and make decisions. One difficulty, though, is that people have a large amount of knowledge about themselves, but no knowledge about others. Therefore, when making decisions, people have to use other information available to them, such as population data, in order to learn more about their comparison group.[4] This can relate to an optimism bias because while people are using the available information they have about themselves, they have more difficulty understanding correct information about others.[4]
It is also possible that someone can escape egocentric thinking. In one study, researchers had one group of participants list all factors that influenced their chances of experiencing a variety of events, and then a second group read the list. Those who read the list showed less optimistic bias in their own reports. It's possible that greater knowledge about others and their perceptions of their chances of risk bring the comparison group closer to the participant.[13]
Underestimating average person's control
BearbeitenAlso regarding egocentric thinking, it is possible that individuals underestimate the amount of control the average person has. This is explained in two different ways:
- People underestimate the control that others have in their lives.[13]
- People completely overlook that others have control over their own outcomes.
For example, many smokers believe that they are taking all necessary precautionary measures so that they won't get lung cancer, such as smoking only once a day, or using filtered cigarettes, and believe that others are not taking the same precautionary measures. However, it is likely that many other smokers are doing the same things and taking those same precautions.[4]
Underlying affect
BearbeitenThe last factor of optimistic bias is that of underlying affect and affect experience. Research has found that people show less optimistic bias when experiencing a negative mood, and more optimistic bias when in a positive mood.[9] Sad moods reflect greater memories of negative events, which lead to more negative judgments, while positive moods promote happy memories and more positive feelings.[4] This suggests that overall negative moods, including depression, result in increased personal risk estimates but less optimistic bias overall.[9] Anxiety also leads to less optimistic bias, continuing to suggest that overall positive experiences and positive attitudes lead to more optimistic bias in events.[9]
Health consequences
BearbeitenIn health, the optimistic bias tends to prevent individuals from taking on preventative measures for good health.[19] For example, people who underestimate their comparative risk of heart disease know less about heart disease, and even after reading an article with more information, are still less concerned about risk of heart disease.[11] Because the optimistic bias can be a strong force in decision-making, it is important to look at how risk perception is determined and how this will result in preventative behaviors. Therefore, researchers need to be aware of the optimistic bias and the ways it can prevent people from taking precautionary measures in life choices.
Risk perceptions are particularly important for individual behaviors, such as exercise, diet, and even sunscreen use.[20]
A large portion of risk prevention focuses on adolescents. Especially with health risk perception, adolescence is associated with an increased frequency of risky health-related behaviors such as smoking, drugs, and unsafe sex.[2] While adolescents are aware of the risk, this awareness does not change behavior habits.[21] Adolescents with strong positive optimistic bias toward risky behaviors had an overall increase in the optimistic bias with age.[19]
However, unconditional risk questions in cross-sectional studies are used consistently, leading to problems, as they ask about the likelihood of an action occurring, but does not determine if there is an outcome, or compare events that haven't happened to events that have.[20] many times there are methodological problems in these tests.
Concerning vaccines, perceptions of those who have not been vaccinated are compared to the perceptions of people who have been. Other problems which arise include the failure to know a person's perception of a risk.[20] Knowing this information will be helpful for continued research on optimistic bias and preventative behaviors.
BearbeitenFunctional neuroimaging suggests a key role for the rostral Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) in modulating both emotional processing and autobiographical retrieval. It is part of brain network showing extensive correlation between rostral ACC and amygdala during imagining of future positive events and restricted correlation during imagining of future negative events. Based on these data, it is suggested that the rostral ACC has a crucial part to play in creating positive images of the future and ultimately, in ensuring and maintaining the optimism bias.[1]
Policy, planning, and management
BearbeitenOptimism bias influences decisions and forecasts in policy, planning, and management, e.g., the costs and completion times of planned decisions tend to be underestimated and the benefits overestimated due to optimism bias. The term planning fallacy for this effect was first proposed by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky.[22][23] There is a growing body of evidence proving that optimism bias represents one of the biggest single causes of risk for megaproject overspend.[24]
Valence effect
BearbeitenValence effect is used to allude to the effect of valence on unrealistic optimism.[25] It has been studied by Ron S. Gold and his team since 2003.[26] They frame questions for the same event in different ways: "some participants were given information about the conditions that promote a given health-related event, such as developing heart disease, and were asked to rate the comparative likelihood that they would experience the event. Other participants were given matched information about the conditions that prevent the same event and were asked to rate the comparative likelihood that they would avoid the event". They have generally found that unrealistic optimism was greater for negative than positive valence.
Valence effects, which is also considered a form of cognitive bias,[27][28] have several real-world implications. For instance, it can lead to the overestimation of a company's future earnings by investors and this could contribute to a tendency for it to becoming overpriced.[28] In terms of achieving organizational objectives, it could encourage people to produce unrealistic schedules helping drive a so-called planning fallacy, which often result in making poor decisions and project abandonment.[29]
Attempts to alter and eliminate
BearbeitenStudies have shown that it is very difficult to eliminate the optimistic bias. Some commentators believe that trying to reduce it may encourage people to adapt to health-protective behaviors. However, research has suggested that it cannot be reduced, and that efforts to reduce it tend to lead to even more optimistically biased results.[30] In a research study of four different tests to reduce the optimistic bias, through lists of risk factors, participants perceiving themselves as inferior to others, participants asked to think of high-risk individuals, and giving attributes of why they were at risk, all increased the bias rather than decreased it.[30] Other studies have tried to reduce the bias through reducing distance, but overall it still remains.[15]
This seemingly paradoxical situation – in which an attempt to reduce bias can sometimes actually increase it – may be related to the insight behind the semi-jocular and recursively worded "Hofstadter's law", which states that: Vorlage:Quote
Although research has suggested that it is very difficult to eliminate the bias, some factors may help in closing the gap of the optimistic bias between an individual and their target risk group. First, by placing the comparison group closer to the individual, the optimistic bias can be reduced: studies found that when individuals were asked to make comparisons between themselves and close friends, there was almost no difference in the likelihood of an event occurring.[14] Additionally, actually experiencing an event leads to a decrease in the optimistic bias.[9] While this only applies to events with prior experience, knowing the previously unknown will result in less optimism of it not occurring.
Pessimism bias
BearbeitenThe opposite of optimism bias is pessimism bias (or pessimistic bias), because the principles of the optimistic bias continue to be in effect in situations where individuals regard themselves as worse off than others.[4] Optimism may occur from either a distortion of personal estimates, representing personal optimism, or a distortion for others, representing personal pessimism.[4]
Pessimism bias is an effect in which people exaggerate the likelihood that negative things will happen to them. It contrasts with optimism bias.
People with depression are particularly likely to exhibit pessimism bias.[31][32] Surveys of smokers have found that their ratings of their risk of heart disease showed a small but significant pessimism bias; however, the literature as a whole is inconclusive.[33]
See also
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Bearbeiten- David Rosenhan, Samuel Messick: Affect and expectation. In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 3. Jahrgang, Nr. 1, 1966, S. 38–44, doi:10.1037/h0022633, PMID 5902075 (web.mit.edu ( des vom 24. Mai 2016 im Internet Archive)).
- Taylor, Nigel (2000). Making Actuaries Less Human. Staple Inn Actuarial Society, 15. For picking a card see section 6.2 on page 15.
Further reading
Bearbeiten- Ron S. Gold, Mark G. Brown: Explaining the effect of event valence on unrealistic optimism. In: Psychology, Health & Medicine. 14. Jahrgang, Nr. 3, 2009, S. 262–272, doi:10.1080/13548500802241910, PMID 19444704.
External links
Bearbeiten- "Tali Sharot: The optimism bias", Tali Sharot's talk at TED.com
Bearbeiten- ↑ a b c O’Sullivan, Owen P. (2015). The neural basis of always looking on the bright side. Dialogues in Philosophy, Mental and Neuro Sciences, 8(1):11–15.
- ↑ a b c Tali Sharot: The optimism bias. In: Current Biology. 21. Jahrgang, Nr. 23, 6. Dezember 2011, ISSN 0960-9822, S. R941–R945, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2011.10.030, PMID 22153158 (englisch).
- ↑ a b B. Kuzmanovic, L. Rigoux, K. Vogeley: Brief Report: Reduced Optimism Bias in Self-Referential Belief Updating in High-Functioning Autism. In: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 49. Jahrgang, Nr. 7, 14. Januar 2014, S. 2990–2998, doi:10.1007/s10803-016-2940-0, PMID 27757736 (nih.gov).
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac James A. Shepperd, Patrick Carroll, Jodi Grace, Meredith Terry: Exploring the Causes of Comparative Optimism. In: Psychologica Belgica. 42. Jahrgang, Nr. 1–2, 2002, S. 65–98, doi:10.5334/pb.986 (psych.ufl.edu ( des vom 25. November 2011 im Internet Archive)).
- ↑ a b John Chapin, Grace Coleman: Optimistic Bias: What you Think, What you Know, or Whom you Know? In: North American Journal of Psychology. 11. Jahrgang, Nr. 1, 2009, S. 121–132 (researchgate.net).
- ↑ a b c Neil D. Weinstein, William M. Klein: Unrealistic Optimism: Present and Future. In: Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 15. Jahrgang, Nr. 1, 1996, S. 1–8, doi:10.1521/jscp.1996.15.1.1.
- ↑ a b Elder; Alexander "Trading for a Living; Psychology, Trading Tactics, Money Management" John Wiley & Sons 1993, Intro – sections "Psychology is the Key" & "The Odds are against You", And Part I "Individual Psychology", Section 5 "Fantasy versus Reality" Vorlage:ISBN
- ↑ a b c d e Susana O. Gouveia, Valerie Clarke: Optimistic bias for negative and positive events. In: Health Education. 101. Jahrgang, Nr. 5, 2001, S. 228–234, doi:10.1108/09654280110402080.
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Marie Helweg-Larsen, James A. Shepperd: Do Moderators of the Optimistic Bias Affect Personal or Target Risk Estimates? A Review of the Literature. In: Personality and Social Psychology Review. 5. Jahrgang, Nr. 1, 2001, S. 74–95, doi:10.1207/S15327957PSPR0501_5 (dickinson.edu [PDF]).
- ↑ a b c d e f g Cynthia T. F. Klein, Marie Helweg-Larsen: Perceived Control and the Optimistic Bias: A Meta-analytic Review. In: Psychology and Health. 17. Jahrgang, Nr. 4, 2002, S. 437–446, doi:10.1080/0887044022000004920 (.dickinson.edu ( des vom 10. Oktober 2016 im Internet Archive)).
- ↑ a b c Nathan M. Radcliffe, William M. P. Klein: Dispositional, Unrealistic, and Comparative Optimism: Differential Relations with the Knowledge and Processing of Risk Information and Beliefs about Personal Risk. In: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 28. Jahrgang, Nr. 6, 2002, S. 836–846, doi:10.1177/0146167202289012.
- ↑ Taylor, Nigel, Making Actuaries Less Human: Lessons from Behavioral Finance. The Staple Inn Actuarial Society, 2000-01-18. Last accessed on 2009-03-16.
- ↑ a b c d e Neil D. Weinstein: Unrealistic optimism about future life events. In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 39. Jahrgang, Nr. 5, 1980, S. 806–820, doi:10.1037/0022-3514.39.5.806.
- ↑ a b c Linda S Perloff, Barbara K. Fetzer: Self-other judgments and perceived vulnerability to victimization. In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 50. Jahrgang, Nr. 3, 1986, S. 502–510, doi:10.1037/0022-3514.50.3.502.
- ↑ a b c d P Harris, Wendy Middleton, Richard Joiner: The typical student as an in-group member: eliminating optimistic bias by reducing social distance. In: European Journal of Social Psychology. 30. Jahrgang, Nr. 2, 2000, S. 235–253, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-0992(200003/04)30:2<235::AID-EJSP990>3.0.CO;2-G.
- ↑ F. P McKenna, R. A. Stanier, C. Lewis: Factors underlying illusionary self-assessment of driving skill in males and females. In: Accident Analysis and Prevention. 23. Jahrgang, Nr. 1, 1991, S. 45–52, doi:10.1016/0001-4575(91)90034-3, PMID 2021403.
- ↑ Marie Helweg-Larsen, Pedram Sadeghian, Mary S. Webb: The stigma of being pessimistically biased. In: Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 21. Jahrgang, Nr. 1, 2002, S. 92–107, doi:10.1521/jscp. (dickinson.edu [PDF]).
- ↑ a b c d Peter Harris: Sufficient grounds for optimism?: The relationship between perceived controllability and optimistic bias. In: Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 15. Jahrgang, Nr. 1, 1996, S. 9–52, doi:10.1521/jscp.1996.15.1.9.
- ↑ a b Richard Bränström, Yvonne Brandberg: Health Risk Perception, Optimistic Bias, and Personal Satisfaction. In: American Journal of Health Behavior. 34. Jahrgang, Nr. 2, 2010, S. 197–205, doi:10.5993/ajhb.34.2.7, PMID 19814599.
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